From Jan Lamprecht
Southern Africa in Crisis
Sunday, 6th December 2009From 1994-Present over 3,000 Farmers have been murdered in S.Africa.
Many thousands of their farm workers have also been murdered too.
Click here for Photos & Updates - WARNING: Very Graphic & GruesomeSomalia: Security Council Renews for 12 Months Authorization for States Combating Piracy off Somalia's Coast
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The following is a resolution arrived at on the 6226th meeting of the Security Council of the United Nations stressing its commitment to working the Somali Transitional Federal Government to deal with (By News Poster)...USA: Obama’s Numerous Links with International Marxism Exposed
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Revelations that Obama was not just chummy with Marxists and Socialists throughout his life, but even may have been recruited by the KGB, first surfaced with Tom Fife, the physicist’s testimony (see w (By Gairk)...Africa: Human Trafficking Ensnares Hundreds of Thousands
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Michael FleshmanWhen 20-year-old Isoke Aikpitanyi was offered a job in Italy in 2000 she leapt at the chance. Life was difficult at home in Nigeria and opportunities for young women were limited an (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Bank Crisis and the Limits of Sanusi's Capitalist Reforms
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Kola IbrahimSo much has been written about the Nigerian bank crisis and the 'surgical' operations being carried out by the capitalist financial doctors, led by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governo (By News Poster)...Africa: Land Grabs - New 'Resource Curse'?
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Khadija SharifeIt has been called the next golden commodity by investment firms, and 'neocolonialism' by the now repentant director general of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Jacqu (By News Poster)...Eager foreigners still wary of investing in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Recent moves to nationalize big businesses have made several companies postpone plans to invest By Scott BaldaufJohannesburg - Foreign investors eager to pursue tempting opportunities in Zimba (By News Poster)...Nigeria: The Many Faces of Modern Slavery
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Akor OjomaThe International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates at least 12.3 million adults and children are caught in forced labour, bonded labour and commercial sexual servitude at any given tim (By News Poster)...Zim: Protection agreement in murky water
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Political expediency won when Davies succumbed to Zimbabwean demands The much-talked about Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (Bippa) between South Africa and Zimbabwe, to (By News Poster)...Africa: Realising the Right to Food
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Contribution to the preparation of the Declaration of the World Summit on Food SecurityIn a report prepared in the run-up to the World Summit on Food Security, which took place in Rome from 13-17 Nove (By News Poster)...South Africa´s dangerous flirt with Socialism
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Themba Nolutshungu´s compelling evidence of the genetic relationship between Communism and Apartheid is ground breaking. He should know better, for he has lived in the worst of the two worlds - Aparth (By Gairk)...South Africa cannot protect its nuclear stockpile
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: There are growing fears among the nuclear powers that South Africa would not be able to safeguard its stored nuclear material. On November 7 2007, Africa's only enriched-uranium storage facility, Peli (By Gairk)...Zim: The Dark before the Dawn – Is Eddie Cross too Optimistic? Jacob Zuma’s fake moves…
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [Eddie plays a type of political game in his writings. I’ve noticed this for a long time, and now as I observe politics more closely over the years I’m starting to understand more about the games with (By Gairk)...East Africa: Operation to Fight Piracy a Success
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Lucas BarasaNairobi - The military operation targeting piracy off the Somali coast has been termed a success.There has been no hijacking of vessels in the Gulf of Aden since July, the European Unio (By News Poster)...[Pic] S.Africa: Apartheid did more for the Blacks than the Blacks did for themselves - Afrikaner hits back at Racist ANC attack
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [Now this is totally brilliant. I take my hat off to the Afrikaner who wrote this and also to the newspaper that dared to publish it. Its nice to see a newspaper like THE SUNDAY INDEPENDENT allowing e (By Jan)...Sudan: Testimony by Enrico Carisch at the Review of the U.S.-Sudan Policy Hearing
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The following testimony by Former Coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts on Sudan Enrico Carisch is among the four delivered before the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Afric (By News Poster)...Africa: Is Continent's Land Up for Grabs?
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Roy LaishleyAn apparent surge in the purchase of African land by foreign companies and governments to grow food and other crops for export has set alarm bells ringing on and off the continent. The (By News Poster)...Uganda: Why Draru May Not Be Only Killer of Kazini Murder
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Okello LucimaKampala - I have been wondering what in military parlance and war tradition, it would mean for a private to single-handedly slay a general on the battlefield. Would one be promoted fro (By News Poster)...Africa: Climate Change Could Increase Conflict in Continent
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Cyril MychalejkoDarfur just may be the tip of the melting iceberg. A new study suggests that if world leaders fail to reach a meaningful agreement in Copenhagen to curb climate change, Africa will (By News Poster)...Presidential Promiscuity Has Corrupted Society
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Rafael Marques De MoraisIn August, I sent a letter to the president of the Angolan republic, in which I drew attention to the fact that the attorney general of the republic was breaking the law by (By News Poster)...Africa: 'Sea too large to stop all pirate attacks'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Jason StraziusoNairobi, Kenya - International naval forces will never be able to completely secure the vast area of ocean where Somali pirates are hijacking ships off East Africa, the commander of (By News Poster)...World: End of era for Argentina's Afrikaners
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina - Once they lived here in their thousands, but now only a handful of Afrikaans-speaking Boers remain in the windswept Patagonian coastal town of Comodoro Rivadavia and it (By News Poster)...Was President Zuma’s speech a turning point for AIDS in South Africa? My views
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Just this morning I was on the Jeff Rense show and we discussed Zuma’s aids promises. I see Zuma is “the big promise man”. He is running around saying how he will increase ARVS here, there and everyw (By Gairk)...Ghana: Oil and Gas Driven Industrialization - Country's Model of Petroleum Resource Management
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Mohammed Amin AdamThe Government of Ghana announced in its 2010 Budget and Policy Statement the plan to develop an Oil and Gas Industrialization Plan as a sustainable model of managing her petroleu (By News Poster)...Africa is giving nothing to anyone -- apart from AIDS
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Although over a year old, this is well worth looking at. Something of a glance at the future. Considering it was published in Ireland says a lot.] No. It will not do. Even as we see African states (By Gairk)...South Africa: International TAU Bulletin: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: TLU SA Kommunikasie / TAU SA Communications [] Submitted by Kobi Nel SOUTH AFRICA BULLETIN TAU SA in Pretoria December 1, 2009 The Bulletin attached hereto is provided as (By JoAn)...Liberia: Police Burn Over L$3 Million Drugs
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The Liberia National Police (LNP) has burned over 280 kilograms of narcotic and other dangerous drugs valued at least L$3 million.The drugs seized from May this year to November were set ablaze yester (By News Poster)...Africa: We Demand Food Sovereignty Now!
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Food sovereignty is the real solution to the tragedy of hunger in our world', representatives from social movements, NGOs and CSOs have said in a declaration issued at a forum parallel to the World Su (By News Poster)...[Cartoon] S.Africa: This is what Zapiro thinks of the statements by Julius Malema (Communist attack dog) of the ANCYL
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Yep, this pretty much sums it up. This is how most whites view Julius Malema. He talks a lot of nonsense. But, the scary part folks is that Julius Malema might well become a future President of South (By Jan)...South Africa: Finally, a World Aids Day to Remember
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Anso ThomPresident Jacob Zuma has announced the most significant government-led interventions to stem the AIDS epidemic since its emergence more than 20 years ago, stating that extraordinary measur (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma Steps Up Fight Against Aids
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Jacob ZumaPresident Jacob Zuma has announced a range of new measures to fight HIV/Aids and will undergo testing for his HIV status as part of a new campaign to persuade all South Africans to do the (By News Poster)...World: Huge manhunt sparked after cops shot dead
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Four police officers were gunned down in an execution-style ambush at a coffee shop in Washington state on Sunday, triggering a manhunt for a convicted armed robber with a history of violence.Pierce C (By News Poster)...Africa: Maritime Pirates Threaten Everyone, Especially Continent's Hungry
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Charles W. CoreyOceangoing ships are responsible for moving at least 80 percent of all commerce worldwide, so maritime pirates are a threat to everyone, especially those who are starving in Somalia (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Security Council Extends Arms Embargo, Related Sanctions, in Democratic Republic of Congo until 30 November 2010
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The following is the full text of the resolution arrived at on the 6225th meeting of the Security Council of the United Nations extending the arms embargo and other sanctions in the Democratic Republi (By News Poster)...S.Africa: Zumanomics - The Economics of an Idiot....
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: I had a chuckle tonight watching the news. President Jacob Zuma is making all sorts of promises about the things which Govt will pay for and "give". Then someone asked the obvious question: "Where wil (By Jan)...Zimbabwe: SA And Govt Sign Investment Protection Deal, But Doubts Remain
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Alex BellA bilateral investment protection deal between South Africa and Zimbabwe was finally signed in Harare on Friday, amid remaining doubts over the future protection of investments in the coun (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: Putting the Conflict in Context
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Phumlani MajavuThe renowned intellectual, Noam Chomsky recently argued that the conflict in the Kivus is 'the worst catastrophe in Africa, if not the world...' This is because, to date, over 5 mill (By News Poster)...South Africa: Africa woos SA farmers
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Food security in South Africa is under threat as 21 African countries, worried about their own food production, have started luring farmers away with promises of free land.Already 1 700 farmers have s (By News Poster)...Zim: Weapons theft stokes fears of instability
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: "What we are witnessing is a Zanu PF tried-and-tested strategy" Harare - The recent "suicide" of a senior army officer in the wake of a break-in at a military armoury in Zimbabwe's capital, Ha (By News Poster)...Somalia: Three Ministers Killed in Attack
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Henry MukasaTHE commander of the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia, Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha, has said the suicide bomb attack in Mogadishu will not deter efforts to pacify the country."I (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Bode George - The Judiciary On Trial Again
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Davidson IriekpenLagos - Still basking in the euphoria of the encomiums it received from most Nigerians for dismissing the application filed by Mr. Andy Uba, a former Anambra State Peoples Democrat (By News Poster)...Drug-Pushers Dig in for 2010 World Cup, and Africa Cup
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Arthur SimuchobaWhile governments in the Southern African Community (SADC) region and elsewhere are mobilising resources in order to reap maximum benefits from both the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals i (By News Poster)...Zim: South Africa's Zuma pressures Harare power-sharing partners for results in talks
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Media liberalization has incited opposition Blessing ZuluWashington - Sources in Harare and Pretoria said the three-member South African facilitation team is due back in Harare on Monday to pu (By News Poster)...South Africa: Top lawyer nabbed after fatal office shooting
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Poloko TauA well-known Joburg attorney will spend the weekend in jail after allegedly fatally shooting a former client. Kevin Trytsman, a 50-year-old private investigator, died after he was shot tw (By News Poster)...Kenya: How Annan Got Kibaki And Raila to Agree to a Peace Deal
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Murithi MutigaNairobi - When chief mediator Kofi Annan arrived in Kenya at the height of the post-election crisis, he hoped to arrange a quick meeting with President Kibaki and his rival Raila Odin (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma's full speech on World Aids Day
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA ON THE OCCASION OF WORLD AIDS DAY PRETORIA SHOWGROUNDS1 DECEMBER 2009Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe,The Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and all Ministers and (By News Poster)...Zim: Tsvangirai's GNU deadline expires
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Parties smuggling in new issues By Kholwani HyathiThe one-month deadline Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai gave President Robert Mugabe to fully implement their power-sharing agreement lapses t (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Can an African Team Win the 2010 W/Cup?
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Close your eyes and try to imagine the scenes of jubilation across Africa if a team from the continent were to win the 2010 World Cup.A celebration like no other, one billion people revelling in one o (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: SA gets Group of Death draw
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The final GroupsGroup A - South Africa, Mexico, Uruguay, France -Oh my word.Group B - Argentina, Nigeria, South Korea, Greece Group C - England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia Group D - Germany, Australia, S (By News Poster)...World: Bomb blast kills two in Peshawar
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Alamgir BitaniPeshawar, Pakistan - A blast near a fast food restaurant in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday killed at least two people, officials said, a day after militants killed dozens at a mosq (By News Poster)...Otavi Farm Killer Sent to Prison for 31 Years
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Werner MengesTHE trial of two men accused of murdering an elderly Otavi area farmer five years ago ended in the Otjiwarongo Regional Court yesterday with one of the suspects being jailed for an eff (By News Poster)...South Africa: Murder Rate Falls But Robbery Up
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Ernest MabuzaJohannesburg - MURDER rates in SA had declined 30% over the past 15 years, but this has not been reflected in the perceptions of South Africans, who feel crime levels have actually inc (By News Poster)...Zim: Mwana Africa has dug deep to bring mining back from the brink
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: If you are an Africa-optimist... By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Bindura, ZimbabweIf you drive a Toyota, the body is mostly likely fortified by a rare form of metal from the Bindura Nickel plant (By News Poster)...Guinea: Evidence of new arrests, harassment and illegal detentions by security forces
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Guinea’s security forces are continuing to arrest and harass activists and others, following a massacre during a political protest on 28 September, Amnesty International found during a recent vi (By News Poster)...Africa: Somali minsters killed in Mogadishu blast
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Mogadishu - A suicide bomber killed 18 people including three Somali government ministers at a ceremony in a Mogadishu hotel on Thursday, officials said.The blast is the most serious attack on the tra (By News Poster)...World: Knox: I'm no murderer
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Alessandra Rizzo and Marta FalconiAssociated Press WritersAmerican student Amanda Knox tried one last time to convince the Italian court trying her for murder that she is not a killer, urging juro (By News Poster)...South Africa: The banks' new discrimination
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: There is very little doubt in my mind that South African society is as much divided today as it was 15, 50 or even a 150 years ago. We, as South Africans, mostly pay lip service to reconciliation a (By Gairk)...Zimbabwe: Germany Protests Violation of Protection Agreement
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Alex BellThe German embassy has once again lashed out at the government for violating a bilateral protection agreement between the countries, writing a letter of complaint about the forced takeover (By News Poster)...Nigeria: How Illegal Arms, Ammunition Enter The Country
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Chioma GabrielGeneral Owoye Andrew Azazi was born in Peretorugbene in present Bayelsa State. He had his early education in the old Bendel State of Nigeria where he attended Government College Bomad (By News Poster)...South Africa: Bare hands of death
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: A grieving Johannesburg mother this week broke her silence to reveal her pain after her "jealous and possessive" husband strangled their three-year-old daughter with his bare hands and then ended his (By News Poster)...Africa: Conflict Minerals - Cover for Western Mining Interests?
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: As global awareness grows around the Congo and the silence is finally being broken on the current and historic exploitation of black people in the heart of Africa, a myriad of Western-based 'prescript (By News Poster)...South Africa: Displaced Zimbabweans Struggle After Attacks
Friday 04-Dec-2009: De Doorns - More than two weeks after the attacks that drove some 3,000 Zimbabwean migrant workers from their homes in an informal settlement called Stofland, outside De Doorns, a farming town about 1 (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Lake Kivu's Deadly Secret
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Khadija SharifeTea and coffee, Rwanda's primary exports, have been the main drivers of an average increase of 5 per cent GDP growth in recent years. But the country, dependent on grants, possesses (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Country to Engage Botswana Over Pirate Radio Stations
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Harare - Zimbabwe will make a formal complaint to Botswana over its hosting of pirate radio stations beaming hate messages into the country in violation of the Global Political Agreement and threateni (By News Poster)...Alleged Property 'Grabber' Attacks Relative
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Frederick KebadiretseA 52-year old Mochudi man is living in fear after he was repeatedly attacked by a violent relative who tried to grab a deceased couple's property.Kabelo Segobaetsho, who works (By News Poster)...Burundi: Reverse Ban on Civil Society Group - Threats and Restrictions Represent Attempt to Silence Critics
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Bujumbura - Burundian authorities should immediately retract an ordinance outlawing the Forum for the Strengthening of Civil Society (FORSC), an umbrella organization representing 146 Burundian civil (By News Poster)...South Africa: Push to Protect Sex Workers During World Cup
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Davison MakangaCape Town - As the 2010 Soccer World Cup approaches, calls for the decriminalisation of sex work in South Africa have been renewed.A steering committee has been set up with a mandate (By News Poster)...South Africa: New era in Aids battle
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Xolani Mbanjwa Political Bureau"Let today be the dawn of a new era." With these words, President Jacob Zuma yesterday drew a line under the Aids denialism of South Africa's recent past and announce (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Rapists Just As Bad As Murder
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Harare - LAST Friday, we carried a heart-rending story of three women who kidnapped an 18-year-old man in Chitungwiza and forced him to be intimate with one of them.Of all the places, they chose to co (By News Poster)...South Africa: Who's the head newsmaker in KZN?
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Fred Kockott, Matthew Savides, Buhle Mbonambi and Nathi OlifantConvicted fraudster Schabir Shaik, Durban city manager Mike Sutcliffe, controversial city contractor Jay Singh and the "national embar (By News Poster)...East Africa: Move Towards Common HIV/Aids Law
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Wambi MichaelArusha - All HIV-positive east Africans could soon access free anti-retroviral treatment even as they move freely from country to country, if a new proposed law comes into effect.The E (By News Poster)...South Africa: SA, Zim epicentre of rhino poaching explosion
Friday 04-Dec-2009: South Africa and Zimbabwe have been ringed as the new epicentre of a resurgent rhino smuggling and poaching crisis, with reports of bogus "sport hunters" from Vietnam coming to hunt, allegedly with th (By News Poster)...South Africa: Mob kills man after girl, 14, dies for phone
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Lesego MasemolaResidents of Block W in Soshanguve took the law into their own hands at the weekend and meted out instant justice to a suspected cellphone thief who had just ended a young life. An a (By News Poster)...South Africa: Malema sparks food fight
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Opposition parties are demanding an investigation into allegations that ANC Youth League president Julius Malema misused food parcels paid for by taxpayers at an event to promote the ANC among impover (By News Poster)...[Pic] [Humor] USA: The Bill & Hillary Clinton kitchen set...
