Monday, December 28, 2009
Pray for Revolution in Iran to Prevent War
Anyone who wants to prevent another war in the Middle East should pray for revolution in Iran.
There is no diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear problem. Sanctions are a joke. Regime change or war are the only ways forward.
Incredibly, the Obama administration has given Iran's Islamonazi rulers a critically important additional year to develop nuclear weapons. As a result of Obama's appeasement policy, Iran could be months--or weeks--away from crossing the nuclear threshold.
The White House is apparently ready to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. But Israel--which Iran has targeted for annihilation--is preparing to end the Iranian threat before it ends Israel. The Jewish State will use any and all necessary weapons--including nuclear weapons--to protect its citizens and prevent a second Holocaust.Sunday, December 27, 2009
US Furious Over Israeli Self-Defense
A successful Israeli counter-terrorist action has reportedly enraged the Obama administration, which seems incapable of protecting American civilians (attempted airline bombing on Christmas) and soldiers (the Fort Hood massacre) from Islamist terrorism.
Washington sources tell China Confidential that the administration is furious over an Israeli military operation on Saturday that killed three Palestinian terrorists in the West Bank town of Nablus. The raid came two days after the terrorists assassinated a Jewish civilian in a roadside ambush.Iran Again at a Crossroads
The clerical fascist regime has had to resort to killing people on a Shiite Muslim holy day.
The opposition leader's nephew was one of the victims. Iranian sources say he had long been a target of assassination.
This could be the beginning of the end of the IRGC-controlled turbaned tyranny.
From this reporter's pen to God's ears....
Monday, 28 December 2009
Iran is on the cusp of revolution. Click here for the news.
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Britannia Radio