Sunday, December 06, 2009
Is Brazil Aiming for an A-Bomb?

One expert says Brazil intends to develop nuclear weapons. Click here for his analysis of Brazil's ties with Iran and France.
Brazil is the only BRIC-member nation without nuclear weapons. The country has two civilian nuclear reactors and one under construction, and has pursued a covert, nuclear weapons development program, analysts say, as a response to Argentina's program. Argentina is the only Spanish-speaking country to have ever started a nuclear weapons program.
Brazil's President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva,, in the meantime, says the United States and fellow BRIC nation Russia have no moral authority to deny Iran atomic arms. Click here for the story.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
China Promises to Keep on Buying Declining Dollars
Iran Says it Needs 20 Nuclear Plants

Appeasement fans the flames of aggression....
Iran now says it needs 20 nuclear plants. Click here for the story.
So much for Obama's perfidious policy of engagement (code for appeasement of and alignment with Islamism). Yet, the liberal mainstream media continue to defend him. He is the Anointed One, in their eyes. His only possible sin: not degrading American power, prestige and influence rapidly enough. Has the President bowed deeply enough to foreign leaders? Has he apologized loudly and clearly enough for American "imperialism?" The Left isn't sure.
Remember: the dirty, little, Left/liberal secret is that left-wingers and liberals really hate America, actually despise its institutions and traditions, especially its military might, which has time and again saved the world from totalitarian dominance. Not for nothing do liberals tolerate a Reverend Wright when he blames America for 9/11. Deep down, they agree with him; he and others like him say out loud what liberals believe.
Obama is their man; Islamism, their tool, or so they think. Incredibly, the Left backs barbaric, right-wing political Islam--clerical fascism--in order to destroy capitalism and America's ally, Israel, whose existence insults the Left's entire world view.
The Left did the same thing in Iran--backed the Ayatollah Khomeini (whom Jimmy Carter's UN envoy, Andrew Young, described as a "saint") against the modernizing, pro-American Shah--in an effort to ride the Islamist tiger to victory. Of course, the tiger turned on the Left and devoured it. But the Left learned nothing from that experience.
Domestically, the American Left is following the European example--counting on Islamism to wipe out capitalism. And Judaism and Christianity, too, for America's Judeo-Christian heritage stands in the way of a whole host (as Obama might say) of Left-fascist (Stalinist) schemes, programs, and plots. More mosques, fewer churches and synagogues ... more Muslim supremacists demanding segregated spaces and special privileges ... that is what the Left wants. Burqas and veils and headscarves .... in some sick sense, the Left sees these things as revolutionary, liberating.
And Barack Hussein Obama ...born and reared and educated as a Muslim ... in more ways than commonly understood ... is their man.
Heaven help us.