John starts the show with a boralogue examining the reasons people are currently upset with government. It seems to boil down to the fact that Americans are weary of having politicians and bureaucrats lie to them.
When a paradigm collapses, those endorsing it become downright shrill in trying to defend what becomes increasingly indefensible. We're revisiting the evolving global warming scandal this week, because it is instructive watching the dynamics of a collapsing paradigm, a lesson applicable to everything from economy to healthcare. Skeptical scientist Dr. Tim Ball ( joins us for this segment.
One consistently and completely failed promise of government for 30 years has been reforming education to make us competitive in the 21st Century. However, individual charter schools are actually achieving these goals by using seasoned professionals from the real business world to teach and locking certified teachers out. Bob Compton's new documentary "The 21st Century Solution" ( details this.
Timothy Francis Ball is a global warming skeptic. He heads the Natural Resources Stewardship Project and is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Friends of Science, an organization skeptical of human-caused global warming.[1] Ball has a B.A. degree from the University of Winnipeg, an M.A. degree from the University of Manitoba in 1970 in Geography[2], and a in climatology[3] from the University of London, England in 1983, writing a thesis analyzing historical weather records from Canada's north.[4] Ball taught geography at the University of Winnipeg from 1973 to 1996, starting as a Sessional Lecturer and retiring as a Professor.[5] Ball was featured in The Great Global Warming Swindle, a documentary film produced by Martin Durkin that was first aired in March 2007. The film showcased scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming. In the film, Ball was misattributed as a professor in the Department of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg (the University of Winnipeg has never had a Department of Climatology and Ball retired more than ten years before the show aired).[6] Since then, he has also appeared numerous times on the Glenn Beck Show, with a role in the special, "Exposed: Climate of Fear."Timothy F. Ball
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