Thursday 10 December 2009

Wednesday, 9th December 2009

An inconvenient truth


Yesterday evening, the historian Andrew Roberts delivered a remarkable address at the annual dinner of the Anglo-Israel Association.  I reproduce it here in full, with no further comment.

My Lords, Ladies & Gentlemen,

It’s a great honour to be invited to address you, especially on this the 60th anniversary of AIA, and I’d like to take the opportunity of this anniversary to look at the overall story of the relationship between Britain and Israel, and to try to strip away some of the myths.

Because it seems to me that for all the undoubted statesmanship implicit in Arthur Balfour’s Declaration of November 1917, promising ‘a National Home for the Jewish People’, it doesn’t mean that Britain has ever been much more than a fair-weather friend to Jewish national aspirations. The Declaration itself was at least in part conceived to


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The smoking iceberg



According to the British Meteorological  Office and the World Meteorological Association, in aclaim openly designed to influence the Copenhagen talks, the past decade was ‘by far’ the warmest since records began.

Now this claim was somewhat surprising, to say the least, since the overwhelming evidence is that global temperatures over the past decade have been on a plateau and have even been cooling. Indeed, what provoked some of the infamous Hadley Centre email correspondence was scientists anguished that the plateau/cooling of the climate was destroying the anthropogenic global warming theory on which they have staked their careers and reputations. Moreover, the Hadley Centre’s own graph:

has been widely used to show that global warming has stopped -- and the Hadley Centre is actually part of the Met...

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Tuesday, 8th December 2009

A better use for the Ignoble Appeasement Prize


Once again, the courageous people of Iran have been demonstrating that, despite arrests, imprisonment, beatings, torture and state murder their spirit remains unbroken. Once again, there were protests against the regime yesterday at universities throughout Iran.Potkin Azarmehr reports:

The most predominant chant was specifically directed against the Supreme Leader. It was amazing the regime had gone out of its way to prevent any information from coming out of Iran. Apart from the usual tricks, they had banned the press permits for all foreign correspondents for three days and even the public phone boxes around the universities were wrapped in black plastic bags to stop eyewitnesses reporting from the scene, yet once again they failed miserably. As Moussavi aptly said ‘They are trying to put up a barbed wire to stop a flood’.

A translated report from...

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