The BBC reports that the Dear Leader has said technology such as crime maps and online school reports will cut bureaucracy, as Labour attempts to halve the Budget deficit.; Ahead of Wednesday's pre-Budget report, the PM said "efficiency savings" would help to save £12bn over four years - £3bn more than planned in the Budget. Great news. I suppose one might pause to wonder how £12bn worth of theoretical "efficiency savings" over four years is going to resolve public sector net debt of £804bn but obviously the BBC does not concern itself with such economic trivia. No, Gordon is in control and offering us clear red water between his kindly "efficiency savings" and the wicked Tories cuts. Vote Labour, you know it makes (non) sense. Well, The Guardian along with 55 other newspaper titles in 45 countries may declare that we have "14 days to seal history's verdict on this generation" as regards the gathering of the AGW cultists in not so wonderful Copenhagen, but hey, the BBC is doing the best it can for "the cause" today. Did anyone else catch "Today" this morning? Check out the totally unbiased headline "A Deal consistent with the Science" Also did you hear Ed Miliband being interviewed? It seems that those who aren't on board the fake science of the cult are indeed to be henceforth reviled as "flat-earthers." I particularly liked the way in which the totally impartial at all times BBC commissioned its own poll to show that 75% of people around the globe are "seriously concerned" with Climate Change. I suppose that helps offset the recent poll that almost half the UK population do not buy into the AGW hysteria being peddled day in day out by the BBC. The BBC also intoned that "hopes were rising" that there will be a binding deal at Copenhagen. Whose hopes? Not mine, and I suspect there will be many other people watching this UN-controlled circus anxious that no deal is agreed. It seems to me that the BBC is a key global cheer-leader for what is now happening at Copenhagen and the next two weeks will see it bring all of it's media force - care of OUR cash -to bear on the advancement of the AGW watermelon agenda. Even the BBC's coverage of bias is biased when it comes to the climate change debate. This, posted today, is the BBC's attempt to create "balance" in the debate about AGW. I haven't the time now to go into detail about why this is a blatant, pathetic whitewash. I am sure others will in due course. But how about for starters, the words devoted to the AGW case are far more than those on the "sceptic" side? Why are the "sceptic" points so crudely put? And why are the vast majority of linked sites pro-AGW? Dozens of climate realist sites are missed out, including Bishop Hill and Harmless Sky - those that have done most to expose the gross BBC bias.
>> SUNDAY, DECEMBER 06, 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio