HOW DAVID ICKE (AND NEW MOVIE) HAS MAINSTREAM MEDIA IN A PANIC. A NEWS STORY IN TEN PARTS. To READ this article with original graphics, please click the following link: Part 2/10 "How To Survive The Death Of The Dollar" "I've been involved with journalism for a long time. Recently, I was allowed to screen an advance copy of "The Fall of America and the Western World" featuring David Icke, Alex Jones and many more. The last time something changed my world view to this degree dates back to the United States Banana Republic days of the 60s. Remember, I'm an old-school, jaded journalist and yet this movie delivered an epiphany: this is the story of the decade. "If you read the first part of this series, then you are up to speed on how and why it got spiked. You also will know that I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I am going ahead with the story as written; all ten parts in their complete, uncensored, unfiltered, non-redacted form. I would like to thank Mr. Icke for allowing me to interview him as part of this story, and for his help in getting the story to you. "I sincerely hope that I can convey the story well enough to convince you to get the film and watch it. I hope you tell your friends about it. But most of all, I hope you will join me in some participatory journalism. If you agree with me that "The Fall of America and the Western World" is a story that must be told, please email my editor and let him know why you think this story needs to be published. Together we just might be able to make a difference, and get the story into mainstream media where it will do the most good. "At the end of each part in this series, I will offer an observation. Reasons why you need to watch "The Fall of America and the Western World" yourself. More on Jimmie Rivers can be found at the conclusion of this part of the story. "Enough preamble. Here's the second part of the story." Jimmie Rivers To understand the current economic meltdown that is driving the dollar into the ground, you must first understand the Federal Reserve System. Created in 1913, by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, as a response to a series of financial panics and bank runs in the early 1900's, the Federal Reserve is one of the least known major players in the United States economy. Our ignorance is their bliss. 1907 Financial Panic 1913 The Reserve System Created 1929 Great Depression 1933 Executive Order outlaws owning gold 1934 Gold Reserve Act freezes gold at $35 per ounce 1971 United States abandons gold standard 1974 U.S. citizens allowed to own gold 2009 Gold exceeds $1100 per ounce THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FED Excerpt from "The Fall of America and the Western World" "When you cut through all the debate and all of the research, you come to the startling realization that the Federal Reserve System is a cartel...It happens to be a banking cartel. And that means it is private." G. Edward Griffin Essentially, we've allowed a few privately owned banks (the Federal Reserve System) to control the U.S. economy. A sheep ripe for fleecing. Prior to 1971, there was a least of semblance of restraint placed upon the U.S. monetary supply as the dollar was pegged to the value of gold. With nothing left to hold down the value of the dollar, a free-for-all began. Need to fund a war? No problem, just print more greenbacks. Need to buy more imports? No problem, the printing presses have lots of capacity. The banks screwed up and are broke? No problem, just print enough money to bail them out. MAKING MONEY THE OLD FASHIONED WAY—BY PRINTING IT Excerpt from "The Fall of America and the Western World" "We have a cartel which has been given the power to create the nation's money." G. Edward Griffin Like a desperate gambler in Vegas trading markers for chips, the Treasury at the behest of the Fed is printing fiat money (dollars) to pay the U.S. debt. This is not a new development. It has been going on for decades. The day of reckoning is drawing close. The foreign investors who have been funding our reckless spending (backed by newly printed, fiat dollars) are beginning to question for the first time in history whether we have a viable economy. But there still stuck with the dilemma of what to do with all those dollars. There is only one answer to their dilemma. Sooner rather than later they're going to be sending them back to our shores because nobody else is going to take them. And as demand for U.S. dollars continues to fall, so too will their value. The consequences to you and your loved ones will be catastrophic. TO DO NOTHING IS TO RISK EVERYTHING There are ways to survive the coming collapse of the dollar. There is one truism in life, the rich get richer. This applies more so to the Power Elite which count among their members, the Federal Reserve. If you understand the real money game, as it's played by the Power Elite, you can adapt survival strategies that will work. "The Fall of America and the Western World" contains over 150 actionable tips to help you make it through the financial Armageddon that's around the corner. WHY INFLATION AND INTEREST RATES ARE GOING TO SKYROCKET Excerpt from "The Fall of America and the Western World" "Over the last fifteen years our main export has been dollars which are unbacked liabilities of the U.S. government. And these dollars are going to start flowing back into the U.S. and inflation is going to explode in this country. Interest rates are going to go through the ceiling. It's going to be devastating for the average American." Doug Casey "The Fall of America and the Western World" is the most up-to-date, comprehensive survival guide available. The nine disc DVD box set contains information and advice, from some of the best thinkers of our time, to help you prepare and live through the Greater Depression that's just around the corner. It contains not only financial and investment strategies, but advice on how to protect yourself from the possibilities of the police state, mob rule, martial law, barbarians at the gate and more. All of the guests featured in this box set offer candid perspectives on why America and The Western World is headed for collapse and what we can do to protect ourselves from the forthcoming devastation before it's too late. The guests were chosen because they offered the most bi-partisan, no nonsense, non-biased, and intelligent perspectives on the State of the Union. "The elite few have controlled the wealth of the world and created busts and boons at will." David Icke The guest lineup for "The Fall of America and the Western World" is: David Icke; G. Edward Griffin; Doug Casey; Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; Professor Mark Crispin Miller; Joseph Farah; Naomi Wolf; Alex Jones; Mickey Z; David McAlvany; Doug McIntyre; and Ken Klein. ### Jimmie Rivers is the pen name of an Emmy nominated, former CBS News director in a top 20 market. Mr. Rivers also served as publisher of an investigative journal with its state's largest paid circulation. For several years he worked for one of the nation's highest profile advertising agencies. His work, under his real name, has been seen in many mainstream publications over the years. "Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing several of the participants in "The Fall of America and the Western World" including Mr. David Icke. From these conversations, as well as a thorough screening of an advanced copy of "The Fall of America and the Western World" DVD, I found myself fascinated, troubled and thoroughly frightened." "As the media gets muzzled (think the recent exit of Lou Dobbs) and further polarized, it has become more and more difficult to get stories like this, the very stories the public needs to have access to, published in the mainstream media. My editor has told me I've gone too far this time, that no mainstream publication would consider running this story as is. I happen to disagree. "To that end, last week I asked that you email my editor if you believed, as do I, that this is a story that must be published. For those of you who participated, I thank you. While we're a long way from convincing my editor to run with the story, I can honestly say that after talking with him this week that the battle is not over. For those of you who are sitting on the fence, I ask that you get involved...truly you can make a difference." Jimmie Rivers Don't miss next week's installment: "The Recession Is Far From Over," part 3/10 of Jimmie River's write-up of "The Fall of America and the Western World".
A write-up in ten parts on "The Fall of America and the Western World"
November, 2009 - Jimmie Rivers
Thursday, 24 December 2009
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Britannia Radio