Monday, December 07, 2009
china confidential
American Muslim Linked to Mumbai Massacre
Islamist Takeover of Europe Looms; America Next?
Saudi Student Stabs Jewish Professor to Death
The victim was a convert to Judaism, a retired professor and a peace activist, a man known for his kindness and universal outlook. The murderer: a Saudi graduate student.
Police and liberal media were quick to dismiss "religion" as a motive.
Click here for the sickening story.Obama Pleading With Turkey for Help With Iran
The appeaser-in-chief is reduced to begging Turkey's crypto-Islamist leader for help in influencing Iran to make a deal on nuclear arms development. Click here for the news.
No good will come from this effort. Turkey, thanks to Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy, is embracing Iran and Islamizing at an alarming pace. Although Obama has backed burqas and veils and EU membership for Turkey--and his administration has signaled the Turkish military to stand down and allow the destruction of the country's secular system--Ankara has no leverage over Tehran.China Resisting Pressure to Lift Value of Yuan
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Will Obama Blame Israel for Iranian Nukes?
They won't admit it publicly, but many Israeli leaders fear they will eventually be blamed for Iran's refusal to abandon its atomic arms program.
China Confidential analysts agree. The Obama administration will turn on Israel ... viciously ... in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the Jewish State from attacking Iran, the analysts predict.
Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal will be targeted, they add, as the administration and "the Muslim world" with which the administration seeks to align escalate political and propaganda efforts aimed at stripping Israel of the only real deterrent it has against annihilation.
POSTSCRIPT: Click here for a piece on the Obama administration's coming break with Israel.A Black Pastor On Obama's Anti-Israel Policy
Obama clearly has Muslim sensibilities. He sees the world and Israel from a Muslim perspective. His construct of “The Muslim World” is unique in modern diplomacy. It is said that only The Muslim Brotherhood and other radical elements of the religion use that concept. It is a call to unify Muslims around the world. It is rather odd to hear an American President use it. In doing so he reveals more about his thinking than he intends. The dramatic policy reversal of joining the unrelentingly ant-Semitic, anti-Israel and pro-Islamic UN Human Rights Council is in keeping with the President’s truest albeit undeclared sensibilities.
Click here to read the entire essay.Obamanation: Exactly 68 Years After Pearl Harbor, US Navy Will Court Martial Heroic Navy SEALs for Allegedly Punching a Captured Al Qaeda Killer
On Monday, December 7, three U.S. Navy SEALs are scheduled to be arraigned in a court-martial, for the alleged "crime" of ... punching ... an Al Qaeda terrorist in the face when taking him into custody in September. Click here for the sickening story.
The monster they allegedly hit, Ahmed Hashim Abed, was the mastermind of the terrorist attack on four Blackwater USA security guards who were ambushed while transporting catering supplies in Fallujah, Iraq, and then killed by gunfire and grenades. Their bodies were then burned and dragged through the city. Two of the mutilated bodies were hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River for the press to photograph.
The Navy's persecution of the heroic SEALs could not happen without the Obama administration's approval. Seeing himself as the de facto leader of "the Muslim world," in competition with Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, U.S. President Barack Obama is bent on downgrading the war against Islamist terror to the level of an international law enforcement challenge. Hence, the administration's decision to bring Al Qaeda war criminals captured abroad to New York for a civilian court trial and Obama's refusal to condemn the Fort Hood massacre of defenseless U.S. soldiers by the traitor U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, a pro-Al Qaeda Muslim fanatic, and possible Al Qaeda-controlled assassin, as an Islamist terrorist attack.
UPDATE: There is speculation that Obama ordered the persecution of the SEALs as a reprisal for the shooting of Islamist pirates and rescue of an American cargo captain. Clickhere for the coverage. China Confidential--click here--was one of the first media outlets to make the case that the rescue at sea occurred in spite of and not because of Obama, regardless of his attempts to claim credit for the mission.
At the rate things are going, every member of the U.S. armed forces sent into combat will soon have to have a criminal lawyer on retainer. And it is only a matter of time before the administration and its supporters find "reconcilable" factions of Al Qaeda. Iran's Top Turbaned Tyrant Lashes Out at US
So much for engagement (appeasement)....
A day before students are expected to hold peaceful demonstrations on university campuses across Iran, the country's Supreme (clerical fascist) Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the United States and other Western countries of stirring up trouble inside Iran.
Both the Iranian government and student opposition activists are gearing up for what many are expecting will be a large turnout of demonstrators, Monday, on university campuses across the country.
December 7 is known as "national students' day" in Iran, marking the anniversary of the 1953 slaying of three students by security forces, following a successful revolt earlier that year against pro-Soviet Prime Minister Mohammed Mosadegh.
Hundreds of students have received threatening emails, warning them not to participate in Monday's demonstrations. Basij militia members--the Islamonazi regime's storm troopers--have been deployed in large numbers on campuses across the country.
There Will Be Blood
There will be blood, Iranian sources say, because the Islamonazi regime is bent on crushing dissent, no matter how peaceful.
Internet connection speeds in Iran are suddenly extremely slow, as the government again tries to hamper communications between Iranians and the outside world. Foreign media have also been warned not to cover Monday's rallies.
Khamenei blamed the propaganda of "arrogant nations" for conflict inside Iran.
Khamenei also used extremely virulent language against the United States and Britain, calling them Iran's top enemies.
Americans are at the top of Iran's list of enemies, he said, and the British are the most dreadful of those enemies. He also accused the U.S. and other nations of trying to isolate Iran for the last 30 years.
In related news, security forces reportedly arrested a number of women protesters at a Tehran park, who meet regularly to protest their children's detention in government prisons--a grave development given the regime's horrific record of mass torture and rape.
Monday, 7 December 2009
A Chicago Muslim was involved in the Mumbai masssacre, prosecutors say. Click here for the story.
Click here for one analysis. More important, be sure to click on the videos below.
The global economic recovery will be hurt if China gives into international pressure to raise the value of the yuan relative to other currencies, according to a Chinese government think tank. Click here for the report.
Bishop E. W. Jackson Sr. writes:
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Britannia Radio