Amnesty: Another Bulldozer of Our Republic Obama Officials, Dems Support Global Socialism Top Ten Health Scandals of 2009 Credibility in Scary Times
One of the latest carts in the long train of abuses of our federal government is the amnesty legislation introduced by Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), entitled, Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity. Of course, former President G.W. Bush (R) and Senator John McCain (R) advocated for similar amnesty legislation that would have had similar effects, jeopardizing the lives of millions of Americans across the States of America (among other things). It is not my intent........
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
Former Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean said on December 8 that “cooperation” between European socialists and the Democratic Party has “intensified significantly” over the last several years and involves “regular contact” at “Congress, Senate, party and foundation levels.” He added that “efforts have been remarkable from both sides.”.......
by Cliff Kincaid
2009 is another bumper crop year for health scandals, an unfortunate trend that shows no signs of improvement. To the contrary, consumers should do everything in their power to stay healthy as the Big Pharma-sponsored medical profession continues to induce millions of serious injuries and hundreds of thousands of deaths per year......
by Byron Richards, CCN
As I stated above, this article is unsigned with no author apparent, just like the e-mail that started the whole buzz about Hardin, Montana. Who is writing and who is putting out these disinformation e-mails, and why they are doing it, is something we need to be asking ourselves. One thing is very apparent, these people are not on our side. It would appear their motive is to muddy the waters regarding the eligibility issue and draw attention away from what is really happening with AKA and his Marxist minions.......
by Lynn Stuter
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
December 29, 2009
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Britannia Radio