Thursday, December 17, 2009
china confidentialMining Firms Fear Another Bre-X Gold Scandal
Given's gold's climb in price and allure to investors as a hedge against inflation and insurance against financial chaos, it is only a matter of time before the international mining community is rocked by another Bre-X Gold-style scandal. So say Canadian miners, who are especially sensitive to their country's history of scams.
"Suddenly, everyone seems to have a gold mine for sale," one of Canada's most respected mining executives tells China Confidential. "More than ever, companies and investors need to exercise caution about who they do business with and trust."France May be Backing Down From Full Burqa Ban
A compromise is apparently in the works, as reported here. But the coming ban will still strike a blow for freedom and the defense of France and Western civilization against clerical fascism.
U.S. President Barack Obama will probably speak out against the burqa ban. He has made a point of intervening in France on the burqa/veil issue. Committed to appeasing and aligning with Islamism, except for Al Qaeda, which has yet to develop a "reconcilable" faction in Obama's eyes, the Muslim-born President (according to Islamic law, which traces religion through the father), who practiced and studied Islam as a child in Indonesia, advocates accommodating dehumanizing islamist dress codes, regardless of how offensive, repressive or menacing they may seem to most citizens of secular, democratic nations.
Seven years after 9/11, the voters of the United States elected a Muslim-born appeaser of Islamism to lead the world's greatest democracy; more than a year later, the President of France has in many ways emerged as the leader of the free world.UK Muslim Convicted of Murdering Daughter
US Backs $100 Billion 'Climate' Fund for Third World
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims the United States is prepared to work with other countries to transfer $100 billion to the Third World to pay for so-called climate change measures. Click here for the story.
Manmade global warming (recently renamed "climate change" in view of evidence that the planet stopped warming over a decade ago) is a horrible hoax, a route to ruin for millions of ordinary people who will be pauperized in order to line the pockets of giant investment banks and increase government control of economic activity across the globe.
A glimmer of hope: public skepticism about global warming hysteria is at an all-time high among Americans. Clickhere for the breaking news.Pentagon to Simulate Iranian ICBM Attack
Following Iran's provocative launch of a long-range missile capable of reaching Israel and parts of Europe, the Pentagon has both downplayed the significance of the act and announced plans to simulate an Iranian ICBM attack to test U.S. defenses. Click here for the story.
The planned exercise is just that--a mere exercise, or show of supposed strength. Iran's Islamonazi leaders are mad--but not irrational. They intend to destroy Israel--that's a given--dominate Europe by providing the continent's Islamist invaders with a nuclear shield, drive the U.S. from the Middle East, and even cripple the U.S. But the atomic attack they have in mind for the U.S. homeland is not the direct kind; instead, it is the indirect and deniable type.
Would U.S. President Barack Obama instantly retaliate against Iran--with nuclear weapons--were a nuclear bomb or a radioactive weapon--a so-called dirty bomb--to be detonated anonymously in an American city? The answer is almost certainly no. The appeaser-in-chief would most likely appeal for calm and reason, vow to investigate and get to the bottom of the awful "tragedy" and, ruling out accidental explosion of some sort, promise to bring the perpetrators of the attack--the "extremists"--to justice ... in a civilian court ... in between presiding over Presidential prayer meetings and healing sessions and praising Islam and the ways in which it has "shaped" the United States.
The Islamonazi enemy knows this; for the Islamonazi foe, Obama is Allah-sent. Not for nothing does the enemy muse openly about "a world without America and Israel." Not for nothing have Iran and its Stalinist/Kimist partner in nuclear- and missile-related crimes, North Korea, test-fired missiles from cargo ships. Thousands of seemingly civilian vessels, many flying flags of convenience, approach U.S. coastal waters daily. There is no known defense against a sea-launched missile attack on a U.S. coastal city or the detonation of a nuclear warhead above the U.S. in order to wipe out virtually all electronic and communications systems.
Notwithstanding all of the above, the Obama administration--a disaster that threatens to turn into a catastrophe--is reconciled to Iran's development of nuclear weapons. Click here for John Bolton's comments on the mistake of thinking we can contain a nuclear-armed Iran.Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Turkey Moving Away from Europe
U.S. President Barack Obama has gone out of his way to appease and attempt to align with Turkey's crypto-Islamist leaders.Islam Plunging Chechnya into Dark Ages
Thursday, 17 December 2009
A UK court has convicted a fanatic Muslim of the so-called honor killing of his daughter--a common practice in barbaric Muslim lands. Click here for the story.
Politically, Turkey is moving away from Europe. Click here to read all about the "Econo-Islamist" trend.
Barbaric Islam is "flourishing" in Chechnya. Click here for the sickening story.
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Britannia Radio