• Copenhagen climate summit: plan for EU to police countries’ emissions Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Gov’t framework despite fallout over science fraud CHINA: ‘The world does not have Money to buy more US Treasuries’ Hugo Chavez orders military to shoot at US aircraft
Spy Drones To Enforce CO2 Regulations
President Barack Obama has said that spy drones will be used to enforce CO2 emission regulations, while British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has outlined plans for the European Union to police compliance with carbon-cutting targets.
• Climategate: ‘It’s all lies!’ lies Pachauri (again)
• CNN Labels Humans “Pigs” For Emitting CO2
• More CO2 in the atmosphere leads to accelerated growth of certain tree species
• Record snowfalls in Valdez Alaska sinks boat and Washington DC gets a new snowfall record
Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance.
IT is getting harder for governments to buy United States Treasuries because the US’s shrinking current-account gap is reducing supply of dollars overseas, a Chinese central bank official said yesterday.
President Hugo Chavez has accused the US of violating Venezuela’s airspace with an unmanned spy plane, and ordered his military to shoot down any such aircraft in the future.
Monday, 21 December 2009
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Britannia Radio