• Dem Congresswoman Demands New Behavioral Surveillance System Changing the Narrative for War Kill The Bloggers
Ron Paul Says Agenda Behind Bombing Incident Is More War, More Attacks On Liberty
Congressman Ron Paul fears that the agenda behind the Flight 253 bombing incident is to expand the war on terror into Yemen while stripping Americans of more liberties, warning that it's time people woke up and realized that the government cannot guarantee their safety.
• Radio Interview: Witness Says Terrorist Suspect Aided Onto Northwest Flight Sans Passport
• Would YOU be happy to take the ‘naked’ body scan?
• BOMBSHELL: Evidence Clearly Indicates Staged Attack on Detroit Flight
• Yes, Yemen Has Oil
• Pharmaceuticals are more dangerous to your health than terrorists’ exploding underwear
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
In spite of the calamities of the past eight years, there continues to be no shortage of neoconservatives in one’s face in the media, advising their fellow Americans that wars can be won quickly and decisively and that using military force to change how other nations behave is sound policy.
Another mainstream media story, this time from the New York Times, pushing the new reality where news consumers will supposedly have to soon start paying digital cash to read stories, columns and watch news video online.
CRU’s forecast: UK winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”
Richard North from the EU Referendum writes of a curious juxtaposition of forecasts, then and now. I thought it worth sharing here since it highlights the chutzpah with which CRU botched their forecast in March of 2000. At least they didn’t claim that UK snowfall was in a “death spiral”.
• Time to Revisit Falsified Science of CO2
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
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Britannia Radio