Here is your Crux PM update:
China gold demand soaring even more than you thought
Insiders recommend increasing state holdings as much as 848%...
West Point grad speaks out on Obama war plan
"There are a hell of a lot of Taliban who think that God’s will is for humankind to live in a misogynist theocracy…"
An interesting take on Tiger Woods
The story you haven't heard...
Must read: The big factor that guarantees higher gold prices
The government's ONLY choice is to let the dollar get killed...
Scientist calls nation's biggest solar plant a toy
Numbers are being manipulated to overstate capacity and understate cost.
Brilliant Forbes advisor Steve Hanke: Bonds are risky as Fed creates inflation "time bomb"
Recommends alternatives for income investors...
Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, The Daily Crux
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio