Sunday, 6 December 2009

"Of course it was climate change what done it."


The final part of a read-it-all post from Burning Our Money:

BOM correspondent NN suffered a seizure while watching a BBC news report on Wednesday about salt traders in Timbuktu. According to the report - a NEWS report note - said traders have apparently had to swap their transport camels for great big climate destroying trucks, because global warming has made the camels too tired and thirsty to do the work (well there is also the small matter of the always biddable truck being able to haul in one week what it takes the moody camels seven to achieve, but the real villain is definitely global warming). After a strong dose of smelling salts, NN emailed - "They sent a sodding reporter and camera crew and translator to sodding Timbuktu for this garbage. By camel? I would be willing to wager that they flew in a nice shiny aeroplane and then carted all their gear on one of the very same evil trucks that cause climate change. At least I hope so. The thought of BBC reporters earning 45 days of per diems while lugging their crap around on 1st century technology is truly alarming. What could have been a really good example of creative destruction and new technologies replacing old for the good of all involved becomes a truly loopy example of green non-thought. And spare a thought for the Tuareg salt-trader. Who wouldn't rather spend 45 days in blistering heat and thirst with a load of wheezing camels than seven days in an air-conditioned truck listening to Timbuktu FM. Of course it was climate change what done it. Aaaaargh. I think I need to leave the country to escape the madness, - by horse." We may join him.


The BBC positively ejaculates at the thought of "climate change" demonstrations. You can tell by the reverential tone in which it reports the sorry sight of government ministers, the primate of England and sundry law-breaking thugs telling us that we must spend billions on doing a King Canute.


A Biased BBC reader alerts us to this story. It concerns the sentencing of a Polish immigrant for the brutal murder of a young girl here in Northern Ireland. Scroll down the story and have a look at the image of the murdered girl.

"Their priority? To airbrush out of the tragic girl's fingers the cigarette she was smoking when photographed. Is a non-smoker's life more important than that of a smoker?"

UPDATE; Thanks to DB for making me aware that whilst this is an airbrushed image, the likelihood is that it was her family that did so. That said, when the BBC uses such airbrushed images from whatever source it seems reasonable that we challenge it.