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [I received this from a friend in the USA. Yep... that's about right! Jan] It read:- No matter what your political affiliation, you have to like this one... (Photo) (By Jan)...Africa: Special Briefing on the U.S. Commitment to Fight AIDS and the Launch of PEPFAR's New Five-Year Strategy
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The following is a special briefing with Global AIDS Coordinator Amb. Eric Goosby on the U.S. approach to fighting HIV/Aids and the new U.S. administration's administration PEPFAR strategy.MR. DUGUID: (By News Poster)...SA's new Zim team plays it safe
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Quiet end to quiet diplomacy Jason MoyoIt has been a quiet end to Thabo Mbeki's “quiet diplomacy†on Zimbabwe, with little emerging from the first meetings of Jacob Zuma's new task team in (By News Poster)...South Africa: Terror threat before draw: It was a sick joke
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Helen Bamford, Lynette Johns, Lebogang Seale and Bianca CapazorioAs Friday's World Cup Soccer draw spectacular was being hailed as a huge success, a German photographer was biding his time in a Cap (By News Poster)...World: Russia mourns over 100 dead
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Perm, Russia - At least 109 people were killed and dozens injured when a blaze sparked by indoor fireworks swept through a Russian nightclub, in one of the deadliest tragedies to hit Russia in recent (By News Poster)...IOL Sport: SA's World Cup challenges
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Reuters have compiled a list of challenges SA faces as we prepare to host the 2010 World Cup. They are listed below.But there are many things SA can offer. Post in the comments section just what you t (By News Poster)...Sudan: Testimony by Jonathan S. Gration at the Hearing for the Review of the U.S.-Sudan Policy
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The following testimony by U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Jonathan Scott Gration is among the four delivered before the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health (By News Poster)...Zim: Parties agree to GPA reforms
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Mnangagwa, who was standing in for Patrick Chinamasa while he was out of the country, surprised even MDC negotiators Dumisani MuleyaThe Zanu PF negotiating team in the current round of talks w (By News Poster)...South Africa: SA murder rate drops
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Louise FlanaganThe murder rate has dropped 44 percent in 14 years but South Africans do not feel any better about crime. The SA Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR) said in 1994/95, 25 965 people we (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Fresh Issues Emerge on Global Political Agreement
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Mabasa SasaHarare - President Mugabe yesterday met the visiting South African mediation team to the inter-party political talks amid revelations that more "outstanding issues" have arisen to the Gl (By News Poster)...South Africa: Hospital Finds Ways to Work With Traditional Healers
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Kerry CullinanWestern medicine and traditional healers have long been at odds with one another about how to treat HIV/AIDS. But in the Umgungundlovu district, which has the highest HIV prevalence i (By News Poster)...Zim: Presidium endorsement seals Mnangagwa faction defeat
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Midlands province, Mnangagwa's power base, was forced to nominate Mugabe, Mujuru, Nkomo and Moyo for the presidium Dumisani MuleyaThe endorsement last weekend of the newly-nominated Zanu PF pr (By News Poster)...World: Four police gunned down in Iraq market
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Baghdad - Assailants gunned down four policemen deployed to guard shoppers and vendors at a vegetable market on Baghdad's outskirts, a local official said, as attacks in central and northern Iraq cost (By News Poster)...South Africa: Raids shatter drugs web
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Alex Eliseev and Graeme HoskenSix hours, 297 police officers, two provinces and 16 arrests - a mighty blow has been dealt to an international drug smuggling syndicate using South Africa to channel (By News Poster)...Uganda: Country Losing Battle to Complacency
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Joel OgwangKampala - UGANDA has, over the years, emerged as a role model in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa and globally. This can be attributed to the Government's effort, broad-based partner (By News Poster)...Zim: Expats not going home yet
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Few Zimbabweans will muster enough confidence London - Zimbabwean professionals in the UK say they will need to see real change before they would even consider going home, despite South Africa (By News Poster)...Zim: Welshman Ncube says no SADC deadline on GPA implementation
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Last week MDC-T launched a blistering attack on the negotiators from MDC-M, Ncube and Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga By Violet GondaWelshman Ncube, the Minister of Industry and Commerce and o (By News Poster)...World: At last, Obama to roll out Afghan strategy
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Barack Obama will make a globally awaited address on his new Afghan war plan and big troop surge strategy on Tuesday, shouldering the most perilous burden yet of a presidency defined by crises.Huge mi (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Livestock, Just What the Vet Ordered
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Obert ChifambaHarare - GLOBALLY, livestock farming is fast becoming agriculture's most economically important sub-sector with demand for animal products projected to double over the next 20 years, (By News Poster)...South Africa: Men caught for stealing diesel
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Two men will appear before the Butterworth Magistrate's Court on Monday after they allegedly stole 200 litres of diesel, Eastern Cape police said.Captain Jackson Manatha said the two, aged 20 and 23, (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Media 'Hangman' Mahoso Implicated in Mutare Land Grab
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Alex BellNotorious media 'hangman' Tafataona Mahoso has been implicated in the forced seizure of yet another farm in Mutare, as the countrywide wave of farm invasions continues to escalate.Mahoso h (By News Poster)...Africa: Greek tanker seized by pirates
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Athens - Somali pirates have seized a Greek-flagged oil tanker near the Seychelles, more than 1 000km off the coast of Somalia, Greece's coastguard said on Monday.The Maran Centaurus was sailing from (By News Poster)...SMSs relate Zim farm terror
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Officials connive with drunken mobs to drive farmers out By Moses Mudzwiti"Thomas [is] being chased by people wielding sjamboks," read part of the terrifying SMS message I received on Friday. (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Keeping Land in Good Condition a Collective Responsibility
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By DR Timothy StampsHarare - AMERICAN Indians, who were the first not citizens of America (including Mexico and Brazil) used to maintain that we do to inherit land from our ancestors, but we borrow it (By News Poster)...South Africa: Aids orphan time bomb
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Tabelo TimseWhile South Africa's HIV-infection rate may have stabilised, experts warn that the country's slow Aids response has triggered a time bomb that may leave one in three children orphaned." (By News Poster)...Zim: Media ‘hangman' Mahoso implicated in Mutare land grab
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Mahoso has reportedly ordered farmer Charles Bezuidenhout to leave his Welverdien Farm By Alex BellNotorious media ‘hangman' Tafataona Mahoso has been implicated in the forced seizure of yet (By News Poster)...Sudan: Darfur Gunmen Kill Peacekeepers
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: The joint African Union-United Nations peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID) today spoke out against the "cowardly" attack against its forces yesterday that claimed the lives of three blue helmets.T (By News Poster)...Uganda: Inflation Eases as Food Prices Drop
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Martin Luther OketchThe country is experiencing low inflationary pressure. This follows a two months consecutive decline in inflation resulting from decreasing food prices.The consumer price index (By News Poster)...World: Frayed nerves, hard questions after blast
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Russian authorities faced blame on Monday over their failure to prevent a train blast that killed 26 people, rattling nerves and raising the spectre of renewed attacks on the country's heartland.Trave (By News Poster)...South Africa: New Richmond attacks
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Daily News ReporterA couple was attacked on a farm in Richmond, near Pietermaritzburg, this morning in a second such attack in as many days.Netcare 911 spokesman Jeff Wicks, said that the man and w (By News Poster)...South Africa: No more shame on Aids, says Zuma
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Peroshni GovenderSouth Africa, which has the world's highest HIV caseload, will roll out life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs to significantly more people infected with the virus from next year, Pr (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Sixty-Six -Year- Old Kidnapped Businessman Found Dead
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Victor EfeizomorAsaba - A 66 year old business man and a father of four, Nze Jerome Atusiaka, has been found dead and buried in a shallow grave in an uncompleted building one month after his kidnap (By News Poster)...Zim healing organ to look into army killings
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: “We are going to look into what happened post and pre-independence" By Simplicious ChirindaHarare - A government organ for national reconciliation will look into human violations before and (By News Poster)...Inflation Falls to 1.4 Percent
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Maputo - Mozambique's annual rate of inflation has fallen to 1.4 per cent, according to Finance Minister Manuel Chang.Speaking on Wednesday, at an international seminar on "Fiscal Policy for Economic (By News Poster)...Liberia: Taylor Admits Getting Money For Presidential Campaign From Taiwan, Libya
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Alpha SesayCharles Taylor today told Special Court for Sierra Leone judges that he received money from both Taiwan and Libya as contributions to his campaign to become president of Liberia in 1997. (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'I had to at least land one blow'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Hanti OttoShot nine times by two attackers, one bullet barely missing his heart, a Pretoria father kept on fighting the men to protect his wife and two little boys.Six of the nine bullets went righ (By News Poster)...South Africa: Woman held for killing of mom
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Nompumelelo MagwazaA Durban woman left to go to a nightclub just hours after reporting her mother's death, ostensibly of natural causes, to the police.However, Cindy Loo, 27, was arrested two days (By News Poster)...Congo-Kinshasa: UN Must Stop Backing Country's Disastrous Operation Against Marauding Rebel Militias
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Donald SteinbergNairobi - The United Nations is finally having to confront what most observers already know: Its limited but unconditional support for a Congolese army operation to disarm Rwandan H (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cops raid King of Bling's club
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Lesego MasemolaThree people were injured when police raided a popular nightclub owned by alleged crime kingpin William "Mashobane" Mbatha, also known as "King of Bling", in Atteridgeville at the we (By News Poster)...Sudan: Two UN Peacekeepers Killed in Attack in Darfur Region
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Two Rwandan peacekeepers from the joint African Union-United Nations mission in Darfur (UNAMID) were killed and others wounded today in an attack by unidentified gunmen while collecting water at the n (By News Poster)...Kenya: Rib to Rib With Al Shabaab
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Abdullahi JamaaNairobi - A narrow path separates Kenya from Somalia, and across the border, the sound of gunfire and explosions every night from the middle of the terraced houses of Bula Hawo in So (By News Poster)...Africa: Third peacekeeper dies after Darfur attack
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Khartoum - A Rwandan peacekeeper in Sudan has died of his wounds after an attack by gunmen in Darfur, raising to three the number of soldiers killed in the incident, a senior peacekeeping official sa (By News Poster)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (05-12-2009)
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Howzit Okay - so this page has been very quiet the last four days... and I trust that you understood my need to go on a course to get an NVQ. My intention is to pursue the next stage of the progres (By The BeardedMan)...Zimbabwe: Botswana, U.S. Propaganda Pact Exposed
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Harare - Botswana entered into a bilateral agreement with the United States to beam anti-government messages into Zimbabwe and recently completed the upgrading of a transmitter to scale up the pirate (By News Poster)...South Africa: Human trafficking: SA faces major problem
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: South Africa faces a major problem with human trafficking and smuggling before the World Cup and it is exacerbated by the country's inexperience in dealing with this, according to Deputy Home Affairs (By News Poster)...Mauritius: Even Island States Can Make Plans to Improve Food Security
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Eric Mangar deplores the fact that Mauritius, despite being a net food importer, has failed to learn its lessons from the food crisis. The island state is pursuing "business as usual" without taking s (By News Poster)...South Africa: Raising the Recommended CD4 Count for Art
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Nastasya TayPretoria - Newborn babies in South Africa will now be treated for HIV, regardless of their CD4 count. President Jacob Zuma announced several new measures which focus on expanding the co (By News Poster)...Possible Iranian Nuclear Testing Site Detected Near Turkmenistani Border
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Well, now isn't this quite suspicious here? It's quite obvious here that Iran is indeed testing nuclear weapons. Lone Wolf.] Dec 4, 2009 0:39 Updated Dec 4, 2009 3:04 Nuclear test detection sit (By Lone Wolf)...Somalia: UN Officials Deplore Latest Deadly Attack in Somali Capital
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has led United Nations condemnation of today's suicide attack at a graduation ceremony for medical students in Somalia's war-scarred capital, Mogadishu, which has claimed (By News Poster)...Rwanda: My RDB Tour of Duty Was an Eye Opener - Joe Ritchie
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Kigali - A little over one year ago the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) was created out of eight previously separate government agencies and given the mandate of fast-tracking private sector developmen (By News Poster)...Somalia: Rival Political Sides Condemn Yesterday's Deadly Attack in Mogadishu
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Somalia - The rival political sides of Somalia have unanimously condemned yesterday's deadly bomb attack targeted to Shamo hotel, just as well decorated graduating ceremony held for Banadir University (By News Poster)...Somalia: Deadly Suicide Bombing Kills Four Somali Ministers
Friday 04-Dec-2009: At least 17 people, including four Somali ministers and two journalists have been killed and over 60 others injured in deadly suicide bomb blast that ripped through a function in Somalia's restive cap (By News Poster)...Africa: Bomber kills three ministers in Mogadishu
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Abdi Guled and Ibrahim MohamedMogadishu - A suicide bomber disguised as a veiled woman killed at least 19 people, including three Somali government ministers, on Thursday at a medical graduation ce (By News Poster)...USA: 7 stories Barack Obama doesn't want told
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Presidential politics is about storytelling. Presented with a vivid storyline, voters naturally tend to fit every new event or piece of information into a picture that is already neatly framed in thei (By Gairk)...South Africa: Gunmen dies in Boksburg shooting
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: An armed robber was killed in a shootout with police after his getaway car crashed into an unmarked police vehicle in Boksburg on Monday, Gauteng police said.Superintendent Eugene Opperman said office (By News Poster)...Africa: Pirates swoop on US-bound oil tanker
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Somali pirates on Sunday seized a tanker carrying crude oil from Saudi Arabia to the United States in the increasingly dangerous waters off east Africa.Cmdr John Harbour, a spokesman for the EU Naval (By News Poster)...Africa: China Sets Its Sights on African Research Cooperation
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Wu NiBeijing - China is continuing to show an interest in developing African research capacity with the announcement of a cooperation programme in science and technology.The China-Africa Science an (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'Drug lord linked' to Cwele's wife arrested
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Eleanor MombergA man thought to be a Nigerian drug lord, allegedly with links to the wife of State Security Minister Siyabonga Cwele, has been arrested on the East Rand for drug dealing.Frank Nabol (By News Poster)...Kenya: 28 Police Officers Killed on Duty
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Dominic WabalaNairobi - Twenty eight police officers have died in the line of duty this year, Commissioner Mathew Iteere said on Friday.Of these, 18 were shot dead by gunmen and the rest died in th (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Banking on Agriculture in Kwara
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The Nigerian state of Kwara has received international attention for its invitation to dispossessed white farmers in Zimbabwe to come to Nigeria. The oil-producing nation - Africa's most populous - cu (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cosatu declares 'war' on plotters
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Labour federation Cosatu has declared "war" on unnamed comrades within the tripartite alliance who it claims are gunning for ANC leadership positions - including that of President Jacob Zuma. It warne (By News Poster)...Africa: Sudan makes arrests after peacekeeper murders
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Khartoum - Sudan on Sunday said it had arrested a number of men suspected of killing three Rwandan peacekeepers in an ambush in Darfur, the first of two deadly attacks on the mission.The three members (By News Poster)...World: Scores die in Russian restaurant fire
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: by Catherine LavrentievaMoscow - Over 100 people were killed overnight when fireworks set ablaze a middle-class restaurant in the Russian Ural city of Perm, as officials Saturday ruled out the possibi (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Human Rights Abuses in Mines Causes Country More Problems
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Dumisani NdlelaHarare - ZIMBABWE reeled into a crisis after diamond traders blacklisted Marange gems from the international market, despite the country escaping sanctions from the international dia (By News Poster)...Africa: Gains, Constraints of the $1.8 Billion West Africa Gas Pipeline Project
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Ese AwhotuThe West African Gas Pipeline Project was conceptualised to serve the socio-economic needs of the participating countries. Leadership writes on the constraints and gains which the project (By News Poster)...Africa: No peace for the peacekeepers in Somalia
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Herve BarMogadishu - In a khaki tent shielded by sandbags, four Ugandan officers are watching Black Hawk Down, the Hollywood account of the devastating ambush of US troops in the chaotic streets of (By News Poster)...Kenya: Don't Discount Conspiracy Theories on Origin of Aids
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Angeyo KalambukaNairobi - By the time US president Clinton declared HIV/Aids a national security emergency, it was obvious that no one was safe from it. But the world had already lost a quarter cen (By News Poster)...South Africa: SA losing battle against Aids?
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: President Jacob Zuma, once ridiculed for his comments on Aids, was to unveil on Tuesday new measures to combat the disease which has hit South Africa harder than any other country.Zuma announced in la (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Money - The Root Of Mugabe's Evil
Monday 30-Nov-2009: If ever we were to sit back and look at the destruction, death and decay caused by Mugabe;s 30 year rule in Zimbabwe, there is one common denominator in all he does. Money. The man has made mone (By The BeardedMan)...Nigeria: The Rape of Corps Members
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The rape, in Kano recently, of two female members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) by suspected robbers, is another in the growing number of cases of desecration of a national symbol, which (By News Poster)...Somalia: Deadly Suicide Attack Drags Conflict to New Low
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Nairobi - The latest deadly suicide attack, on 3 December in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, which killed three ministers in the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), has taken the country's violence (By News Poster)...South Africa: PE losing crime battle - Zille
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The people of Port Elizabeth are fighting "a losing battle" against criminals as the city's ANC councillors wage war on each other, Western Cape Premier Helen Zille said on Monday."Crime affects us al (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Minaret Ban - Iums Urges Swiss Muslims to Remain Calm
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Yusuf Al-QaradawiThe International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has received with shock and surprise the results of the Swiss referendum on the proposed amendment to Article 72 of the Swiss Con (By News Poster)...Central African Republic: Abductions Disrupt Aid Work
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Bangui - The UN has warned that the recent kidnapping of two aid workers in the northeastern town of Birao in Central African Republic will have a highly damaging impact on humanitarian activities in (By News Poster)...Equatorial Guinea: Resource Cursed
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Tutu Alicante and Lisa MisolImagine a tiny country flush with oil money, where the wealth per person is on par with that of Spain or Italy. Now picture a place quite the opposite, where nearly two- (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Farmers Express Concern Over Budget
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Elita ChikwatiHarare - Farmers yesterday expressed cautious optimism over Finance Minister Tendai Biti's allocation to the agricultural sector in his 2010 National Budget proposals, but said recove (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Lots of Drugs, No Takers
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Vusumuzi SifileHarare - Martha* knows that her two young sisters and her need medicine. She also knows where to get it - a clinic a few yards away from her home in Glen Norah, a high-density suburb (By News Poster)...Sudan: Darfur Rebels Launch New Attacks
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: A senior United Nations peacekeeping official today voiced "extreme" concern over the fate of two abducted staff members of the joint UN-African Union mission in Darfur (UNAMID), warning that the secu (By News Poster)...Kenya: Lack of Parking for Oil Tankers Potential Fatality
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Kennedy SenelwaNairobi - Local authorities are endangering the lives of residents by failing to provide designated parking areas for fuel tankers. This is in contravention of the Energy Act of 2006 (By News Poster)...Africa: Junta's No. 2 returns after president shot
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Conakry, Guinea - The overnight return to Guinea of the No. 2 man in the junta that seized power a year ago makes it more likely that the military clique will be able to hang on to power following an (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Yar'Adua's Magic Wand in the Niger Delta (i)
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Bukar UsmanThe cessation of armed agitation in the Niger Delta as a result of President Umaru Musa Yar'adua's Amnesty Initiative is an achievement that has not been sufficiently appreciated. Add th (By News Poster)...Africa: Act Now to Improve Infrastructure, Says World Bank Leader
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Obiageli EzekwesiliAfrica's economic growth and poverty reduction are closely linked with the quality of its infrastructure – its power, transport systems, water supply and sanitation, and it (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police ready for mall robbers
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Caryn DolleyPolice officers sitting in the city centre will now be able to see shoplifters and robbers operating in shopping malls many kilometres away.Thanks to CCTV cameras in the police's newly (By News Poster)...Zim: Mercenary Mann says South Africa backed coup plot
Monday 30-Nov-2009: "South Africa wanted to be in," he said, according to extracts of an interview to be broadcast on Tuesday. "In fact, I was told: 'Get on with it'" By Kylie MacLellanLondon - Simon Mann, a Brit (By News Poster)...South Africa: Crimes Against Business Up 'Significantly'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Chantelle BenjaminJohannesburg - BUSINESS is being hard hit by crime, with incidents against the business sector growing much faster than crime against the general public, an analysis of the South (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe diamonds auctioned for a song
