Tuesday 8 December 2009


Swiss anti-Islam vote draws protests from Jews and Christians

Poster in Zurich backing the referendum banning the construction of mosque minarets that won handily in Switzerland.
Poster in Zurich backing the referendum banning the construction of mosque minarets that won handily in Switzerland. (Rytc / Creative Commons)
Jewish organizations have joined Muslims, the Vatican and other groups in warning that a Swiss referendum banning the construction of mosque minarets could fuel hatred, jeopardize religious freedom and further polarize an already divided society.Read more »

Settlers step up protests, but Netanyahu politically strong

Jewish settlers are planning widespread protests and demonstrations, including blocking roads in Israel proper, with the aim of delegitimizing the government's decision to accept a 10-month settlement freeze. But if the settlers are perceived as too extreme, their actions could actually hurt their public standing. Read more »


Could Iran sanctions backfire? (Politico, Washington Post)

Politico's Laura Rozen summarizes David Ignatius of The Washington Post and veteran National Security Council Iran hand Gary Sick on what could wrong with new Iran sanctions.

Going back to Reform Judaism (Forward)

Professor Jacob Neusner explains why he is returning to the Reform fold after a decades-long stop in the Conservative camp.

Kristallnacht, Israel and the war against Christmas (N.Y. Post, Ynet)

Columnist Andrea Peyser says lawyers are to the Christmas season what Nazis are to Kristallnacht (JTA's Ami Eden thinks she's been drinking too much egg nog). Over in Israel, it is religious Jews who are battling to put a kibosh on Christmas symbols.

Jewish hoops in Houston (Jewish Herald-Voice)

Two Jewish schools face off in b-ball rivalry.


European Union foreign ministers called for negotiations over the status of Jerusalem as a capital for two states.
Israel's justice minister reportedly called for basing the country's judicial system on Torah laws.
The Israeli version of "Big Brother" was an easy TV ratings winner in Israel over a film about Gilad Shalit's family trying to secure his release.
A Palestinian grocer is suing actor Sacha Baron Cohen for $115 million over his portrayal in "Bruno."
A former Jewish studies teacher was remanded to custody while awaiting sentencing for his participation in a global child porn ring.
B'nai B'rith International's new president said he will focus on getting the group's message to a wider audience.
A wanted Islamic Jihad operative was arrested in Israel.
Edward Sanders, a national Jewish leader who played a key role in the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty as senior Middle East adviser to President Jimmy Carter, has died.
Otto Graf Lambsdorff, a chief architect of Germany's landmark slave labor compensation agreement, has died.
A U.S. citizen of Pakistan origin was charged with helping to plan last year's attack on several Mumbai sites, including the local Chabad center.
An activist in Puerto Rico called for a boycott of local Jewish businesses, saying a primate-breeding facility approved for construction there is one of many "Jewish economic interests."
Three Palestinians have died with the swine flu in three days.
Political and civic leaders largely turn a blind eye to flourishing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in Egypt, a new report said.