Sunday, 20 December 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

china confidential


US Defends Decision to Support Kosovo

Antagonizing Russia, which has suppressed an Islamist insurgency, the United States says independence was the only option for Kosovo. Click here for the story.


Will Italy Follow Swiss Minaret Ban?

WIll Italy follow Switzerland and ban Muslim minarets? Click here for the story.


Cambodia Returning Muslim Criminals to China

Cambodia is deporting a group of Chinese Muslim criminals, as reported here.



The United States is on the brink of bankruptcy. 

Click here and here ... and here ... and consider buying physical gold and shares in undervalued, well managed, listed gold mining companies.


Clinton Admits Obama Failed on Iran

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said what everyone knows: President Obama's engagement (appeasement) policy has failed to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Click here for the story. 

In fact, Obama's appeasement of Islamonazi Iran and Islamonazism in general has made another war inevitable--on Iran's terms.

Obama isn't the new Neville Chamberlain. Obama is much worse than Chamberlain. Unlike Chamberlain, Obama sympathized and sought to align with the fascist foe.


Investors Shun Phony Green Energy Deals

The green energy IPO market is dead, as reported here

Lack of investor interest is another sign that there will be no new green economy in the United States, regardless of the promises made by U.S. President Barack Oabama to put Americans to work in "green collar jobs."