Monday, December 07, 2009
Israelis Shocked by Persecution of SEALS
Israelis are shocked by the U.S. Navy's insane persecution of Navy SEALS for allegedly ... punching ... a top terrorist monster in Iraq following his capture.
1. In Israel the terrorist would most likely have been shot to death, and the commandos would have been honored with medals.
2. Had the terrorist been taken alive for some reason, he would rightly have been treated roughly if the situation called for such treatment.
Not one mainstream media outlet has challenged the very idea that a member of the armed forces could be brought up on charges for ... punching ... a terrorist.
So it goes in brain dead America. SEALS are accused and arraigned while enemy combatant terrorists ... whomurder and mutilate Americans ... are given the rights and privileges of American citizens, as shown by the Obama administration's disgusting decision to bring the mass-murdering 9/11 mastermind to New York City for a civilian court trial.
Israelis have the utmost respect for SEALS. Shayetet 13 is the Israeli naval commando equivalent--an elite special forces unit that was originally designated and trained to perform naval raids and underwater commando operations. Nowadays, S-13 is also an elite counter-terror unit that specializes in covert operations deep within enemy territory, combining assault by sea, land and air.Saudis Split With Obama Over Climategate
The Saudi monarch, to whom he has bowed, is calling for a full-blown Climategate investigation. Click below for the video.Terrorism Returns to Greece
Mainstream Media Ignore Climategate Scandal
As the conspiracy to cripple capitalism moves into high gear in Copenhagen, the liberal mainstream media ignore the global warming mongers' manipulation of data--Climategate. Click here for the story.
The globe stopped warming more than 10 years ago and has actually started cooling; and the notion that whatever warming may have occurred was manmade is far from proven. But that won't stop or slow down the push to brand carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant. The "carbon" menace sets the stage for unprecedented taxation, regulation and control of private industry; choking off the energy supply, which is the lifeblood of a nation; and, most important, perhaps, the minting of money from the trading of carbon credits--a potential trillion-dollar market in the United States. Having run out of hot stocks and derivatives to sell, the Obama administration's Wall Street cronies are in desperate need of something new. Hot air, literally, is their ticket to new wealth creation ... in the name of "saving the planet."
An added benefit, in administration eyes: sky-high energy prices will crush suburban and rural America. The Obammunists won't be satisfied until everyone is dependent upon--and essentially enslaved by--the government. Deep down, a welfare recipient living in public housing is their ideal citizen.
FACT: The charlatan Al Gore owns a home that uses about 20 times the electricity of an average American home.Iran Rocked by Student Protests, Police Riots
Atlas Shrugs is the go-to Internet site when it comes to tracking and analyzing the Islamist menace, from the Middle East to the American Midwest, Mumbai to Manhattan.Iran Can Make an A-Bomb Already
North Korea Wipes Out Citizens' Savings
Oblabbermouth Lauds Turkey, Achieves Nothing
After meeting with Turkey's crypto-Islamist leader, U.S. President Barack Obama said he sees "enormous potential" in boosting ties with Turkey, as reported here.
Obama clearly failed to persuade Turkey to make any meaningful moves to help stop Iran's march toward becoming a nuclear-weapon state. Turkey will not support new sanctions.
Arab leaders are right: Obama talks too much (definition of a blabbermouth).Veiled Threat: Egypt Alarmed by Spread of Niqab
Not for nothing did America's first Muslim-born President--an outspoken defender of Muslim headscarves and veils--make a point of reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood on the eve of his historic speech to "the Muslim world" from Cairo University.
As reported here, the Islamist veil known as a niqab is growing in popularity in Egypt. The dehumanizing--and terrifying--black robe can be seen at universities, in government offices, and on the streets of the most powerful and populous Arab nation.
The Islamization of Egypt is enough to make this reporter--an American Jew and lifelong Zionist--nostalgic forNasser.US Navy SEALS Arraigned on Pearl Harbor Day
Thousands Protest in Iran; Regime Reacts
Obama Yet to Call Russian Train Blast Terrorism
U.S. President Barack Obama has yet to condemn the Islamist bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train, which killed 26 people and injured 87, even though Islamist Chechen separatists have claimed responsibility for the attack.
In keeping with Obama's policy of bending over backwards to avoid any references to terrorism and Islamism that could possibly offend so-called Muslim sensibilities, the White House issued a condolence statement saying it was "deeply saddened by the terrible loss of life and injuries resulting from the reported derailment of a train between Moscow and Saint Petersburg."
"As authorities investigate the circumstances of this tragedy, our hearts go out to the families of those who lost loved ones, and we wish a speedy recovery to the injured," the White House said.
In contrast with the United States, the Spanish government "condemned the terrorist attack which led to the train derailment."
"The government also expresses to the friendly peoples of Russia its solidarity and full support in the fight against terrorism," the Spanish foreign ministry's press service said in a statement.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
china confidential
The President has a problem.
Anarchists and other radicals are targeting foreigners in Europe's "soft underbelly." Click here for the story.
Turns out, tens of thousands of Iranian students turned out to protest the rigged Islamist election and the Islamist dictatorship that has made Iran a pariah state and the lives of so many ordinary Iranians a living hell. Click here for the report, and here for cutting-edge coverage, including eye-popping eyewitness videos.
Iran is capable of producing a nuclear bomb, according to the head of Israel's Military Intelligence research division. Click here for the story.
The Stalinist/Kimist/criminal state has revalued its currency and ordered its troops to shoot any defectors attempting to flee to China. Click here for the story.
Click here for the sickening story. The only silver lining: the huge public outcry over this latest Obamanation outrage.
Click here for the news and below for raw video of a protest march.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:03 PM links to this post
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Britannia Radio