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Questions on how the parastatal in charge of marketing of minerals arrived at the price Chris MuronziZimbabwe could have lost millions of dollars in a diamond sale after Minerals Marketing Cor (By News Poster)...Liberia: Taylor Probed on Citizenship for Rebels
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Alpha SesayProsecutors today questioned former Liberian president Charles Taylor on his decision to grant Liberian citizenship to Sierra Leonean rebel forces who relocated to Liberia in December 19 (By News Poster)...Africa: Botswana Summit 2 - Mothers' Cry For Africa
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Hajiya BilkisuThe Inter-Faith Action for Peace in Africa (IFAPA), is a process facilitated by the Lutheran World Federation with the aim of bringing religious communities across the continent of Af (By News Poster)...Africa: New Projects And Peace to Determine Oil Output in Africa
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By ReutersAfrican oil output will rise sharply in the coming years if new projects start up as expected and tension continue to ease in heavyweight supplier Nigeria.The outlook raises the continent's (By News Poster)...South Africa: Rifle, pistols seized from alleged robbers
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Two alleged robbers were left wounded and 10 others were arrested after a gun battle with police in Reiger Park on the East Rand on Tuesday, Gauteng police said.The shootout occurred at around 11.15am (By News Poster)...South African facilitators meet with Zimbabwe unity government principals
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Jonga Kandemiiri, Ntungamili Nkomo & Brenda MoyoWashington - A high-level team of South African officials in Zimbabwe to review progress in talks among the partners in Harare's troubled unity (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cosatu Backs ANCYLl on Nationalisation
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Karima Brown and Amy MusgraveJohannesburg - THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) said yesterday it backed the African National Congress Youth League's (ANCYL) call for nationalisatio (By News Poster)...South Africa; Mbeki must take rap for Aids 'debacle'
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Personally, I think he should be awarded the bloody Nobel Piece prize, - after all, he musta got a very large piece of the arms deal kickback. 'Anonymous realist' LOL!) Former president Thabo Mb (By Gairk)...WWIII: Russia 'simulates' nuclear attack on Poland
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Russia has provoked outrage in Poland by simulating an air and sea attack on the country during military exercises. The armed forces are said to have carried out "war games" in which nuclear missil (By Gairk)...Somalia: 8 Killed in Mogadishu Fighting
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: At least 8 people, including a civilian were killed and unknown number injured in heavy fighting between Al-Shabab and Somali government troops in Mogadishu on Monday.Officials from the both sides hav (By News Poster)...World: Obama's aunt tells of living in US illegally
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Rodrique NgowiBoston - President Barack Obama's aunt buried her face in her hands and sobbed as she described her anguish about not being able to contact him after the revelation she had been livin (By News Poster)...World: 'Drug court saved my life'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Sam HananelWashington - In a five-year span, Candice Singer went from being a respected juvenile defense lawyer to a homeless meth addict who once broke into a house just to take a shower.By the ti (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Funding, Operational Problems Cripple NDLEA
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Idowu SowunmiLagos - Nigeria's war against illicit drugs trafficking is in danger of collapsing owing to funding and operational problems at the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency, investigations (By News Poster)...Science: Sunshine, sewage to power future cities
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Pete Harrison and Peter Henderson"These are the three giant stomachs of Lille."Amid the hum of machinery and warm odour of putrefying autumn leaves, official Pierre Hirtzberger is explaining how th (By News Poster)...Hitman Case - SA Robbery Suspect Commits Suicide
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Corry IhuhuaTHE main suspect who was under investigation in the robbery of Namibia's world champion boxer Paulus Moses and his trainer, Nestor Tobias, over a week ago, has committed suicide.Moses L (By News Poster)...Africa: EU navy arrests 13 pirates
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The crew of a Dutch warship has arrested 13 suspected pirates following an attack by fast boats on a cargo vessel in waters south of Oman, the EU naval mission said in a statement on Thursday."In tota (By News Poster)...Renamo Keeps Press Away From Dhlakama
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Maputo - Mozambique's former rebel movement Renamo has banned its leader, Afonso Dhlakama, from speaking to the press.According to a report in Wednesday's issue of the independent daily "O Pais", Rena (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Genocide Fugitives Allegedly Hiding in Mozambique
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Maputo - The Mozambican authorities have denied a claim from Rwanda that Mozambique is protecting Rwandan fugitives involved in the 1994 genocide in that country.The head of Rwanda's Genocide Fugitive (By News Poster)...World: Russia rocked by second train bombing
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Makhachkala - A bomb exploded under a train in Russia's troubled Dagestan on Monday but there were no fatalities, police said, just days after a similar blast killed 26 passengers on a train from Mosc (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Mugabe Accuses Some of Agricultural Sabotage
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Sydney Kawadza in MutasaHarare - President Mugabe has said some elements in Government may have intentionally or unintentionally hampered Government efforts to provide farmers with inputs ahead of (By News Poster)...Tanzania: No Laws to Fight HIV Stigma in Schools
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Evelyn Matsamura KiapiArusha - Although he was born with the virus, it was only 15 years after his birth that Robert* and his family discovered he was HIV-positive.His mother, Flavia Kyomukama, was (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Local Terror Suspect Fights Charges
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Mr Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, the Tanzanian national standing trial for terror charges in the US, wants all charges against him dismissed because his constitutional rights were violated.He is the first d (By News Poster)...Zim: Gloomy picture of unity talks emerges
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Sources in both parties indicate that no deal is going to be reached by 5 December By Lance GumaTalks aimed at resolving outstanding issues plaguing the coalition government seemed headed for (By News Poster)...World: Obama's escalation challenges military
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Phil StewartWashington - US President Barack Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan challenges his generals to do more with slightly less than they wanted - and much, much faster. The odds ar (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Ghana Returns Oil Tanker After Pirate Attack
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: A hijacked Nigerian oil tanker that was intercepted by the Ghanaian navy is being returned to Nigeria.A BBC correspondent in Ghana said the ship was hijacked off the Nigerian coast near Lagos last wee (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma urged to show men how to treat women
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Sipokazi Maposa Health WriterAids activist group the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) has called for a radical approach to halt gender-based violence and HIV in South Africa.While the group commende (By News Poster)...Sudan: Darfur Crimes Continue and Country Still Not Cooperating With ICC - Prosecutor
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Indiscriminate bombings, rape and other crimes are continuing in Darfur, the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) said today, while noting that the Government of Sudan still refuses t (By News Poster)...Mali: Land Grab Fears Linger
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Segou - Mali has approved long-term leases for outside investors to help develop more than 160,000 hectares of land, but local farmers say they fear being squeezed out by large-scale agro businesses.T (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Calls Citizens Home
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Steve KretzmannWhile urging Zimbabweans to return home, affable Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai on Thursday made light of Wednesday's announcement by Finance Minister Tendai Biti that the (By News Poster)...South Africa: Stealing again? Agri-SA questions land reform
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Agri-SA president Johannes Möller on Thursday questioned government claims about money spent and amounts of land bought for beneficiaries. There was a 26% discrepancy between the amount of land the (By Gairk)...South Africa: 'I cannot be arrested by k*****s'
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Lesego MasemolaThe station commissioner at the Ga-Rankuwa police station has opened a case of crimen injuria against her neighbour and his son after they allegedly hurled racial slurs and pointed a (By News Poster)...Workers' World Party Rallies With Native Americans Against Thanksgiving
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: [Although Thanksgiving has already passed, it seems that Communist parties in general HATE traditional American holidays. They just can't stand it, they always make up excuses to why it should be abo (By Lone Wolf)...Kenya: Reconstructing Food Security in Africa
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Rebecca WanjikuNairobi - Kenya 's Rift Valley province is famed for large-scale food production alongside images of dying animals and hungry people.A visit to a section of the Kajiado district abou (By News Poster)...South Africa: Is Mbeki responsible for Aids 'debacle'?
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Former president Thabo Mbeki should be held accountable for his role in the HIV/Aids pandemic, the Young Communist League of SA (YCLSA) said on Wednesday.Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi recently rele (By News Poster)...Côte d'Ivoire: Land Reform Must Consider IDPs
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Dakar - Land reform in Côte d'Ivoire must take into account people displaced by conflict, says a report by the International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).With all eyes on Côte d'I (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Biti's Moment in the Sun
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Harare - On December 2, 2009, Biti will present his first real budget as a Minister of Finance.While he did stand up in Parliament and announce allocations earlier this year, one can't really say he p (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cosatu: We are the victim of a smear campaign
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Ed CropleySouth Africa's Cosatu labour federation launched a "war" on Monday against anti-left elements of the ruling ANC, saying the continent's biggest economy could face another divisive leaders (By News Poster)...Africa: AfDB Hosts Coalition for Dialogue On Africa Forum - Financial Crisis Opportunity for Africa to Redefine Its Development Paradigm
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Tunis - This is the central message of a day-long multi-stakeholder forum on Africa and the global financial crisis which opened in Tunis on Saturday, under the auspices of the Coalition for Dialogue (By News Poster)...World: Knox spends first night as convicted murderer
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: PerugiaA, Italy - Amanda Knox spent her first night behind bars as a convicted murderer after an Italian court early Saturday found her guilty in the brutal 2007 killing of her British housemate.The 2 (By News Poster)...South Africa: Eskom manager slammed
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Chickens, chocolate and cheating were some of the topics that surfaced in heated discussions at an electricity conference in Pretoria on Thursday where a senior Eskom manager was battered with critic (By News Poster)...Africa: Guinea unions warn of strike action
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Conakry - Guinean workers may strike unless the ruling military junta pays compensation for those who died during a bloody crackdown on protesters on September 28, union leaders said in a document see (By News Poster)...South Africa: Mbeki Should Apologise for 'His Part in Aids Crisis', Says Cosatu
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Karima Brown and Amy MusgraveJohannesburg - THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) wants former president Thabo Mbeki to apologise for his part in the country's HIV/AIDS crisis.Cosatu (By News Poster)...South Africa: Gender violence - media part of problem?
