Foreigners let off train penalty fares Foreigners are being let off train penalty fares while British passengers face large hikes for breaking the... (05-Dec-2009) UK should open borders to climate refugees, says Bangladeshi minister Up to 20 million Bangladeshis may be forced to leave the country in the next 40 years because of climate change, one of the country's most senior politicians has said. Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Bangladesh's finance minister, called on Britain and other wealthy countries to accept millions of displaced people. Guardian (05-Dec-2009) Anti-Islamic Demo Turns Nasty In Nottingham Hundreds of officers, some mounted on horses and others with dogs, have surrounded around 500 EDL demonstrators in the city centre. As they marched, some of the protesters shouted: "We want our country back", and waved placards which read: "Protect Women, No To Sharia" and "No Surrender". Sky News (05-Dec-2009) BENEFIT HEAVEN BRITAIN SITTING in their £1.8million home within spitting distance of London s West End, Nasra Warsame and her family must count their blessings every... Daily Express (05-Dec-2009) Revenge for past failings is a luxury the poor can't afford However disappointing Labour's record may be on fairness and services, the noises from Tories show it could get... Guardian Unlimited - Comment is Free (05-Dec-2009) Copenhagen climate conference: World risks 4C rise even if there is a deal The world could suffer catastrophic climate change even if there is a deal at Copenhagen, scientists have warned. Telegraph (04-Dec-2009) Its not just the Swiss all Europe is ready to revolt A ban on minarets may seem racist to the BBC, says Rod Liddle, but in fact we should applaud any small battle won in the peoples war against the growing Islamification of Europe Spectator (04-Dec-2009) A ban on minarets may seem racist to the BBC, says Rod Liddle, but in fact we should applaud any small battle won in the people’s war against the growing ‘Islamification’ of Europe Here’s a very short and simple pre-Christmas quiz to get you into the swing of Christmas quizzes, as they will soon be taking up almost every page of your morning newspapers. A few years ago, Angus Roxburgh — one of the BBC’s chief Europe correspondents, based in Brussels — wrote a book about the rise of right-wing or libertarian parties on the Continent. He was referring to the success of the late and decidedly liberal Pim Fortuyn in Holland, the strength of the Flemish nationalists Vlaams Blok in Flanders, the Front National in France and so on. Now, all you have to do is answer the following simple question, bearing in mind the requirement for Angus, as an important public service broadcaster, to be neutral and objective in all matters. The question is this: did Angus title his book a) A Cool, Detached and Objective Assessment of the Rise of Right-Wing and Libertarian Parties in Europe, or b) Preachers of Hate? Aww, you got it straightaway, didn’t you? As a supplementary question I might ask if you think the BBC was at all worried about this and thought it a transgression of its public service remit, but I reckon you’d find that question a doddle too. Move forward seven years or so and we have the BBC’s reaction to the referendum in which 57 per cent of Swiss people voted to ban the building of any more minarets in their country. This was, according to someone called Roger Hardy, the corporation’s ‘Islamic Affairs Analyst’ an example of European ‘Islamophobia’ and sent a signal to Switzerland’s Muslims that they simply were not wanted in the country. Swiss People Racist and Wrong, his neutral and objective article could have been entitled. Rog recently contributed towards a blog in which he denied that the almost complete and utter lack of democracy in Islamic states was anything to do with them being, uh, Islamic states. Just coincidence, then. More articles from: Rod Liddle | this sectionA selection of recent media reports
It’s not just the Swiss — all Europe is ready to revolt
Sunday, 6 December 2009
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Britannia Radio