'Chilling' new video: How to slit throats
Jihad maneuvers taught at New York compound
Posted: December 15, 2009
9:04 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A new video released by the Christian Action Network shows Muslim women at a compound in New York state practicing throat-slitting techniques and assault weapons attacks. Jihad training video
The video was distributed by the makers of the movie"Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.,"which documents how a jihadist group has developed dozens of training camps across the nation.
WND reported at the time how Jamaat ul-Fuqra has built 35 compounds – mostly in the northeastern corridor of the U.S.
Now the organization has posted on YouTube a "chilling" training video provided to CAN by an unnamed law enforcement source about the Muslims of America headquarters in Hancock, New York.
Muslims of America reportedly is the name Jamaat ul-Fuqra, believed to have been involved in the beheading of reporter Daniel Pearl, uses in the U.S.
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The video includes segments of training exercises in which one person appears to practice a maneuver that would slit the throat of a victim. There are episodes of what appears to be automatic weapons fire at a target and incidents in which a handgun is held point-blank at a "victim's" head:
The video shows women marching in military formation, scaling walls, engaging in hand-to-hand combat and also reveals a Muslim confirming that the organization's own census revealed that Muslims are a majority in the United States and they are claiming it as their own.
The speaker states, "We are 100 percent sure that Muslims are the majority in America." Jihad training video showing how to slit a throat
He continues, "Our Islamic political party has based its manifesto on this fact. We want to declare once and for all that America is our country."
According to CAN, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2005 warned about Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistani-based organization that "had the capacity to attack" America.
The U.S. State Department's 1998 "Patterns of Global Terrorism" report notes the organization "seeks to purify Islam through violence."
The report continued, "Members have purchased isolated rural compounds in North America to live communally, practice their faith and insulate themselves from Western culture. Fuqra members have attacked a variety of targets that they view as enemies of Islam."
CAN, led by Martin Mawyer, has researched Muslims of America for years and has provided its video to the FBI, State Department and Homeland Security.
To date, there has been no response from the government, the group said.
Mawyer told WND the political correctness America has adopted ultimately will be costly. Marching in formation on jihad training video
The hands of law enforcement and investigators are tied at this point, he said, because members of the organization are part of "a minority religion," "they are African-American" "and in this particular case, are women."
"Gilani has stated he is preparing his members to the Soldiers of Allah, and he's set up the most advanced guerrilla warfare training camps," he said. "He's being true to his word.
"If the evidence is right in front of our face and we have the words from the leader," Mawyer said. "I don't know how we continue to close our eyes and be blinded by such obvious affront to American values, the Constitution and our way of life."
The organization's "Homegrown Jihad" video includes a chilling scene of Jamaat ul-Fuqra's leader Sheikh Mubarak Gilani telling followers to "act like you're his friend. Then kill him."
According to the Religion of Peace website, there have been more than 250 jihad attacks by Muslims around the globe – including two inside the U.S. – in just the last two months.
The death toll from the attacks has surpassed 1,400, the report says.
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Thursday, 17 December 2009
“Chilling” New Video:
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Britannia Radio