Sunday, December 20, 2009
china confidential
On Obama's Phony Energy Program
Remember the Anointed One's so-called energy program?
Victor Davis Hanson does. He writes:When candidate Obama was pressed, he reluctantly mentioned nuclear energy, coal, oil, and natural gas. But these were castoff concessions. They were offered as sops until the popular anger over gas-price hikes subsided — and they were to become no more than mere bookends to soaring rhetoric about “millions of new green jobs.”
Infatuated voters apparently bought this fantasy. Our deserts and mountain passes would be scarred with ugly panels, turbines, and access roads, as millions of newly hired government construction workers rushed out to ensure that we could obtain 5 percent of our current power needs from such green salvations.
A charlatan like Van Jones (cf. the remarks of Valerie Jarrett, “Oooh. Van Jones, all right! So, Van Jones. We were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We were watching him . . . ”) surely knew more about America’s energy needs than did the CEO of Exxon.
But now, on the wheel’s downturn, President Obama must brace for spiraling energy costs when the world economy rebounds. Soon the sobering electorate will turn and ask why Obama did not push for nuclear power and encourage more exploitation of newly discovered natural-gas fields.
Click here for the whole essay, which covers much more than energy. The piece is must reading.Obama's Ghostwriter, Unrepentant, Former Weather Underground Bomber Bill Ayers, Breaks With His Client and Protege Over Afghanistan
Bill Ayers is furious. His former client and protege has betrayed his trust by escalating the war in Afghanistan.
Will Ayers reveal all he knows about Obama?
Click here for the story.Obama Flunkie Fudges December 31 Deadline
Obama has long proclaimed a Dec. 31 deadline for cooperation or retaliation of some unspecified kind. But Iran and, before it, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, has confidently counted on years of international dithering on enforcing printed sanctions.
So naturally on ABC's "This Week" this week, George Stephanopoulos asked Obama adviser and ex-newspaper reporter David Axelrod about the approaching Obama deadline.
Axelrod started to say something about talking but checked himself and spoke instead of "consequences."
But, as often occurs in diplomatic-speak -- and politics-speak too, come to think of it -- it's what you don't say that's often more important than what you do utter.
Axelrod declined to reiterate the Dec. 31 date.
Click here to read the whole article.S. Korea Group Says North Close to Nuke Warheads
North Korea may soon be capable of producing nuclear warheads, as reported here, which means that Iran will eventually have the technology, too.
Islamist Iran and North Korea are partners in nuclear and missile crimes. That North Korea, a Stalinist/Kimist state, is militantly atheist has gone unobserved by the Obama administration and other appeasers of and apologists for Islamism. They blame the United States for a whole host of alleged sins--including supposedly disrespecting Islam and, of course, supporting Israel and Iran's late, pro-American, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi--which, according to the appeasers and apologists, have caused or at least significantly contributed to Islamist hatred of the U.S. and its allies.
Also unobserved by the appeasers and apologists: Iranian-North Korean development and testing of concealed launch systems for firing ballistic missiles from cargo ships.
Many analysts fear that the next 9/11 will come from the sea. There is no known defense against sea-launched missiles capable of striking U.S. coastal cities.US Strangely Silent on Chechen Islamist Terror
The Obama administration is strangely silent on Russia's war against Islamist terrorism.
U.S. President Barack Obama has yet to condemn the Chechen Islamist bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train. The White House has only issued a condolence statement on the atrocity, which killed 27 people and injured 90, terming it a "tragedy."
Obama has also failed to praise Russia for killing a notorious Islamist leader, Aslan Izrailov, during a special operation in Chechnya, which has been hit by an upsurge of violence in recent months. Hundreds of people have been killed in Islamist attacks and skirmishes between security forces and terrorists.
The bombing of the Nevsky Express, a Moscow-Saint Petersburg luxury train that is popular with businesspeople and tourists, has raised fears of a resurge of terrorist attacks in the Russian capital and other major cities. Russia was hit hard by terrorism in the 1990s and the early years of this decade, but violence has largely been confined to the predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region since 2004.
Many Russian analysts believe the U.S. has not abandoned attempts to use Islamism against Russia. U.S. support for Islamists in Afghanistan during the Cold War, a covert intervention initiated by the Carter administration and escalated by the Reagan administration, fueled and unleashed the global Islamist jihad that led to the 9/11 mega-attacks on the U.S. and now threatens Western civilization like no enemy has since the rise of Nazi Germany.Will France Join Israel Against Iran?
Will the United States turn against Israel if it acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear arms? Will France join with Israel to stop the Islamonazi nation while there is still time to stop it?
Caroline Glick suggests that a sort of replay of the Sinai campaign of 1956 may be in the works, with Iran in the Egyptian role. Click here for her essay.Right on Iran, Rush Limbaugh Calls for Bombing
Turkish PM: Islamophobia Crime Against Humanity
US 'Deeply Concerned' About Uighurs
Uighurs are a Muslim, Turkic speaking ethnic group native to Xinjiang. Many Uighurs are Islamists and separatists; some groups have Al Qaeda connections.
Washington's support for China's restive Muslims undermines efforts to persuade China to back tough sanctions on Iran and reinforces Chinese suspicions that the U.S. seeks to destabilize and dismember China by supporting separatist movements.Saturday, December 19, 2009
US Defends Decision to Support Kosovo
Will Italy Follow Swiss Minaret Ban?
Cambodia Returning Muslim Criminals to China
Monday, 21 December 2009
Turkey's crypto-Islamist prime minister, who is leading his country's Islamizing trend and tilt towards Iran and away from Europe and Israel, claims "Islamophobia" is a "crime against humanity." Click here for the story.
The United States is "deeply concerned" about a group of Uighur asylum seekers that Cambodia deported to China, from whence they came, because of alleged terrorist ties. Click here for the U.S. statement and here for the news.
Antagonizing Russia, which has suppressed an Islamist insurgency, the United States says independence was the only option for Kosovo. Click here for the story.
WIll Italy follow Switzerland and ban Muslim minarets? Click here for the story.
Cambodia is deporting a group of Chinese Muslim criminals, as reported here.
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Britannia Radio