Tuesday, December 29, 2009
North Korea Breaks Another Agreement
Blogger Outreports Mainstream Media
A lone blogger makes the mainstream media look like fools--or worse. Click here to visitAtlas Shrugs, the premier, online destination for news and commentary concerning the global Islamist threat, with a special focus on Iran and in-depth, multimedia coverage of the Islamist takeover of Europe and the fifth column menace in the United States.Will Hezbollah and Hamas Hit Israel?
Hitlerian Hezbollah and Hamas will lose their main ally and sponsor if Iran's Islamonazi regime is overthrown.
With the above in mind, will the terrorist groups attack Israel to create a diversionary crisis?
Will the missile-mad mullahs and the IRGC attack Israel if they feel their days are numbered?
Remember: the Nazis continued killing Jews in the death camps up until the last days of World War II.
It would be a terrible mistake to underestimate the resourcefulness and fanaticism of the Islamonazi enemy.
Anything is possible, including sudden, stepped-up terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda. The fall of Tehran's turbaned tyranny would be a major blow to the entire Islamist/Islamonazi movement, regardless of the Shiite-Sunni theological divide.
Radical Islam's rise started--and will end--in Iran.China Grabs Afghanistan's Vast Copper Resources
Afghanistan's copper is going to rising China, while falling-down America ... falls.Unlike Obama, Iranians Want Regime Change
The Iranian people want regime change, in contrast with the pro-appeasement Obama administration, which has been caught completely off guard by the popular uprising following a phony Islamist election. Click here for the analysis.
Just as the American cargo captain held hostage by Islamist-supported Muslim pirates in Somalia was rescued in spite--and not because--of U.S. President Barack Obama, who was opposed to shooting the pirates, the Iranian people will be liberated in spite--and not because--of Obama, who has made engagement with (code for appeasement of) Islamist Iran and Islamism in general the hallmark of his disastrous and potentially catastrophic foreign policy.
Obama gave Iran another year to develop nuclear weapons. That's a fact. His appeasement of an imperialist, totalitarian regime that is bent on overthrowing the status quo has not only failed to preserve the peace. It has made war inevitable--on Tehran's terms--unless the Islamist regime is itself overthrown.
With luck, tantamount to a miracle, the Iranian people--aided by the regular armed forces--will free themselves and spare their region and the United States a horrible conflict.
Should that happen, one hopes the President will have the decency not to try to claim credit in any way. His achievements are non-existent; his policies utterly, fundamentally flawed.AP: Iran Planning to Smuggle Uranium Ore From Kazakhstan to Continue Suspect Enrichment Effort
Iran is planning to import 1,350 tons of purified uranium ore from Kazakhstan in violation of U.N. Security Council sanctions, according to an AP report.
The ore, which reportedly would cost $450 million, is necessary to continue Iran's uranium enrichment program.
The AP said it learned of the deal, which reportedly is nearing completion, in an intelligence report provided to the news agency by an undisclosed member nation of the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Iran on Tuesday rejected the end-of-the-year deadline set by six world powers--the United States, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany--to agree to an IAEA-brokered uranium enrichment deal that would have Iran sending its low-enriched uranium to France or Germany for further enrichment.Kerry Wants to Visit Iran
Also on Tuesday, U.S. Senator John Kerry filed a formal request to visit Iran. Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts and Iranian exile sources say the planned trip--the first by such a high-level U.S. politician since the catastrophic (Carter-assisted) Islamist overthrow of the pro-U.S. modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi--is poorly timed, to put matters mildly, and certain to be exploited for political and propaganda purposes by the increasingly beleaguered Islamonazi regime.
"The only acceptable reason for visiting Iran at this time would be for Kerry to negotiate the release of the U.S. hostages and to bring them home," a veteran Iran-watcher told China Confidential, referring to the three young hikers held by Iran and accused of espionage following their arrest after they entered the country by straying across the Iraqi border. Iran is threatening to put the Americans on trial.China's Wood Market Fuels Russia's Illegal Logging
China imports nearly six out of 10 logs produced in the world; and Russia is a major supplier. More than a third of Russian logs are smuggled into China from Siberia, home to the world's largest forest, and arguably the most threatened. The illegal Russian logging business is huge--and exceptionally dangerous. Loggers employed by Russian "mafia" barons carry guns and use sophisticated, quieter chain saws and other advanced tools. Read all about ithere.
