Tuesday, December 01, 2009
McCain Silent on Obama Persecution of Navy SEALs
As Predicted, America's Appeaser-in-Chief Bows to the Left to Deliver a Confused and Confusing Speech
America's appeaser-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama, went to West Point tonight to deliver a rambling, confused and confusing speech, mixing military and economic concerns ... a talk worthy of a second-rate academic rather than the leader of the mightiest armed forces on earth and what remains of the free world in the face of Islamist aggression.
Obama's mishmash was a gift to the Taliban, with whom he wishes to reconcile, and Al Qaeda, whose terrorist networks he supposedly still wants to dismantle and disrupt. Obama made it clear to the enemy that America is economically weak, politically divided, determined to cut and run by a date certain.
A disaster like Obama hasn't been seen since Jimmy Carter. Like Carter, Obama will embolden and encourage Islamist aggression and terrorism. Even worse, whereas Carter was complicit in the Islamist takeover of Iran, Obama is complicit in Iran's acquisition of atomic arms.Obamanation: Ohio Court Forces Teenage Christian Convert to Return Home to Fanatic Muslim Parents
Hours before the first faux Christian, Muslim-born President of the United States addresses the nation on his surge-and-run plan for Afghanistan, an Ohio court appears to have condemned a teenage Muslim convert to Christianity to return to her fanatic parents, disregarding common sense and ignoring evidence that her life could be in danger as a result of the disgusting decision. Click here for the story, one more indication of growing Islamist influence and intimidation in the United States.Merrill Lynch: Invest in Israel
Obama's Plan for Afghanistan: Surge and Run
UPDATE: Obama will announce a deadline for beginning a pullout, undercutting the surge from the get-go. Click here.
U.S. President Barack Obama will talk tough tonight. But his address to the nation from West Point on Afghanistan will signal weakness and desperation.
The Obama plan for Afghanistan is to surge ... and run ... leaving the country's notoriously corrupt and unreliable government in charge ... until it is swept away like so much garbage by the resurgent Taliban. After dithering and delaying a decision for months on the need for more troops, Obama's 11th hour escalation is basically a big subterfuge--a desperate deception--for withdrawal and defeat.
Masochistic rules of engagement will continue to endanger American/allied lives and kill any chance of victory over the Taliban. Nation-building nonsense will drain American resources and sap political will; and stepped-up diplomatic initiatives by the Obama administration will strengthen the Islamist enemy, which, with the possible exception of its most senior leaders, including Mullah Omar, will be re-branded as "reconcilable."
Expect to hear more mumbo-jumbo about dismantling and disrupting Al Qaeda networks. Fact is, unless the pro-appeasement trend is reversed, it is only a matter of time before the White House and its supporters in the U.S. Congress and the liberal, mainstream media find "moderate" factions of Al Qaeda worthy of "engaging."
More than eight years after 9/11, the war against radical Islam appears to have been lost. Afghanistan is doomed. Pakistan's nuclear weapons are in danger of falling into overtly Islamist hands. Iran is about to cross the nuclear threshold. Its Lebanese proxy, Hitlerian Hezbollah, is bristling with ballistic missiles--enough to level Tel Aviv and Haifa. Hitlerian Hamas, Iran's Palestinian proxy, is developing its own arsenal of longer-range rockets. And Iranian and Hezbollah operatives and agents are working closely with Venezeula and, also, possibly, with Brazil in order to establish forward bases for terrorist attacks on the United States, including nuclear and biological terrorism.
Parallel to the above, Obama's election and outreach to "the Muslim world" has emboldened the Islamist fifth column in the U.S., as shown by the Fort Hood massacre and the media coverage of the atrocity, which Obama and his backers insist on referring to as "a tragedy."Islamonazi Iran Threatening British Hostages
The Britons join three young Americans as Iran goes about building a bank of hostages to intimidate the West and deter possible last-minute military action against Iran's nuclear arms program. The Americans were detained after they strayed across the Iranian border from northern Iraq in July. The U.S. has insisted that they were innocent hikers who accidentally entered Iran. In response to the U.S., which Iran regards as a paper tiger, the Islamonazi regime has accused the Americans of espionage — a sign that they could be put on trial.Understanding Iran's Defiance
Stephen Brown on Obama's appeasement policy and Iran's defiance:The Iranian announcement signals a defeat for President Obama’s ‘soft’ approach towards the Islamic Republic’s leadership. In an interview with Dubai-based Al-Arabiya satellite television network last January, Obama said Iran’s leaders would find the extended hand of diplomacy if they “unclenched” their fists.
“As I said in my inauguration speech, if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us,” Obama said.
But as early as March there were already signs that Iran was in no mood to unclench and drop the rock it was holding in the form of its nuclear weapons program. That month, President Obama released a video, wishing the Iranians a happy New Year, which, in Iran, falls on the first day of spring. In return for his friendly overture, the American president received from the Iranian government nothing but a demand for apologies for America’s past transgressions, real or imagined, against Iran.
Sunday’s statement simply proves what most have suspected all along: One cannot talk to the Iranian leaders and that they are simply stringing out negotiations to complete their nuclear arms program. And the fact the Iranians still celebrate the 1979 American embassy seizure every November, a flagrant and criminal breach of international law, shows they do not want to talk to the United States in particular and are still willing to flout international norms.
Click here to read the entire essay.China Wants More Talk, No Action on Iran
The Chinese statement is another sign that Obama's Asia trip was an utter flop. He failed to persuade or impress regional leaders, who view him as alarmingly weak and inexperienced in international affairs.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
U.S. Senator and failed Presidential candidate John McCain has been strangely silent on the Obama administration's persecution of Navy SEALs. Click here for the story.
Merrill Lynch, which is owned by Bank of America, has advised investors to focus on Israel in view of the Dubai crisis. Click here for the story.
Islamonazi Iran is threatening "harsh action" against five British civilian sailors--yet another indication of how Obama's appeasement of the turbaned tyranny has backfired. Click herefor the story.
China remains opposed to meaningful Iran sanctions, as reported here.
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Britannia Radio