Impeach Nazi Reid For Crimes Against Humanity! 'Not only did Harry Reid jam through the Senate a Hitler-like health-care bill with its IMAC/IMAB death panels modeled on Hitler's "T4" genocide program of 1939. Not only did he jam it through, while keeping secret the Hitlerite "for all eternity to come" clauses, SIX of them, which would unconstitutionally prevent any future Senate or House of Representatives from ever challenging IMAC. (In correspondence below, Lyndon LaRouche shows that those "for all eternity to come" clauses are identical to clauses in the Lisbon Treaty through which the British Empire intends to keep continental Europe in colonial servitude "for all eternity to come.") Not only did Reid do all this; he did much, much worse. We just learned Monday evening that no one else but HARRY REID is the AUTHOR of those six "for all eternity to come" clauses.'
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
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Britannia Radio