The Millennium Barack A Warning to America's Teachers State of the Republic 2009 Strictly Personal In His Grip Hillary Clinton's Agency Issued the Terrorist's Visa Physicians Are Closing Their Offices Muslims in the 21st Century: Start Discriminating For Our Lives
Barack Obama ran his campaign on many issues to “fundamentally change America.” Some of those issues seem to be very lofty goals even if it is not his job to do so or even constitutional, but when has that ever stopped a modern politician. I have been going back over what Obama has done and said since he has entered federal service and among them are these goals.........
by Michael LeMieux
We as teachers cannot afford to sit on the sidelines any longer. It cannot be business-as-usual as we seek to bring enlightenment to our over 100 charges each day, nonchalantly plowing through our benchmarks and state standards. There is something deeply disturbing about our profession, and the time has come to shed light on our role as the mentors of America's youth. Never before in my recollection has there been a youth so out of touch with America's values. This applies to........
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Concern was raised about the lack of business experience among Obama’s Cabinet members when the appointments were made. Most of us were concerned about a Treasury Secretary who didn’t pay his own personal income taxes but was put in charge of making sure we paid ours. Maybe Congress thought it was playing a role in To Catch a Thief? Timothy Geithner is a poor little rich kid who has never been anything other than a bureaucrat – and not a very good one, at that........
by Marilyn Barnewall
Most readers know that I am the pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. My wife, Connie, and I founded this church in 1975 with a total of 6 people attending that very first service. In June of 2010, we will celebrate our 35th anniversary as founding pastor and church. From the very beginning, it was obvious that God had something special for Crossroad. Our very first Easter Sunday saw 255 people gather together to celebrate the........
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
>From time to time, I receive emails suggesting that God has rejected America, that the bloodshed of 50,000,000 innocent souls through abortion and the acts of immorality and abominations has come to its full and therefore, God has cast off our nation......
by William Owens
I have seen reports that indicate that Great Britain had refused issuing a visa to the terror suspect but the United States had no such qualms about providing him with a key to our nation's front door that a visa represents. I would love to know how much time was spent reviewing his visa application and how much effort was made to determine if he was or was not a threat to our nation's security before the visa was issued to him........
by Former INS Agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
NOTE BY ERICA CARLE: The accompanying letter was written by our son, Dr. Carl W. Peter Jr. in response to a Letter to the Editor complaining about the greediness of physicians. Dr. Peter's letter appeared in the Sumter, S.C. paper in January 2003. It seems relevant today when even the President of the United States complains about "greedy physicians.".....
by Erica Carle
In the State of Washington last month, Muslim Maurice Clemmons methodically killed four police officers in cold blood as they sat eating breakfast at a diner. Last month, in Detroit, Michigan, a dozen Islamic immigrants fired on FBI agents as they called for an Islamic State and Sharia Law to be enacted in Michigan. Another Muslim ran over his daughter (for wearing jeans) and killed her in Phoenix, Arizona in November: honor killing. At Fort Hood, a Muslim U.S. soldier, Major Nidal Hasan, killed 13 and wounded 28 Americans in a shooting spree......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Thursday, 31 December 2009
December 31, 2009
December 30, 2009
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Britannia Radio