Wednesday, 9 December 2009

December 9, 2009

America's Last War

Think about it!! How could any red-blooded American promote or enable sharia law? How could any of our neighbors stab us in the back like this? Answer: corruption combined with political correctness. We are reaping the bitter harvest of those insane Viet Nam years of dislocation and hammering away at America's values. Those 60's hippies are now on the boards of education and in our halls of Congress. The decay of our nation is not in some cave in Afghanistan, but right here in our communities and college.........
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren

What Is The U.S. Constitution?

Regardless of your agreement with these truths, the information provided is all based upon the natural law and political discussions of those who formed the foundation of our Republic. The fact that we do not understand them only causes tyranny to tighten its grip on us. Before freedom will ever be restored, government will be limited, and the people will govern themselves, the sovereigns of the states must recognize that the U.S. Constitution is not the answer to our political and societal plight. Rather, it is the principles of freedom that provide the answer. The time has come in America when.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin

The Value of United States Citizenship

A relatively small but nonetheless, important number of those who seek citizenship do so with more nefarious goals in mind. These are the terrorists and criminals who seek to gain easy access to our nation and to the borders of other nations that United States citizenship and the U.S. passport that goes with it that they seek......
by Former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.

What? The 28th Amendment?

There's something new floating around the Internet that caught my eye. Of course, there's always something new floating around the Internet that catches my eye. In this case, it was the 28th Amendment. My first reaction was: Huh? There is no 28th Amendment. That's not to say there haven't been several proposed 28th Amendments since the 27th was ratified on May 7, 1992. But none of them struck a chord with the American people like the latest one. I don't know who wrote it, but we should hire him (or her) to write all of our amendments......
by Jonathan Christian Ryter