Thursday, December 10, 2009
china confidential
Is Iran Planning a Sneak Attack on Israel?
China Confidential analysts and Middle East sources believe there is a growing likelihood that Iran is planning a Pearl Harbor-style sneak attack on Israel--a massive missile bombardment in coordination with Iran's Islamonazi proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas. Yesterday's warning by Iran's defense chief--click here and here--support this view.
On September 18, China Confidential reported:Israeli defense planners are thinking the unthinkable--namely, the possibility of an Iranian nuclear sneak attack on the Jewish State.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's denial and mockery of the Holocaust and threats to annihilate Israel could signal preparations for an Iranian attack. The Islamist regime could be trying to condition world opinion ahead of delivering a knockout blow.
Israel is a "one-bomb county," as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said. A nuclear hit would be truly catastrophic.
Absent regime change in Iran, Israel may soon be left with no option other than launching defensive, preemptive nuclear strikes on Iranian nuclear and missile sites.
If Iran attacks first, it would not be the first time that Israel has been taken by surprise. Israel's misreading of intelligence regarding Egyptian-Syrian intentions and deployments and decision not to launch preemptive strikes against Egypt and Syria out of fear of alienating the United States nearly resulted in the destruction of the Jewish State in October 1973 when Israel was attacked by its Arab enemies on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Although Israel was able to repulse the coordinated Egyptian-Syrian attacks and carry the war deep into enemy territory, a total of 2,688 Israeli soldiers were killed and 7,250 were wounded.
An Israeli threat to go nuclear--backed up by deliberately easy-to-detect moves--pushed the United States into (a) airlifting critically needed arms to Israel, and (b) warning the Soviet Union, which had armed and resupplied the Arab states, against intervening in the Sinai on behalf of Egypt.
It is commonly believed that Israeli leaders have learned the lessons of the Yom Kippur War in order to never again hesitate to use whatever force may be needed--including nuclear weapons--to defend the Jewish State against those who seek its annihilation.Turkish PM Threatens Israel With 'Earthquake'
After meeting U.S. President Barack Obama, Turkey's crypto-Islamist prime minister has threatened Israel with an "earthquake" if the Jewish State attacks Iran over its nuclear program. The Turkish leader has also come out strongly against new sanctions. Click here for the story,North Koreans Criticizing Regime
Sarkozy Defends Swiss Stand Against Islamism
Fanatic Muslims Behead Philippine Factory Workers
Iran Human Rights Violations Worst in 20 Years
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Al Qaeda Claims Baghdad Bombings
Fanatic Muslims Convicted in Airline Bomb Plot
Palin Almost as Popular as Obama
UK Judge Dismisses Crazy Case Against Christians
Iran Threatens to Hit Israeli Nuclear Sites
Iran has threatened to strike at Israeli nuclear weapons sites if it comes under attack over its nuclear program. Click here for the story.
Iran has repeatedly vowed to "burn Tel Aviv" and wipe Israel off the map.
China Confidential analysts have long predicted that Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal--a vital deterrent against annihilation--will increasingly be targeted by its enemies in terms of political propaganda and efforts to demonize, delegitimize, and isolate the Jewish State. The new Iranian threat is an ominous development on many levels--an escalation of rhetoric that could be seized upon by Israel's enemies and critics in the Obama administration who are plotting to effectively blame Israel for Iran's development of nuclear weapons.
Actually resigned to "living with but never accepting" an Iranian nuclear weapons state--the Brzezinski formula for catastrophe--the anti-Israel crowd and its adoring liberal media pundits, including MSNBC's vicious Israel basher and Islamist apologist Chris Matthews, will seek to create both a sense of moral equivalency between a beleaguered democracy's defensive weapons and a rising, fascist nation's offensive weapons program and a perception of cause-and-effect--i.e. the notion that Israel's presumed possession of nuclear weapons caused an atomic arms race.