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Marbeline MwashekeleThe media has always, and will always, have a major impact on the lives of human beings, simply because it has the power to influence. In fact, one of the main objectives of med (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cope MP: retrenched ANC staff want jobs
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Retrenched ANC caucus staff have gone knocking on the door of Cope for jobs in Parliament, an MP of the breakaway party claimed yesterday.The ANC, which has had to slash jobs among its caucus staff to (By News Poster)...Namibia's Typical Corruption: Opposition Parties Threaten Legal Action
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: [It seems that World AIDS Day is certainly upon us, but what does that have to do with a country such as Namibia? Well, Namibia's elections just so happens to fall right on that particular day, Decem (By Lone Wolf)...South Africa: 'Make your adjustments with a human face'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Donna BrysonSouth Africa has more people living with the virus that causes Aids than any other country, but it also has a new government determined to end the crisis, the head of the United Nations (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Threat to Dump Mugabe at Ruling Party Congress
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Kholwani NyathiHarare - PF Zapu veterans in Zanu PF have threatened a showdown at the party's congress opening on Wednesday if President Robert Mugabe rejects their choice for the party chairmanshi (By News Poster)...South Africa: Troubled monarch sentenced to 15 years
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Janet Smith and Bonile BamThe king was handsome in a black pin-striped suit. The chief, a man of some influence, was in the front row. The people gathered all around them. Priests and pastors. A ro (By News Poster)...Africa: Remarks on The Administration's Efforts on HIV/Aids
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The following statement was delivered by the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Eisenhower Executive Office in Washington, DC.As Valerie Jarrett leaves, I want to thank her for her leaders (By News Poster)...World: IRA dissidents planning more bombs
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Dublin - Irish Republican Army dissidents are likely to mount another bomb attack on the police-reform headquarters in Belfast, a senior Northern Ireland policeman warned politicians Thursday.Assistan (By News Poster)...Cameroon: Rape Cases on the Rise, Says New Survey
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A recent survey carried out in ten regions of Cameroon shows that rape cases are on the rise. According to IPS, 20 percent of the nearly 38,000 women interviewed reported having been raped.The German (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cape malls rule out arming guards
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Fouzia Van Der Fort Staff ReporterThe Western Cape will not become a "Wild West" show with security guards and robbers in the starring roles and civilians caught in the crossfire.So says Kevin Roma (By News Poster)...South Africa: Top Scientists Challenge Denialists On Aids Stats
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Anso ThomSouth Africa's top scientists and researchers have come out in support of health minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi after the furore over Home Affairs supplied AIDS death statistics he quoted re (By News Poster)...Africa: Time to Cultivate Agricultural Productivity
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Daniel Sacks and Jasson UrbachKampala - AS hunger grows in East Africa, the World Food Security Summit convened in Rome this month to talk a lot about government investment in agriculture, but hard (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Use Land to Address HIV/AIDS - President
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Harare - THIS is the full text of the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency President Mugabe, on the commemoration of World Aids Day, yesterday.FELLOW countrymen, ladies and gentlemen.Today, Z (By News Poster)...Africa: Spanish vessel drives off pirates
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Daniel WoollsMadrid - Pirates attacked a Spanish fishing vessel on Sunday in the Indian Ocean with small arms and a rocket-propelled grenade, but private security guards aboard the ship drove them (By News Poster)...Africa: Cote d'Ivoire Thrown in Deep End at World Cup Draw
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Robson SharukoHarare - HOSTS South Africa got the fair pairing that should give Bafana Bafana hope, at least to come out of the group stages, but the Elephants of Ivory Coast were thrown into the d (By News Poster)...Business community welcomes Zimbabwe budget
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Departmental bids had totalled $12bn but actual revenue next year was forecast at only $1.4bn By Tony Hawkins in HarareZimbabwe's 2010 budget was well received by analysts and business people, (By News Poster)...World: Ahmadinejad says Iran will enrich uranium
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Parisa HafeziTehran - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday Iran would enrich uranium to a higher level itself, apparently ruling out a UN-brokered deal meant to minimise the risk of Tehr (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'Dead man' fights for life
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Dasen ThathiahTerence Malevu, 32, is a healthy Durban resident. But according to Home Affairs, he has been dead for three years.Despite repeated attempts to convince the department that he is alive (By News Poster)...World: Cops shoot suspected killer
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Washington - Police on Tuesday killed a man alleged to have shot dead four police officers in the northwestern state of Washington, a spokesman for an area sheriff's department said.Pierce County Sher (By News Poster)...Ghana: Pepfar And Govt Partner to Fight HIV/Aids
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Obed BoafoThe governments of Ghana and the United States will commemorate World Aids Day tomorrow, December 1, by signing into action the 2010 United States President's Emergency Plan for Aids Reli (By News Poster)...South Africa: Dramatic interruption to Selebi case
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: The court hearing the corruption case of former top cop Jackie Selebi was disrupted on Tuesday morning when a woman screamed and removed her clothes in protest against her husband's murder case.The wo (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cosatu tells Mbeki to say sorry
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Apologise! That was the message to former president Thabo Mbeki from Cosatu on the eve of World Aids Day (December 1), as the labour federation urged him to say sorry in public "for presiding over hun (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Armed Robbers Invade Ex-Aviation Minister's Home
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Armed robbers at the weekend invaded the family compound of Mr Felix Hassan Hyet, former Aviation Minister, in Kaduna, and took away an unspecified amount of money and property worth millions of naira (By News Poster)...Africa: 'People vote for Nguema so they can survive'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The presidential election in Equatorial Guinea will undoubtedly extend the 30-year rule of Teodoro Obiang Nguema, a man accused of draining his nation's oil wealth to fabulously enrich family and cron (By News Poster)...Zim: New threat to dump Mugabe at congress
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Mnangagwa made it clear that he would never consider Moyo as his boss By Kholwani NyathiPF Zapu veterans in Zanu PF have threatened a showdown at the party's congress opening on Wednesday if P (By News Poster)...Southern Africa: Zimbabwe Surges Past Botswana in 2010 Race?
