Friday, December 25, 2009
china confidential
US Consulate Car Tries to Kill Israeli Guard
A U.S. Consulate car that may have been carrying a suspicious Palestinian without diplomatic credentials tried to run over an Israeli security guard in Jerusalem. Click hereand here for the story.
The Obama administration is anti-Israel to the core. Whereas previous administrations saw the Jewish State as a strategic asset, the Obama administration sees it as a liability, or, in line with left-wing European thinking, a mistake that needs to be erased through a piece-by-piece peace settlement, step-by-step dismantling, or outright annihilation.Muslim Terrorist Tries to Blow up US Airliner
Merry Christmas! It's Cold Outside Across Much of America, and the Cooling Will Continue for 50 Years
A new study by a respected physicist further debunks the myth of manmade, carbon-caused global warming. The Earth stopped warming and started cooling a while ago, the study says, and will continue to cool for the next half-century. Click here for the story and analysis from iBD.The Case for Bombing Iran Now
US State Department: Iran Resembles Police State
It took three decades, but the U.S. State Department appears to be waking up to the clerical fascist reality of Islamist Iran.
A U.S. State Department official told reporters on Wednesday that "Iran is increasingly showing itself to be a police state" in its harsh treatment of opposition protesters. Department Spokesman P.J. Crowley said Iran is using its security forces to try to "stamp out" the "aspirations of the Iranian people."
Iranian security forces armed with tear gas and batons clashed with supporters of the late dissident cleric, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, on Wednesday as they rallied in central Iran.
Iranian police official Esmail Ahmedi-Moghadam said the opposition must "stop its illegal activities" or police would stop them.
When asked about the clashes, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Britain's Channel 4 News that "the law prevails" and must be observed and respected during protests in Iran.
In the interview broadcast Wednesday, Ahmadinejad also said the people of Iran are united and determined to protect their rights, interests and independence.
Wednesday's clashes took place at gatherings in memory of Ayatollah Montazeri in Isfahan and his birthplace of Najafabad.
Opposition sources say security forces in Isfahan arrested more than 50 demonstrators and injured many others. Amateur video appears to confirm the accounts of violence.
Iran has banned foreign media from covering protests directly.
Montazeri died Sunday in Qom at the age of 87. He was considered a spiritual patron of Iran's reformist movement and a strong critic of the nation's conservative clerical establishment.
Hundreds of thousands of mourners joined a funeral procession for the ayatollah in Qom Monday that evolved into a major anti-government protest.
Regime stooges and supporters in Qom staged a smaller counter-demonstration on Tuesday.There is No Substitute for Fossil Fuels
Earlier this year, Congress approved a scheme to pour $80 billion — on top of the tens of billions already spent — into renewables. A government report released last week indicates the money will be wasted.
Renewable energy is the shiny gem that everyone wants but no one can have. Not even a president. Campaigning last year in Lansing, Mich., President Barack Obama said that it was his goal for the U.S. to generate 10% of its electric power from renewable sources by 2012 and 25% by 2025. But he cannot, by the force of will or executive order, change the laws of physics and economics.
Continue here.
China knows there is no substitute for fossil fuels. That's why rising China, unlike falling-down America, is hunting and locking up preferential access to traditional energy resources (and other natural resources) around the globe. The windmills and the solar panels and all that--just a show.Tuesday, December 22, 2009
China Investing Billions of Dollars in High-Speed Rail
Western "experts" are questioning rising China's huge investment in high-speed rail--nearly $300 billion--as reported here.
Chinese leaders couldn't care less about that--and they're right. The Westerners are motivated by jealousy or greed--investment bankers pushing other sorts of ventures.
In falling-down America, meanwhile, the passenger rail network is a joke, a shadow of what it once was, and densely populated areas are lucky to have electrified rail.
Many rural American areas don't even have industrial-grade electric power, capable of supporting factories and light manufacturing, and high-speed Internet access.
In contrast with China, America has lost its ability to think and act big.US Business Executives Foolishly Visit N. Korea
Islamist Rule Somalia
Al Qaeda-connected Islamist terrorists--the same who back the pirates--control nearly all of Somalia. Click here for the story.China Focusing on Venezuelan Heavy Oil
While the United States and the idiotic European Union rant and rave about "fossil fuels," rising China is intelligently pursuing Venezuela's vast heavy oil resources, as reported here.
Washington's decades-old neglect of heavy oil in general and Venezuelan heavy oil in particular is inexcusable. During the first energy crisis, the Carter administration could have crated a Western Hemisphere energy alliance, which would have united Canada, the U.S., and South America--especially Venezuela--in an effort to extract and refine heavy crude and tar sands to an extent that would have made OPEC irrelevant.Book Says Bin Laden Nearly Killed Bill Clinton
North Korea and Russian Rogues Arming Iran
Ahmadinejad Dismisses Obama Deadline
Iran Wargame Outcome Bad for Israel
Saturday, 26 December 2009
A Nigerian Muslim terrorist, who claims to be connected to Al Qaeda, tried to blow up a US airliner on Christmas day. Naturally, the politically correct New York Times refers to the monster as an "extremist." Click here for the Times piece, and here for the Reuters report.
Click here for a well written and well reasoned argument for bombing Iran's nuclear sites sooner rather than later.
IBD nails it:
The Obama administration is reduced to using business executives as messengers. Clickhere for the story.
A new book claims Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden almost assassinated President Clinton. Click here for the shocking story.
A story rife with international intrigue. Click here.
Iran's Islamonazi leader is defiant. Click here for the news.
Israel was sidelined and "muzzled" in an Israeli institute's wargame in which retired officials played the roles of Obama and Netanyahu. Click here for the story, an exclusive from Reuters.
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Britannia Radio