What makes this line of thought so menacing is that it resonates with the President himself. Barack Obama's far-left views on nuclear disarmament have apparently not changed since his undergraduate student days at Columbia University. Click here for the background.Iran Accuses UN Agency of Spying
The Vienna-based UN agency says on its website:Located in Central Asia between the Karakum Desert and the Kopet Dag mountain range and just a few kilometres from the border with the Islamic Republic of Iran, primary seismic station PS44 in the Republic of Turkmenistan has now been fully constructed and is currently undergoing testing. PS44 is one of the 337 facilities belonging to the International Monitoring System (IMS), which are being established around the world to monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Carlyle Group Poised to Make $4 Billion in China
Mumbai Massacre Terrorists Trained with Al Qaeda
Ominous Signs Iran Intends to Crush Dissent
Turkish PM Rejects New Iran Sanctions
O'Scrooge in the White House: Left-Wing, Muslim-Born President Reveals He and First Lady Don't Celebrate Christmas, Won't Give Gifts to Daughters
Click here for complete coverage of O'Scrooge in the White House, a President who does not celebrate Christmas.
One day in the future, when the history of this bizarre era is written, assuming the country survives and non-Islamist books are still being published, it will be seen as absolutely unbelievable that just seven years after an Islamist attack on the United States--a second Pearl Harbor that slaughtered some 3,000 innocent people on U.S. soil--the country turned to a left-wing, Muslim-born mystery man for leadership and guidance during a most difficult time.
Full disclosure: this American Jew, a lifelong Zionist, yeshiva elementary school graduate, and second-generation native New Yorker, is appalled by the notion of a Christian who does not celebrate Christmas, an American who does not appreciate the joy, traditions, and festivities associated with the holiday that has inspired, moved, and entertained millions of people the world over.Baghdad's Bloody Tuesday: Bombings Kill 121
UK Persecuting Christian Couple for Free Speech
Ahmadinejad: US Blocks Advent of Muslim Messiah
Iran's maniac-in-chief says the United States is preventing the return of the Hidden Imam. Click here for the story.
This is the garbage that Obama has tried to engage, believes he can contain if Iran develops nuclear arms.
Iran's intentions are clear: a world without America and Israel.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Ignored by America's appeaser-in-chief, North Koreans are criticizing their government--an incredible act of courage. Click here for the story, which has practically been spiked by the liberal mainstream media.
The French President has shown great courage in defending Switzerland, as reported here.
Al Qaeda-linked Muslims have beheaded one of three Philippine factory worker hostages, as reported here.
Amnesty International says human rights violations in Iran are the worst in 20 years. Torture, rape, unlawful killings--the story here.
The only Islamist group that is still beyond the pale of the Obama administration's engagement (appeasement) policy--Al Qaeda--has claimed responsibility for Baghdad's Bloody Tuesday. Click here for the story.
Three fanatic Muslims were convicted of involvement in a 2006 plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, as reported here.
American liberals must be going nuts. According to a pair of new opinion polls, a politically conservative, Christian woman is trailing a left-wing, Muslim-born President by only one point. Click here for the story.
The crazy case against a Christian couple accused of "abusing" a Muslim fanatic has been dismissed, thank God. Click here for the story.
Iran says a nuclear explosion monitoring facility in Turkmenistan, set up by a UN agency, is a spy station. Click here for the story.
The giant private equity firm is poised to exit China $4 billion richer. Click here for the story.
The Pakistan-based Islamist terrorist group trained with Al Qaeda, as reported here.
Amid new student protests, Iran's Islamonazi regime is widening its net in an effort to crush the opposition and all dissent, regardless of how peaceful it may be. Click here for the story.
As if to confirm China Confidential reporting and analysis, Turkey's crypto-Islamist prime minister has rejected new sanctions on Iran to end its nuclear arms program. Click here for the update.
At least 121 people were killed and hundreds were wounded in a series of coordinated bombings in Baghdad. Click here for the news.
Islamizing Britain is persecuting an innocent Christian Couple for free speech--allegedly questioning and criticizing a Christian woman who converted to Islam and adopted the dehumanizing and terrifying Islamist dress code. Click here for the story, another dispatch from the front lines in the war against Western civilization.
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Britannia Radio