Primary schools: battle of the 'bulge' Brown attacked for not scrapping asylum policy that leaves hundreds of children behind bars at Christmas Nativity scene with black Holy Family causes storm in Italian town that launched 'White Christmas' drive Illegal immigrant jailed for 'black money' scam Mapping out the strain on your NHS: How one London hospital ward treated babies from 72 different nations around the wor.. Sheffield sex trafficking gang jailed Taking sides in France Essex builder is 'Albanian killer' LABOUR HAS SHOWN IT CARES NOTHING FOR OUR COUNTRY MUSLIM TOTAL HITS 2.4M AS THEY SAY: UK'S NICEST TO US UK Looks For Happy Medium On Population And Immigration Policy Brawl engulfs President Nicolas Sarkozy's grand debateA selection of recent media reports
A shortage of primary school places in a London borough is jeopardising the future schooling of local...
Education Guardian (15-Dec-2009)
Gordon Brown has been accused of moral cowardice for failing to scrap a controversial asylum policy that will see hundreds of innocent children spend Christmas behind...
Daily Mail (14-Dec-2009)
A nativity scene featuring a dark-skinned Jesus, Mary and Joseph has caused a storm after going on display in a Verona courthouse. The nativity's appearance coincides with the right-wing Northern League's controversial operation 'White Christmas', a two-month sweep ending on Christmas Day to ferret out...
Daily Mail (14-Dec-2009)
An illegal immigrant who lived in Poole has been jailed for two years for his part in a "black money" scam tricking victims into paying thousands of pounds for worthless fake notes, police...
Newmarket Today (14-Dec-2009)
Countless red dots scattered across the world map on the wall of a NHS hospital reveal the story of the changing face of Britain. Each dot denotes the background of a mother with a baby in the neonatal ward of London's Chelsea and Westminster...
Daily Mail (14-Dec-2009)
A Slovakian gang who falsely imprisoned a teenage girl and forced her into a life of prostitution has been jailed for a total of 50 years following an operation by the UK Border Agency and South Yorkshire...
M2 (14-Dec-2009)
Algeria or France? With both teams in the World Cup finals, French citizens of North African origin face an identity... (14-Dec-2009)
A suspected Albanian gangster wanted for a machinegun murder is awaiting extradition after being arrested while working as a builder in Essex. Ardian Rragami, 38, had claimed to be a Kosovan national and had been granted leave to remain in Britain after claiming asylum.
Evening Standard (14-Dec-2009)
LABOUR has brought our once great nation to the brink of financial and moral collapse. Not content with tearing apart the fabric of society and corrupting the democratic process, the Government has so badly mismanaged the economy that the state is now almost insolvent. Any individual behaving like the Labour.
Daily Express (14-Dec-2009)
BRITAINS Muslim population has hit 2.4million because the UK is seen as the best country in Europe for the Islamic faith, a report is to...
Daily Express (14-Dec-2009)
This week National Statistics has published its annual review of population change in the UK. The review highlights some interesting...
The Gov Monitor in London (13-Dec-2009)
Nicolas Sarkozy's debate has drawn xenophobic rhetoric from far-right demonstrators and has angered Muslims
The Sunday Times (13-Dec-2009)
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
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Britannia Radio