Friday, 4 December 2009

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

EU executive warns over changes to hedge fund law
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Moves to dilute a draft European Union law on regulating hedge fund managers would be a setback to the bloc's single financial market, ...
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Power firms want flexibility on EU air pollution law
The European Commission's original proposal, combining seven existing EU air pollution laws, including the IPPC Directive and the Large Combustion Plants ...
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Equality Bill: EU accused of lobbying during debate
The Christian Institute
An amendment to the Equality Bill to protect the religious liberty of churches was voted down in the House of Commons last night amid accusations of EU ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

The Roma and Sinti Minority in Italy: A Violation of Fundamental ...
By Elena Gaita
Therefore, these measures do not comply with EU law, as they violate Articles 12 and 13 TEC on non-discrimination, Council Directive on EU's citizens freedom of movement and Council Directive on the principle of equal treatment. ...
European Alternatives -
European Commission 'lobbied Parliament' to pass Equality Bill ...
By Archbishop Cranmer
The Commission said: 'exceptions to the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation for religious employers are broader than that permitted by the directive'. ... The Treaty of Lisbon is quite clear: European Union law is superior to and takes precedence over all forms of national law, national authorities are required not only to observe all forms of European Union law; they must also implement and give effect to them in the respective Member ...
ខ្មែរ​ស្រលាញ... -
An amendment to the Equality Bill to protect the religious liberty ...
By webmaster
Sweden, has put together a draft document calling for the division of Jerusalem between Israel and a future Palestinian state and implying that the EU would recognize a unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood. ... the Commission's reasoned opinion which said: “The UK Government has informed the Commission that the new Equality Bill currently under discussion before the UK Parliament will amend this aspect of the law and bring UK law into line with the Directive. ...
eChurchWebsites Christian Blog... -
VirtueOnline - News - Viewpoints - Jefferts Schori's E-Word*Mass ...
You cannot have one law for the Medes and another for the Persians, or, in Episcopal terms you cannot have one set of canons for orthodox bishops like Ackerman and another set for liberals like MacDonald. Now VOL is glad that a liberal like .... The National Secular Society had argued that the exemptions went further than was permitted under an EU directive and created "illegal discrimination against homosexuals," the Observer reports. ***** CANADA. Anglican Orphans. ...
VirtueOnline -

Sarkozy's outburst
Financial Times
Forget serious reform of the common agricultural policy. The problem with Sarkozy's outburst was it reminded everyone, just as the Lisbon treaty came into ...
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EUROPA - Press Releases - EU-Ukraine Summit on 4th December in Kyiv
The leaders will welcome continuing progress in EU–Ukraine relations while underlining the need for Ukraine to give fresh impetus to its reform efforts. The implementation of the Eastern Partnership and cooperation in sectors as diverse ... an opportunity to review internal developments in Ukraine and the EU including in Ukraine's case, preparations for Presidential elections in January 2010 and, for the EU, the implications of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. ...
Turkey is part of the solution, not of the problem, says its EU ...
Asked by Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (ALDE, DE) when Turkey will achieve a breakthrough on constitutional reform, Mr Bağış replied "because 2010 will be a year without elections in Turkey, the government will try to reach a consensus ... With the Lisbon Treaty, in force as of 1 December 2009, the European Parliament has important new lawmaking powers. Virtually all EU legislation is now decided by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers together - including ...
Service de Presse du Parlement européen -
“Ukraine fatigue” vs “EU fatigue” « Neighbourhood
By Nicu Popescu
It might seem that EU-Ukraine relations are poised for a new start. The end of EU's institutional crisis and the entry into force of Lisbon opens the way for the EU to move beyond its institutional reform into a great new era of ... Then they changed the arguments … by invoking the non-ratification of the new EU treaty and problems with French, Dutch and then Irish voters… Today they have another excuse: Ukraine is in such a terrible mess, get your house in order and then ...
Neighbourhood -
German Marshall Fund Blog » Blog Archive » Russia's proposal for a ...
By Dan Fata
For example, since becoming members of the EU and NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have become more stable, democratic neighbors. The signing of a border treaty between Latvia and Russia in May 2007 and the visit seven months later ... After all, the Georgia-Russia crisis exposed weaknesses in NATO, the EU, and the OSCE. However, the solution is not to scrap these organizations but to reform them. The efforts by a group of experts led by former U.S. Secretary of State ...
German Marshall Fund Blog -
Gateway to the ALR: Paving Over our Local Farmland « Environmental ...
By kaelinc
Incompleted, Illiberal and Expensive: A Review of 15 Years of Treaty Negotiations in BC and Proposals for Reform. Studies in Aboriginal Policy. Fraser Institute: Vancouver. Owens, Cameron 2009. Challenges in Evaluating Livability in ...
Environmental Communications -