Friday, 18 December 2009

The First Post Daily Email

The First Post

Those CRU emails exposeCopenhagen as a farce

The facts are: ice coverage is unchanged while global temperatures are falling

Fugitive 'nose doctor' Mark Weinberger found in Alps

US doctor who disappeared facing malpractice suits hid in a tent on Mont Blanc

Keira on stage: more than a pretty face - just

Keira Knightley gets mauled by the Mail - but others are kinder about The Misanthrope

Deutsche bank to 'spread'UK bonus tax worldwide

Unfair to treat UK bankers differently, says CEO as other banks consider same thing

Judge rules British Airways strike illegal

Some BA crew will be secretly relieved as they 'did not expect such drastic action' over Christmas

Schwarzenegger and Palin face off over climate change

Palin calls Schwarzenegger 'greener than thou' after Arnie questions her motives

Avatar: A feast for the eyes - but not for the mind

Film of the Week: Spectacular 3D special effects, but the dialogue is distinctly one dimensional