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Mqondisi DubeTroubled Zimbabwe seem to have made better progress than other southern African countries in attracting nations coming for the 2010 World Cup to train on its soil.Reports say that lege (By News Poster)...South Africa: Malema slams DA supporters
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Thandanani Mhlanga and Liam Moses Staff ReportersANC Youth League president Julius Malema used his World Aids Day visit to a local orphanage to take a swipe at those who voted the DA into power in (By News Poster)...The BBC and Zimbabwe: how the Corporation got back in
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Diplomacy, politics and football Olly Grant talks to Victoria Derbyshire about her first broadcast live from HarareBy Olly GrantWeekday mornings usually find Victoria Derbyshire ensconced in W (By News Poster)...Africa: Hijacked Greek ship enters pirates' haven
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Nairobi/London - A massive Greek oil tanker hijacked by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean has reached the Somali coastline, the European Union's anti-piracy mission off Somalia said on Wednesday.The (By News Poster)...Sudan: U.S. Envoy Faces Intense Scrutiny Over Darfur Policy
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Matthew BergerWashington - As U.S. special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration defended the Barack Obama administration's new policy toward the war-torn country on Capitol Hill Thursday, NGOs and a U.N. o (By News Poster)...Somalia: Mogadishu Shunned by Africans
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Henry OwuorNairobi - Somalia's tragic story could not have been more vividly told than at a seminar in Kampala hosted by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (Accord) atte (By News Poster)...Somalia: Militants Recruit Ugandans
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Henry MukasaKampala - UGANDANS are among the foreigner militants fighting alongside Al Shabaab to overthrow the Somali government, the African Union Mission in Somalia has said.The AU special repre (By News Poster)...South Africa: Ex-top spy accused of Selebi exoneration bid
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Ex-police intelligence boss Mulangi Mphego has named former top spy Manala Manzini as the "main role-player" in an operation to obtain evidence aimed at exonerating ex-top cop Jackie Selebi.Mphego sta (By News Poster)...Africa: SA mediators meet Mugabe
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Harare - A new team of South African mediators have held their first talks with Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe in a fresh bid to ease tensions within the strained unity government, state media repor (By News Poster)...South Africa: DA slams Meeko's hate speech case
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The Democratic Alliance has described an opposing affidavit by Free State ANC Youth League chairman Thabo Meeko in the Equality Court to a hate speech case as "poor"The DA shadow minister for higher e (By News Poster)...Botswana: Phikwe Makes Headway in War Against HIV/Aids
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Onalenna ModikwaDecember 1 - a day officially reserved to commemorate the World AIDS Day - is a day in which the globe will be taking stock of what it has achieved in its efforts to fight HIV/AIDS (By News Poster)...South Africa: Black Residents warn of mob justice due to crime
Monday 30-Nov-2009: [Crime! Crime! Out of control everywhere in South Africa! Thanks to our worthless Police force run by a Govt of Criminals. Ah! Maybe that is why crime is forever rampant in this country - the rulers a (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cop arrested after security guards nabbed
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Johannesburg police said that a metro police officer who allegedly ran a security company had been arrested on Thursday for defeating the ends of justice.Inspector Xoli Mbele said four security guards (By News Poster)...Zim: Harare asked to halt seizure of German's farm
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Property rights of German investors continue to be violated despite promises to honour a bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement By Sebastian NyamhangambiriHarare - The German (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Policeman Kills Two Children in Ibadan Hospital
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Ola AjayiIbadan - Following the death of his child at Oni Memorial Children Hospital, Ring Road Ibadan, a policeman allegedly suffocated two other children to death and left three others on danger (By News Poster)...World: Peru suspends officer on 'human fluids' case
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Terry WadeLima - Peru suspended its top organised crime investigator on Tuesday after he misled the country by saying he had caught a gang of serial killers who acted out an ancient Andean legend a (By News Poster)...Africa: Albino shelter in terror from killers
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Katrina MansonMisungwi, Tanzania - In remote north-west Tanzania, two parents sob for their 10-year-old albino son, who was beheaded to stop him screaming by men who then hacked off his leg in fron (By News Poster)...Southern Africa: Sweet Taste of Success Down South
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Alfred SayilaNairobi - The sugar industry in Southern Africa is a success story.It is expanding against all odds, owing to favourable fluctuations in the market.These are placing rival producer cou (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police arrest two for World Cup threats
Friday 04-Dec-2009: South African police arrested two people on Friday for separate hoax threats against the draw for next year's soccer World Cup.Explosives experts and sniffer dogs checked a bag at an entrance to Cape (By News Poster)...Zambia: The Hidden Costs of TB
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Lundazi - "When you are poor and you have AIDS, you live with the threat of death above your head. However, when you have tuberculosis (TB), death moves closer and sits on your shoulder," said Max Ngo (By News Poster)...Africa: Guinea boosts security after attack on Camara
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Saliou SambConakry - Guinea raised security levels in the capital Conakry on Friday, residents said, after junta leader Captain Moussa Dadis Camara was wounded in an attack carried out by his own s (By News Poster)...Almost Two Million Die Of Aids Globally
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Sahr Morris JrMore than two million people are reported to have died from AIDS-related illnesses globally, while two million children under the age of 15 now live with HIV.New figures released by t (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma announces new Aids moves
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Gaye DavisPoliticial BureauAll children under one year old who test positive for HIV will get treatment and people living with the disease will be able to get anti-retrovirals (ARVS) when their CD4 (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'Difficult' for judge to rule on bull killing
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: A Pietermaritzburg High Court judge on Tuesday avoided making a ruling on whether to stop a bull killing ritual."I suggest that all parties sit down and agree whether video footage can be taken during (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Yar'Adua Should Draw Up Roadmap to Delta Peace
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Nnamdi ObasiFor the first time in years, Nigeria's Niger Delta seems to be looking up.Large numbers of the region's insurgents who had been sabotaging petroleum production and fighting government f (By News Poster)...Kenya: Big Names and Soldiers Next in Mau Crackdown
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Nairobi - An inter-ministerial committee has given its approval for the dispossession of powerful individuals who own land in the Mau complex. The decision sets the stage for a politically loaded roun (By News Poster)...Africa: 'Honestly, we will kill if we are attacked'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Somali pirates warned on Monday they would kill the crew of a Chinese bulk carrier if China's navy attempted to wrestle control of the vessel from them.In a statement read to Reuters over the phone, o (By News Poster)...World: 14 killed in clashes in Mexico
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Mexico City - At least 14 people have died in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon in clashes between police and alleged members of the country's powerful criminal gangs, local media reported Satu (By News Poster)...South Africa: Struggle veteran Nkondo dies
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Various organisations paid tribute on Friday to struggle veteran Curtis Nkondo, South Africa's former high commissioner to Namibia, who died on Thursday.The ANC said Nkondo, 82, had died after being t (By News Poster)...South Africa: 2010's 'biggest legacy' is SA's growth model
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Craig McKuneWhile football hype builds to fever pitch in the Mother City this week, researchers and officials have widely differing views of how significant a legacy the World Cup will leave for So (By News Poster)...WWIII: 'Iran's 10 Uranium Plants' In Defiance Of UN
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [As I have warned continually, the Iranians are liars and they are doing all they can to goad the West and to be in the West’s face. The longer they can survive the bolder they will get. Iran is a ver (By Gairk)...South Africa: Selebi case delay: Simelane 'seeks clarity'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Hours into Menzi Simelane's first day in office, the newly appointed prosecutions chief is facing a big legal headache: the halting of the Jackie Selebi corruption trial because of alleged national se (By News Poster)...World: Sex fiend faces eleven counts of murder
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Thomas J. SheeranCleveland - A registered sex offender who police say was living with 10 corpses and a skull has been indicted on 11 counts of aggravated murder, a prosecutor said on Tuesday.Anthon (By News Poster)...South Africa: Chris Louw 'wrote a suicide note'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Journalist Chris Louw, who was found shot in the head with an AK-47 on Tuesday, committed suicide, North West police said."He told his wife to stay indoors, then went outside. There's a place he plant (By News Poster)...Police Arrest Three Over Colonel's Murder
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Werner MengesTHE Namibian Police have arrested three suspects in connection with the killing of Namibia Defence Force officer Elia Katanga in the Brakwater area north of Windhoek a week and a half (By News Poster)...Africa: Somali sacks police and army chiefs
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Mogadishu - Somalia's police and army chiefs have been sacked after failing to crush a months-old nationwide insurgency by radical Islamist groups, a government spokesman said Sunday.Former warlord Co (By News Poster)...World: Knox gets family visit on first day in prison
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Alessandro Rizzo and Marta FalconiPerugia, Italy - Amanda Knox sought comfort from visiting family members on her first day in prison since being convicted of murdering her British roommate.The fam (By News Poster)...IOL Sport: 2010 World Cup fixtures
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: GMT is South African time plus two hours.FIRST ROUNDFriday, June 11At Johannesburg, Soccer CitySouth Africa vs. Mexico, 1400 GMTAt Cape Town, South AfricaUruguay vs. France, 1830 GMTSaturday, June 12A (By News Poster)...South Africa: DA out as Eden gets fourth mayor in 10 months
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Andisiwe MakinanaIt was musical chairs again in the Eden District Municipality this week, as the council got its fourth mayor in 10 months. This time the ANC takes control of the district.The third (By News Poster)...South Africa: Flash flood kills five
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Five young people drowned when a bakkie carrying church members was swept off a bridge and plummeted into a river north of Pretoria on Wednesday.Director Govinsamy Mariemuthoo said the bakkie, which h (By News Poster)...South Africa: I'm a fool for love - Prinsloo
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Dirk Prinsloo, the man who skipped bail while on trial with ex-girlfriend Cezanne Visser for sex offences involving children, blames love on his staying in Belarus, where he was caught.He had intended (By News Poster)...South Africa: Guard shot dead in robbery
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A security guard was shot dead during an armed robbery at a Spar store in Primrose in the late afternoon on Wednesday, Johannesburg police said."Armed with assault rifles and pistols the robbers enter (By News Poster)...South Africa: Alleged drug kingpin 'denied his rights'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Thandi SkadePedro Odoemenem was brutally beaten up by the police, and denied his constitutional rights to medical treatment and legal representation. This was the claim the alleged international dr (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police thwart cash-in-transit heist plan
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Nontobeko MtshaliA cash-in-transit heist was foiled yesterday when a police task team thwarted the robbers before they could execute their plan."A task team consisting of the North Rand Flying Squa (By News Poster)...Liberia: Govt Secures Huge Investment in Palm Oil Production
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Boakai FofanaMonrovia - The Liberian government has announced that it is the final stages of securing a U.S. $1.6 billion Indonesian investment in palm oil production which is expected to create (By News Poster)...Uganda: Government Should Invest in HIV Vaccine Research
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Halima ShabanKampala - UGANDA was the first country in the world to bring down the HIV incidence from 18% to 6.4%.The country was also the first in Africa to carry out an HIV vaccine trial in 1999. (By News Poster)...Kenya: Kenolkobil Wins Oil Supply Tender But Raises Concerns Over Piracy
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Special CorrespondentNairobi - KenolKobil Ltd has won the Kenyan government tender to deliver crude oil and diesel in the month of January 2010.It however raised concerns over increased risk of del (By News Poster)...South Africa: Farmers Prepare to Tackle Sasol
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Siseko NjobeniJohannesburg - PETROCHEMICALS group Sasol was bracing itself for claims arising from its contraventions of competition laws, CE Pat Davies said on Friday.Competition-related fines at (By News Poster)...South Africa: Azapo, APC offer Africanist alternatives
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Black Consciousness offshoots Azapo and the African People's Convention (APC) have launched their party manifestoes, offering voters socialist democratic alternatives with increased state intervention (By News Poster)...South Africa: Mystery of the death car that drove itself
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Fred Kockott"It seems this BMW must have just been driving itself - that there was no driver." This is one of the poignant but most bitter remarks arising from Prince Sifiso Zulu's culpable homicid (By News Poster)...South Africa: Porn, booze among class acts at school
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Political BureauBoozing, bullying, possession of pornography and dangerous weapons, smoking cigarettes and drugs, intimidating learners and teachers and vandalism of school property are just some o (By News Poster)...Africa: Swapo heads for landslide win
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Namibia's ruling Swapo party was heading for a landslide election victory on Friday and a chance to score the two-thirds majority that gives it the power to change the constitution.Initial results fro (By News Poster)...South Africa: Guard killed in supermarket robbery
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Three of the seven men who allegedly robbed a Spar supermarket in Primrose have been arrested, Ekurhuleni police said on Thursday.Captain Steady Nawa said a security guard was shot dead during the rob (By News Poster)...Outjo Murder Spree Case in High Court
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Werner MengesALLEGED child killer Ernestus Aibeb, who is accused of murdering three people - including two small children - and also killing an unborn baby in a stabbing and arson rampage that shoc (By News Poster)...South Africa: Striking workers threaten hotel?
