Friday, 18 December 2009


Priests Screw Up - We're Doomed

So they get 15,000 priests, 5,000 scribes, and 45,000 worshippers, cart them all off to the Great Pyramid of the Sun, and then screw up. 

No mass sacrifice. No bloodied beating hearts tossed down the steps. Just a bunch of weird attention-seekers thrusting themselves into the global pulpit whenever possible.

I tell you, the Gods ain't gonna like this. 


What a shambles. If they can't even organise a £130m piss-up in the best brewery in the world, HTFFFF do they expect us to believe they can manage the future of our planet?

But I guess we can afford the odd £130m on a total waste of time. Much worse if they'd actually reached agreement. Because if these climate fascists ever get their way, we will all be A Lot poorer. 

Today, the TPA published updated estimates of what so-called Green Taxesalready cost us here in the UK. The shocking answer is £26bn pa, or over£1,000 pa per household (see paper for details).

And as things stand, all main political parties intend to increase that burden. They intend to tax and regulate our carbon emitting activites even more heavily - despite the fact that our taxes already far exceed the official estimates of the cost of our emissions. And they want to spend whole other shedloads of our cash on windchimes and elfin generators.

The Aztecs were only able to got rid of their destructive priests when the Spanish slaughtered them all. Let's hope we can get a grip before it comes to that.

PS Anyone who saw Newsnight yesterday will have seen their "Ethical Man"reporter in his kitchen, trying to prove that mankind is the evil destroyer of worlds by means of three empty Evian bottles, a length of plastic piping, and a large lady scientist. Needless to say, it proved nothing. But it did put Tyler in mind of the grisly bits in 10 Rillington Place, where Dickie Attenborough murdered various actresses in his kitchen using a very similar device.