As China's economy comes roaring back, so will its demand for dimensional lumber. There isn't enough wood on the planet to supply the projected Chinese building boom in a sustainable manner. South America has vast timber resources; but its logging industry is largely illegal. Peru is a prime example: most of the logging is illegal. Indigenous people in protected areas are actually being killed for wood. Europe--e.g. Slovenia--still has untapped resources. But they are relatively small; and European energy companies, led by the giant German utility RWE, are moving ahead with ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions by co-firing coal with woody biomass, including torrefied wood pellets and wood chips.
China Confidential analysts predict Russia will eventually crack down on illegal logging, and South American countries will be paid to not cut trees. As a result, the demand for North American wood, from forests in Canada and the United States, will soon soar. Not for nothing, as the Russians like to say, has RWE announced its intention to acquire North American biomass firms. Given the growth of the U.S. biomass industry and an anticipated upturn in the depressed U.S. lumber market, shortages loom, especially in the so-called fiber basket of the Northeast, where close to 30% of the U.S. population lives, and more and more residential and commercial consumers in places like rural Vermont are switching to burning supposedly carbon neutral wood for space heating.
POSTSCRIPT: A Welsh politician is urging the EU to criminalize the use of wood products from illegal sources, as reported here.
Albania's forests are being ravaged by illegal logging, as reported here.
Some U.S. Senators want Australia to stop importing illegal timber, as reported here. About 10% of the imports, valued at $400 million a year, are illegal.
Madagascar's forests are also being diminished by fast-paced, illegal logging practices. Clickhere for the story.Too Little, Too Late: Obama Desperately Seeking Support for Sanctions on Nuclear-Arming Iran
As Iran rapidly approaches the nuclear threshold, the Obama administration, which gave Iran's Islamonazi leaders a critical additional year to achieve their atomic aims, is reaching out to friends and allies for a new round of supposedly tough sanctions on the turbaned tyranny. Click here for the story.Iran Lashes Out at US, UK
Iran is threatening the UK--click here for the story--and denouncing the United States, as reported here.Israel Confirms China Confidential Analysis: Iran Very Close to Becoming Nuclear-Weapons State
Monday, December 28, 2009
Comment: Dumbbell Democrats Can't Defend US
The Obama administration and the dumbbell Democrats in the U.S. Congress are incapable of defending the American people against Islamist terrorism, as shown by the failed Christmas Day bombing of Flight 253, carrying nearly 300 people from Amsterdam to Detroit, which came way too close to succeeding, and the Fort Hood massacre by a Muslim Army major.
Cowardice, political correctness, and a fundamental lack of common sense prevent the Democrats from taking truly effective defensive measures and offensive actions that must involve hunting and killing terrorists before they approach the United States homeland and U.S. targets abroad.
Israel has shown that effective counter-terrorism involves terrorizing the terrorists--making them run and hide and fear that every moment could be their last on earth.
Such concepts are anathema to weak-minded Democrats. Even worse, the Obama administration has made appeasement of Islamism--including nuclear-arming, Iran--the hallmark of its foreign policy.
Click here for the relevant IBD editorial, which is right on target, as usual.
And click here for a searing essay on Obama's delayed response to the Christmas Day bombing attempt, which the President took three days to comment on publicly.Obama Dazed and Confused by Iran Protests
UPDATE: Click below for a video critique of Obama's tepid response to the dramatic events.Pray for Revolution in Iran to Prevent War
Anyone who wants to prevent another war in the Middle East should pray for revolution in Iran.
There is no diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear problem. Sanctions are a joke. Regime change or war are the only ways forward.
Incredibly, the Obama administration has given Iran's Islamonazi rulers a critically important additional year to develop nuclear weapons. As a result of Obama's appeasement policy, Iran could be months--or weeks--away from crossing the nuclear threshold.
The White House is apparently ready to live with a nuclear-armed Iran. But Israel--which Iran has targeted for annihilation--is preparing to end the Iranian threat before it ends Israel. The Jewish State will use any and all necessary weapons--including nuclear weapons--to protect its citizens and prevent a second Holocaust.
UPDATE: As predicted, elements of Iran's regular armed forces may be moving against the IRGC and the Basij militia. Click here for the purported communique from a secret officers group.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Stalinist/Kimist North Korea is pilfering equipment from a nuclear site, as reported here.
China's appetite for raw materials is insatiable, as shown by its extraordinary investment in Afghanistan--the largest by any country. Click here for the story.
Appeasement invites aggression....
Iran is a few months away from being able to make an atomic bomb. Click here for the story.
Having failed to win over Iran's Islamonazi regime, the appeaser-in-chief seems dazed and confused by the growing unrest. Click here for the analysis.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:47 PM links to this post
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Britannia Radio