Friday, 4 December 2009


>> FRIDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2009

You've got to laugh. Or cry. For two weeks, the internet has been smoking hot with thousands of reports about Climategate and its implications. EU Referendum has a very interesting post this morning showing that, according to an ingenious new method of measuring interest in a particular topic, the public are very interested, too. 

What about the BBC? Well, of course, they have virtually ignored it, preferring to concentrate instead on putting their £750m news resources into reporting subjects they like, such as the embarrassment of Tiger Woods and whether we should withdraw from Afghanistan. It's only when their revered UN weighs inwith a promised inquiry - that will no doubt be as much of a whitewash and a charade as everything else the UN does - that the BBC deigns to elevate the matter to lead item. Written, of course, from the UN's perspective. 

Proving yet again, that where the UN leads, the BBC slavishly follows.

Pro(sperous) Palestinians

Melanie Phillips links to a report in the Wall Street Journal by Tom Gross. It’s about life in the West Bank and Gaza. No, it’s not the usual tale of hardship and deprivation.
She ends by asking “When we will get to hear about this on the BBC?” Well, probably never. All we’ll get is endless stories about settlers, olive trees and illegally occupied land.
With the BBC for an educator is it surprising that a virulent streak of anti-Semitism prevails?
I see Rowan Laxton is back at his desk at the FCO.
And this clip is all over the web.
If it weren’t so shocking you’d have to laugh. The man bears an uncanny resemblance to Brian Murphy. 
“Everybody in Britain can see what a nasty unpleasant type of people Jewish people are in English.”

(Breaks into song.) ”It’s in-dic-ative that the Jews are vin-dic-ative, so if you’re living in English…. You can….. fuck off back to Israel!”” Tap dances off stage, right. Not really.


Credit where credit is due - the BBC has reported with a straight bat the sensible call by Conservative MP David Davis for a major re-think by his party of the £55bn that is being spent on useless 'climate change' measures. But it's a drop in the ocean. Elsewhere the relentless barage of doom-mongering continues. This sordid, highly-selective, deeply dishonest piece from Richard Black continues his record of being the most biased science reporter filing in the MSM. Contrast that to an editorial in the Times this morning. Even though Murdoch's sons, like the BBC, are 'climate change' fanatics, they at leastconcede that the CRU emails revealed practices and an outlook that were crass and anti-science. Something that Richard Black and his cronies are singularly unwilling to do.


The BBC Trust, according to reports today, is on the warpath because 40 - yes 40 - BBC 'stars' earn more than £1m a year, with 10 of them on more than £2m a year. That's the cash from almost 360,000 licence-fee payers (£50m divided by £139.50). But they won't name them. Which kind of begs the question - scratch you head here and think very hard - which of the morons who are BBC presenters deserve that kind of cash? And why the hell haven't the BBC trustees (all ivory-tower quangocrats) done something about it before now? It's our money!