If Climategate Is No Big Deal, Why Are Questions About It Met With An Armed Response?
The boilerplate response on behalf of the guardians of the global warming scam is to claim that the climategate scandal holds no significance whatsoever. If warmists really are that laid back over the whole controversy then why are questions about it by accredited journalists met with an armed response from UN thugs?
• Is Blair trying to cash in on climate change?: Ex-PM arrives at summit to urge greenhouse gas deal
• Climategate: the video everyone should see
• What would a Greenpeace supporter know?
• The Left Fell into the Climate Morass
• Tide is turning on climate change
• Shock Video: Skeptical Scientist Has Apparent Heart Attack During Live UN Climate Debate
• Wired Talks to Sociologist about ‘Climate Change Denial’
• Lots of new cold and snow records in the USA this past week
Monday, 14 December 2009
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Britannia Radio