Friday 25 December 2009

Top Cuban Official Says Obama Lied in Copenhagen

'He singled out comments Obama made during a news conference in Copenhagen, when the U.S. president said no agreement had yet been reached but he was confident one would before the summit ended. "Obama knew he was lying, that he was deceiving public opinion," the foreign minister said.'


Pachauri Responds To Global Warming Profiteering Charges

'Rajendra Pachauri has responded to the conflict 0f interest allegations levied against him in the Telegraph, which I discussed here several days ago. Dr. Pachauri’s rebutal comes in the form of a press release issued by TERI, the organization that he directs in India. I am in possession of the press release, having received it from a colleague who sent it to an email list.

Yesterday, I emailed the TERI media office to ask if I could post the release up here in full. I have not yet heard back from them, so I won’t yet post it up in full. Presumably, they issued it to be read and I assume that The Telegraph will post it up sooner or later. The release ends with a threat to escalate the issue, presumably a reference to UK libel laws.'


Obama Grants Interpol Immunity as Foreign ‘Assets’ Assigned to U.S. Homeland

Jack Straw Faces Iraq Inquiry Grilling Over Tony Blair Letter

'The former foreign secretary Jack Straw is to face potentially explosive questioning at the Iraq inquiry next month over a private letter he sent to Tony Blair on the eve of the invasion, urging the prime minister to look at options apart from pressing ahead with British military involvement in the attack.'


Working Towards a Real Robot Army

'In this century it presents no difficulty for them at all. Without question the great profiters from the present economic collapse -- which is really a transfer of ownership -- know they must eventually come to rely for security on a race of real "transformers," fast, agile and rugged shock-and-awe attack and domination robots -- because they can't trust human soldiers -- even desensitized kill-loving sociopathic mercenaries-- to obey the orders the bankers are intending to give for "terminator" services against their own kind, against contumacious debt-slaves daring to consider repudiation of their debt or even toclaim trillions in restitution for all of the past wars, depressions and exactings of blood and wealth from the nations of the world.

They can afford a thousand times more than all the money of all nations that has gone into space programs. They control the defense scientists of every major power and can put them to work, blindly and compartmentalized, working on any component necessary for such a force. They will do it because they have to do it.'


Now Gordon Brown Wants to Police the Entire World – How Controlling Can a Freak Get?

'Quasimodo in Number 10, hunched, scowling over his desk, has devised yet another plan to police, to increase surveillance, to indulge his obsession with extending his short-lived control over as many people as possible. Gordon Brown, who now seems to have lost his last tenuous grip on reality, wants the European Union to police the carbon emissions of the whole world. That is the leitmotif of New Labour – and, by extension, all Westminster – government: control, bans, observation, intrusion, diktat.

Balked of a legal agreement on imaginary manmade global warming at Copenhagen, Quasimodo and Nicolas Sarkozy are working on plans to create a “European monitoring organisation” to oversee different countries’ actions on carbon emissions. Barack Obama – the leading control freak in the liberal pantheon – has suggested spy satellites could be used.

Quasimodo told reporters: “We’re in favour of transparency; we’re in favour of looking at what’s happening not just in our country and our own continent, but around the world.” That isn’t transparency: that is snooping. “We’re in favour of transparency” – from a New Labour Prime Minister! Goebbels, who always favoured the Big Lie, would have loved it.'


The Videos Common Purpose Want Taking Down: Brian Gerrish - The State of the Nation (2)