1. Small country, major issue. Normally, Switzerland is not of much interest to the international reader. Already by standing falsely accused of having invented the cuckoo clock, she is automatically downgraded. The neglect can also be attributed to her size, a functioning system – a juicy crisis brings attention. The liberal outrage against the perceived insult delivered by the Swiss electorate to its Muslim minority on Sunday, when it voted to ban minarets, has not cooled.Vatican officials and Catholic bishops, fresh from celebrating 40 years since the introduction of the New Mass, have been in the forefront of the campaign against the referendum result. Meanwhile activists in Switzerland itself are preparing to overturn the result in the European Court of “Human Rights” in Strasbourg. The Lisbon Treaty, which is the basic charter (i.e. its Constitution) of the new EU state, stipulates that the parliaments of the 27 provinces are obliged to “contribute actively to the good functioning of the Union.” It is their legal obligation to further primarily the interests of the Union, rather than those of their own people.Switzerland: The Government v The People
The De-Russification of the Baltics Serves a Geopolitical Purpose
Our New State Is Undemocratic. Is It Also Illegitimate?
Thursday, 3 December 2009
From the desk of George Handlery on Thu, 2009-12-03 13:50
» 3 comments | 332 reads
From the desk of John Laughland on Thu, 2009-12-03 13:18
» 2 comments | 361 reads
From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2009-12-02 22:10
Yesterday the Lisbon Treaty came into force by which the European Union has become a state in its own right. Though many of them do not yet realize it, 500 million Europeans now have a common government to which the governments of their own countries are legally subservient. Since yesterday, the 27 member states of the EU have been reduced to the status of provinces.
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