"Whatever one thinks of climate change, the leaked University of East Anglia e-mails are a scandal." They ain't slackening the pace in the lill'ol USofA. Michelle Malkin is having a go. Google pages are now in excess of 20 million. And the controversy has even reached the hallowed portals of the EU parliament. There, Dutch economist Hans Labohm told a hearing that "climate change has always been with us and always will be". Subrosa has it. "This guy's a fraud!" Devil's Kitchen has an update. They're all at it – as if we didn't know that already. The BBC climate propaganda unit is in full flow, offering space to Mike Hulme (he of the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia), and Jerome Ravetz. Funny how the BBC and all the rest of the media fluff get on their high horse about the "stolen data" from the CRU. Heffer really hasn't got it. Under the headline, "David Cameron must learn the dangers of tinkering with the constitution", we are told "Labour has not just hobbled the Union, but wrecked our whole system of government."
So says The Times leader today. The dam has broken.
CLIMATEGATE THREADDid the CRU "hacker" seek to protect us from the Copenhagen summit or harm it?
There is no doubt about that question, according toThe Times, which avers: "Climate e-mail hacker[s] 'aimed to maximise harm to Copenhagen summit'".
The paper is retailing the views of an anonymous source, who claims that the CRU's computers were hacked in October or earlier, but the e-mails were not leaked until mid-November. By not releasing the e-mails until two weeks before Copenhagen, the hacker thus ensured that the debate about them would rage during the summit.
We are now variously told that the police are investigating the "theft" of the data, and have interviewed the temporarily redundant CRU director, Phil Jones, about the "crime".
If they are looking for a suspect, however, they need look no further than James Hansen "the world's pre-eminent climate scientist" – a man known to endorse criminal activity and support civil disobedience.
Although he might seem an unlikely suspect, in The Guardian today, he reveals his underlying motivation, telling the paper that it would be better for the planet and for future generations if next week's Copenhagen climate change summit ended in collapse.
Any agreement likely to emerge from the negotiations would be so deeply flawed that it would be better to start again from scratch, he says, adding: "I would rather it not happen if people accept that as being the right track because it's a disaster track ... The whole approach is so fundamentally wrong that it is better to reassess the situation."
So there we have it. This is a man with the motive and, from his elevated status in the "climate change community", he undoubtedly had the opportunity and the access.
By way of further confirmation that he dun it, it is highly suspicious that none of the emails released incriminate him or his Goddard Institute. And who else would have the knowledge to select such incriminating information from the mass of material that must be stored on the CRU computer?
Hansen, therefore, is most definitely "deep climate", the man who admits he wants Copenhagen to fail.
CLIMATEGATE THREADThe time zone difference between the United States and the UK meant that the Obama speech yesterday was broadcast here in the wee small hours, allowing only the briefest of analysis (and a trans-Atlantic conference call) before Morpheus cast his spell.
With the benefit of some hours of reflection, however, the "strategic review" announced by Obama looks no better than it did when he delivered it.
The deployment of an extra 30,000 troops for a short period – with withdrawals planned in 18 months – appears to be exactly what it is: an Afghan "surge" on the Iraqi model. It is an attempt, as we observed at the time, to impose a military solution on a strategic problem, which has no military solution.
More on Defence of the Realm.
A member of the influential IPCC, Labohm said, "We are told that temperatures and sea levels are rising and the polar caps are melting. That is the bad news. The good news is that none of it is true." Meanwhile, Russell Gold in is WSJ blog says the debate over global warming is now not a scientific disagreement or even a political debate. It's all-out ideological warfare.
He's dead right, of course – which makes it all the more puzzling that the supposi-Tories and theScarygraph are on the wrong side.
CLIMATEGATE THREADPicking up on the supposi-Tories discomfort, the climate-change fraud and diverse other matters to do with "Climategate", The Daily Mail is running a long round-up piece. There is nothing new to anyone who has been following the issue closely on the blogs, but this is another sign of how the sceptic agenda is taking hold in the MSM.
Not so in The Daily Scarygraph of course, which is still running full-bore on the warmist creed, giving the delightful Louise Gray a full page feature on how we're all gonna die ... or something like that. Most of the 28 comments are slightly uncomplimentary.
That fool Will Heaven is still on the case though – although one of his commenters notes, unkindly but accurately, that the only way little Willie can get a decent amount of comments on his blogs is when he disses James (Dellingpole).
Booker's column is running at 1246 comments at the moment, which must please little Louise and Willie mightily, and they will be especially pleased that Charles Moore is reviewing his mate's book under the title "'Saving' the planet will be the real disaster".
I'm not sure this is what the warmists had in mind for their slugfest in Copenhagen though.
They say that "Climategate" shows that "we need a more concerted effort to explain and engage the public in understanding the processes and practices of science and scientists." But, courtesy of "Climategate", we understand those "processes and practices" all too well.
Nevertheless, these proto-Marxists acknowledge the need "for major changes in the relationship between science and the public." By this, though, they mean "a more concerted effort to explain and engage the public in understanding the processes and practices of science and scientists, as much as explaining the substance of their knowledge and how (un)certain it is."
And their answer to that is a "Citizen's Panel on Climate Change." Next in line, a Committee of Public Safety?
Does anyone recall such constant references to "stolen data" when The Daily Scarygraph did its extravaganza on MPs' expenses? And how many media outlets didn't use that material because it was stolen?
In the yards of EVM that follows, not one mention of the EU. Yet the consolidated treaties are part of our constitution, and our supreme government is in Brussels. How can you write about reforming our constitution without mentioning the elephant?
COMMENT THREADBob Krause,Democratic candidate for US Senate today called for President Obama to call an international peace conference to find a permanent peaceful solution to instability in Afghanistan and the surrounding region.
"It is obvious from intelligence reports that various international interests are actually feeding the fire in Afghanistan, in part to tie down the United States. Russian arms, Chinese arms and Indian arms do provide some evidence that each of these regional powers is using the war in Afghanistan to achieve strategic advantage. In addition, friction between Afghanistan and Pakistan going back to the colonial division of the territory of the Pashtun tribal nation between Pakistan and Afghanistan is driving and complicating US efforts to stabilize the region." said Krause.
"Unless these regional frictions are identified and negotiated, we will only be spilling blood for a temporary fix that will disappear as a will-o-the-wisp into another round of brutal civil war.
This peace conference is urgent not only for the purpose of saving US, ally and Afghanistani lives, but it is also needed to prevent the US military incursion from destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan has 180 million people. If we think we have troubles in this region of the world with Afghanistan destabilized, just wait until Pakistan is destabilized," added Krause.
The Bob Krause campaign sponsored a panel of military analysts to respond to President Obama's speech on the war escalation. Besides Krause, participants included Jeffrey Weiss, director of the Catholic Peace Ministry in Des Moines, Richard North, a noted military analyst from Europe, and Gordon Duff, senior editor of VeteransToday.Com.
An audio tape of the Krause discussion panel in response to President Obama's speech on Afghanistan is available. If you want to hear the discussion, you can call 605-475-4848. Use Access Code 975120#. This is a very detailed discussion Afghanistan and why we need an international peace conference there instead of more troops.
Krause, from Fairfield, is a retired lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, with a brevet promotion to full colonel. He is past state president of the Reserve Officers Association and also served on the nation board of directors of the ROA. Currently he is chair of the Iowa Democratic Veterans Caucus.