Expenses reflect Lords workload Thursday, 10th December 2009 UKIP Leader Lord Pearson has defended claims about his expenses, pointing out they cover just a fraction of the true cost of his work in the House of Lords and with the Global Britain think tank. More Lord Monckton on climate change Thursday, 10th December 2009 Leading climate change sceptic Lord Monckton has been reinforcing his position at the United Nations' Copenhagen Summit all week. More Thursday, 10th December 2009 Viscount Monckton, better known as Christopher Monckton, the journalist and author has today joined the UK Independence Party. More Thursday, 10th December 2009 Viscount Monckton, better known as Christopher Monckton, the journalist and author has today joined the UK Independence Party. At a press conference in Copenhagen he said: "For some years I have been concerned that the democracy into which I was born has become a bureaucratic centralist state run by commissars who we, the people, do not elect, cannot question, cannot hold to account, cannot remove and cannot replace. "Moreover, due to our membership of the European Union, most of the laws we cannot now rescind. "He was Margaret Thatcher's Special Adviser in Downing Street on a number of areas, including science. He is now perhaps the world's leading expert on the case against Man-made Global Warming, and as such is a household name in the United States and elsewhere. "To have another heavyweight join us at this time shows how the party is continuing to grow".Latest News Monckton joins UKIP
"People, through their elected politicians no longer have the right to propose law or decide on legislation and its amendments. Everything is now merely subject to the agreement of the unelected bureaucrats.
"No other party except the UK Independence Party believes that Britain should remain a self governing country. I have long been a friend and admirer of Lord Pearson of Rannoch. Now that he has become the leader of UKIP, the nation will take our party very seriously indeed."
UKIP Leader Malcolm Pearson said, "I am delighted that Lord Monckton has accepted my invitation to join UKIP as our chief spokesman on Climate Change.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
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Britannia Radio