....Australia, in particular. Turned on the BBC evening news and caught an item suggesting that this horrendous Climate Change thingy that requires us to pay more tax and subsidise third world kleptocracies is also causing Australians to change their "no worries" lifestyle and retreat from the ocean due to the coastal erosion! Just another little doom and gloom care of our AGW propagandists at the State Broadcaster. Meanwhile. I'm feeling their outrage of the death of "cor blimey" true blue Brit Akmal Shaikh. It's just AWFUL when ...erm...heroin traffickers meet justice, just so bloomin' unfair? Mind you, he was "mentally ill" apparently or so the BBC state as if it were a fact rather than an opinion. Did anyone try watch, as I did, the BBC's new adaptation of John Wyndham'sThe Day of the Triffids? This was one of the favourite books of my childhood, a cracking yarn in the HG Wells disaster tradition, and - more fool me - I was looking forward to it. Guess what? The producers, i.e. the BBC international conspiracists who see AGW as a religion, had tampered with the plot so that it conformed to their worldview. According to these morons, the triffids developed and got out of control because of global warming and because the wicked fossil-fuel oil companies had modified their genes. So, an old-fashioned morality tale about the problems of human nature descended into a zealous brimstone-and-treacle homily about 'climate change' and the horrors of capitalist greed. Brainwashing? John Wyndham, I am sure, will be turning in his grave! I've become increasingly convinced that the BBC is part of an international conspiracy about 'climate change'. It isn't simply that the reporting is so biased; it's also because there seems to be a concerted effort to make sure that whatever so-called sceptics discover, for example over Climategate, the warmists bounce straight back with a new set of warped theories or bent facts to support their arguments. The feed of material is relentless, as if it is coming from an organised source. Over the holidays, I've been doing some digging on this, and I wanted to share one of my first findings. BBC reports that "western forces" have killed at least ten civilians, including eight schoolchildren, during an air strike in eastern part of Afghanistan. This can't be confirmed owing to the presence of Taliban in the area which, I suppose, might just explain the reason for the air strike in the first place. The BBC seems to glide past that minor point in its' desire to paint "western forces" as bloodthirsty child-killers. Know your enemy. So, cor blimey Brit - Akma Shaikh, faces execution by the Chinese for his conviction of 4kg of heroin being found in his possession in the remote north-western city of Urumqi in 2007. I find it curious that the BBC goes on to state that Shaikh will be "the first EU national" to be executed in China. Does the BBC now view us all as "EU nationals" first and foremost?
>> MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009
A BBC journalist called Peter Thomson is not a household name in this country, but he's the environment editor of the BBC programme (made jointly with WGBH Boston and RPI) The World, which on a daily basis pushes out climate scare stories to millions of people. Mr Thomson, it turns out, is also the secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists, a US organisation, the main purpose of which is to spread alarmism through a 'guide' about 'climate change'(masked of course, under the cloak of 'objectivity'). There can be no doubt that this is a campaigining organisation which wants to achieve political change because it believes that the world needs to reduce CO2 emissions.
Mr Thomson's activism does not stop there. He's also a member of the advisory board of the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, yet another international organisation with alarmist goals. It, too, publishes a guideto how journalists should cover 'climate change'; in truly chilling McCarthyite terms, the introduction explains how anyone who disagrees with "the consensus" should be ignored and that journalists should frantically pester editors to publish 'climate change' scare stories.
So, to recap. One of the BBC's most senior editors responsible for environmental reporting has formal roles at the epicentre of a worldwide coinspiracy among 'climate change' alarmists. Not only that, he is assisting in the international propagation of so-called science communication guides, the main purpose of which are to enlist other journalists to spread the same lies in which he also believes. I suspect there's a whole phalanx of Peter Thomsons, all feeding the BBC's insatiable appetite to feed us with moonshine.
Update: Richard North, of EU Referendum, has kindly provided further information about BBC propagandists. Nik Gowing, a prominent - and rather humourless - BBC World Service presenter, has a no-doubt lucrative sideline in chairing 'climate change' conferences convened by the alarmist-in-chief, IPCC head Dr Ravendra Pachauri.ANOTHER WEDDING PARTY?
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
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Britannia Radio