Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Operation: Arrest the Crimatologists


'The millions of people who are following the twists and turns of the unfolding climategate scandal online are increasingly asking themselves the same question: if a scientific theory falls in the forest and there’s no reporter willing to cover it, does it make a sound?

The scandal has been raging for well over a week now and so far it has become one of the hottest searches on the internet, spurred a congressional investigation into the matter, prompted the UK Information Commissioner to consider evidence that documents pertaining to FOI requests were illegally destroyed, forced Penn State to launch an investigation into its climate scientist superstar, Michael Mann, freed scientists to finally speak out against the IPCC, and reignited an intense scientific debate over the fallibility of the peer-review process and the practice of hiding data from other researchers. Not that you’d have learned any of that from following the mainstream media.'


Shocking UN Document Divulges Climate Cult Brainwashing

'With the reverberations of climategate still echoing, it has now emerged that children are being greenwashed in public schools by being forced to sing climate cult ditties and hate their parents as part of a United Nations propaganda program aimed at capturing young minds, as the UN itself officially acknowledges the global warming mantra as a new religion.

A shocking new UN strategy document also reveals how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all over the globe in an effort to hide the “end-run” around national sovereignty that their program represents.

That’s right, in the spirit of the Club of Rome’s 1991 resolution to make humanity the enemy in creating the contrived threat of environmental armageddon, children have been turned against their own parents in the service of a new gaia religion.'


WHO Consistently Downplaying Dangers of Mutated Flu Strains


'When it comes to the flu, the track record of experts who oppose the views of the World Health Organization (WHO) have been consistently correct in their facts and assertions. Simply put, if the WHO makes a recommendation, it must be opposed to arrive at the truth of the matter. The recent WHO announcements on flu mutations are an excellent example of this phenomenon.

Most people have figured out by now that we can trust the WHO as much as we can trust a baby to not spill milk. They have consistently use scientific fraud to conduct their policies on the H1N1 pandemic. Now, they are consistently downplaying what appears to be a virulent mutated or recombined H1N1 strain at least ten times the lethality of the swine flu observed earlier this year.'


Copenhagen, Carbon and Control

'From scrapped cars to bloated NGOs, funded by those who aim to profit from carbon, one need only look to the European Union and the UK to see what’s planned for America. It’s no surprise that the US government, and associated institutions, plan to support “low carbon” strategies for a new world. It takes only a few clicks of the mouse to discover the tentacle-like, death hold the green revolutionaries possess throughout the USA and the world.'


Proof That Glaxo Smith Kline's Pandemrix is a Dangerous Nano Vaccine

'The particle size of AS03 (Pandemrix adjuvant) is 150-155 nm which makes Pandemrix a nano vaccine, according to a report that appeared in the journal Molecules on September 1st, 2009.

The study called Squalene Emulsions for Parenteral Vaccine and Drug Delivery by Christopher B. Fox of the Infectious Disease Research Institute, Seattle, states that the particle size is between 150-155nm, and therefore nano in size. That means that the Pandemrix vaccine can have side effects even on the DNA level.'


ID Cards Now Available. Count Me Out

'Clearly, I don't want an ID card and shouldn't register. But why am I protesting against it? It's a voluntary scheme, and people can take it or leave it, right?

The ID card may well be voluntary, but the underlying national identity register database reeks of compulsion. Registering for a card means being tracked for life by the largest state database system in the western world, which has no equivalent in European ID card systems.'


Tuesday, 01 December 2009

Global Warming Hoax, Planned in 1961

Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed

'Chelsea Clinton's engagement today to Jewish banker  Marc Mezvinsky, who works for Goldman Sachs, is another reminder that America is ruled by the Illuminati clan, joined by marriage, money and love of Lucifer. The source of their power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government's credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt.'


Iowa and North Carolina Reports Raise Fears H1N1 Mutations Have Reached United States

'New reports from Iowa and North Carolina are raising concerns that the deadly H1N1 swine flu mutations that have been confirmed by the WHO in Ukraine, Norway and elsewhere have already reached the United States.  In Iowa, a report that doctors are seeing “very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them” in H1N1 patients is creating concerns among health experts that the deadly Ukraine H1N1 has already spread there.'