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Sun International is seeking an urgent interdict to prevent what it considers to be an illegal strike by members affiliated to the Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu), the hotel group said on Wednesd (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Diseases Threaten Cassava Production
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Austin BeyadiDar Es Salaam - CASSAVA production continues to be threatened by the spread of diseases which has immediate and far-reaching impacts on food security and supply in the African region.T (By News Poster)...South Africa: Selebi case on ice
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Former police commissioner Jackie Selebi's corruption case began a lengthy hiatus on Tuesday afternoon after the state security ministry took further legal action to prevent an ex-intelligence officia (By News Poster)...Ghana: Country Stands to Become a Model in Oil Development
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Ama Achiaa AmankwahOslo - Ghana is said to be in a good position to become a model for oil development in Africa. With a better political climate and regulation framework coupled with an active pre (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: Second round venues for 2010 World Cup
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The World Cup draw on Friday will decide when and where the 32 teams will play and who their opponents are. The 10 tournament venues in nine cities are split between the high veldt, where altitude and (By News Poster)...South Africa: Yengeni cop found guilty
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Jade WittenSiphiwo Hewana, a former Goodwood police station commander, was found guilty on Monday of attempting to defeat the ends of justice after he ordered police officers to tamper with evidenc (By News Poster)...World: German group claims attack on police station
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Hamburg, Germany - A left-wing group claimed responsibility for an attack on a German police station and linked it to the killing of a Greek teenager by an officer, in a letter published Sunday.In the (By News Poster)...Somalia: Shebelle's Reporter Lose His Life in Suicide Blast in Mogadishu
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Mogadishu - Mohamed Amin Aden Abdulle, Shabelle reporter in Mogadishu has Thursday lost his life in a suicide blast targeted to Shamo hotel in Mogadishu which also caused more deaths and injuries as g (By News Poster)...Uganda: Land Bill Sails Through But the Debate of Landlessness Remains
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Your columnist made a lousy call last year that the Land Bill would not be reported out of Parliament. And so is the progression towards another unprecedented run for a fifth term by the incumbent. Li (By News Poster)...Uganda: Leaked Report On Oil Deals Puts Pressure On Govt
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Ariel RubinKampala - A scathing new report issued by the London-based environment and governance watchdog Platform has put government and oil companies under fire. Revealing for the first time one (By News Poster)...Uganda: MP's, Land Policy Should Come Before Land Act
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Charles ByaryuhangaUgandan policy makers amuse me. Most of them have read history but have failed to learn anything from it. In 1998, Parliament of Uganda enacted a law to regulate relationship bet (By News Poster)...Destruction of Forest Worries Botswana NGO
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Monkagedi GaotlhobogweThe Majune District in southern Mozambique is truly blessed with forests of pristine beauty.For decades the region bore the brunt of the country's two wars that lasted 25 year (By News Poster)...Kenya: Fear of Severe Food Shortage Defies Short Rains
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By George OmondiThe government faces a drastic review of its spending plans to manage the largest food shortfall in Kenya's history as the highly anticipated el-nino rains fail to materialise.This wil (By News Poster)...Nigeria: A Ray of Hope in the Oil Rich Niger Delta
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Innocent EdemhanriaFor some years now, the Niger Delta has been literally turned to a war zone as militants held the nation to ransom.From their various camps in the Niger Delta creeks, the militan (By News Poster)...Big Brother Africa 4 - Great Balls of Fire
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Jean SutherlandWELL, Mzamo shattered the glass ceiling on Wednesday night! OK, not exactly she punched her fist into a glass door, leaving one helluva cracking road map of her anger.Eish peeps. Zam (By News Poster)...Africa: AfDB Helps South Africa Tackle Energy Crisis-Approves ?1.86 Billion Loan for Medupi Power Project
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Tunis - AfDB President Donald Kaberuka commenting on the conclusion of this operation said: "South Africa's energy problem has been a major impediment to Africa's leading economy. The Bank is pleased (By News Poster)...Charity Starts At Home, Says NCCI
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Nangula ShejavaliGOVERNMENT needs to prioritise education, black economic empowerment (BEE), energy supply and local produce procurement if it wants to create a conducive environment for local busi (By News Poster)...Uganda: Kabuye Takes Action After His Siblings' Death
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Joel OgwangKampala - To commemorate the World AIDS Day on December 1, The New Vision, in conjunction with the parliamentary committee on HIV/AIDS, will award individuals who have played a remarkabl (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Govt Blames Sudan for Darfur Attacks
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Frank KagaboKigali - Rwanda has accused the Khartoum government of being behind the ambush in which three RDF peacekeepers were killed and two injured at Saraf Umra in Darfur on Friday.Hours later, (By News Poster)...South Africa: Expats happy to head home
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: A recent survey conducted among a group of returning South African executives found that their primary reason for returning was to be reunited with family and friends and to be more involved in the de (By News Poster)...Africa: Kenya to Survey Gay Men Regarding HIV Transmission
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Alison WalkleyDespite a taboo against homosexuality in Kenya, the government has decided to acknowledge the existence of men who have sex with men, in an effort to curb new HIV infections in the co (By News Poster)...South Africa: New dog unit gives metro cops extra bite
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Fouzia van der FortThe metro police force in Cape Town has a new "weapon" with the launch of its dog unit, offering officers invaluable back-up in the fight against drugs and other crimes.One dog c (By News Poster)...World: Lethal discovery at massacre suspect's home
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Philippine soldiers using metal detectors, sniffer dogs and an excavator unearthed more than a dozen crates of bullets on Friday in the mansion of a local mayor linked to last week's massacre of 57 pe (By News Poster)...World: Cuba blasts black leaders for racism charges
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Will WeissertCuba hit back on Thursday at 60 prominent black US leaders who challenged its race record, with island writers, artists and official journalists calling the criticism an attack on thei (By News Poster)...South Africa: Robber arrested in Sharpeville shoot-out
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Gauteng police said a tuck-shop robber had been arrested after a shoot-out in Sharpeville late on Wednesday.Inspector Aubrey Moopeloa said three robbers had used a crowbar to break through the door an (By News Poster)...Zim: Back on the air, but don't mention Mugabe
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Four men tried to abduct her Radio 5 Live's presenter finds that Zimbabweans choose their words carefullyVictoria DerbyshireYesterday I presented my Radio 5 Live programme from Harare, the fir (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Army Mechanic Jailed for Gun Theft
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Harare - A Harare man has been jailed for 15 years for unlawfully entering Pomona Barracks last month and stealing guns.Emmanuel Mashiri (36), a mechanic, pleaded guilty to unlawful entry charges and (By News Poster)...Rwanda: A Court of Injustice
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Going by the current record of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda it is not a stretch to imagine that this court would acquit Herman Goering or any other person like that of crimes of geno (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma cares for you - Malema
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Quinton Mtyala Challenging them to take over the struggle against poverty, ANC Youth League president Julius Malema said the interests of coloured people lay with the ruling party.Malema was addres (By News Poster)...Africa: Namibian election results trickle in
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Agnieszka FlakWindhoek - First results from Namibian elections trickled in on Monday, but too few to show if a breakaway opposition faction would end the two-thirds majority in parliament that the (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cape Town's curtain of steel for 2010 draw
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Fiona FordeA solid security plan is in place for Friday's Fifa draw as hordes of police and army officers, private security personnel and intelligence agents descend on Cape Town, determined to sta (By News Poster)...South Africa's Cybercrime Wave and 2010
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Definition of 'Skimming': Skimming is the theft of credit card information used in an otherwise legitimate transaction. It is typically an "inside job" by a dishonest employee of a legitimate merchant (By JanOlifant)...World: Owners held after fatal club fire
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Moscow - Police on Saturday detained two of the owners of a club where at least 102 people were killed in a fire in the Russian city of Perm, officials said.One of of those questioned denied allegati (By News Poster)...Somalia: Puntland President Condemns Suicide Attack
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The president of Somalia's Puntland State has strongly condemned yesterday's suicide blast that killed more than 22 people, including three ministers in the restive capital Mogadishu.President Abdirah (By News Poster)...South Africa: Need for Greater Morality Among Those in Public Trust
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Jay NaidooJohannesburg - IN RECENT months, we have witnessed intense debate around corporate governance in state-owned enterprises in SA. The matter of conflict of interest and whether or not a boa (By News Poster)...Uganda: Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Bill Ready for Debate
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Cyprian MusokeKampala - A Bill outlawing female genital mutilation is ready to be presented to the House for the second reading and be passed into law, MPs have been told.Addressing a regional parl (By News Poster)...Gambia: Over 98 Percent of Locals Are HIV Free
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Aji Fatou Faal and Fatoumata MbengaThe Gambian leader, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yayha Jammeh, has disclosed that over 98% of the country's population is HIV negative.He described t (By News Poster)...Ghana: Increase Cocoa Prices to Avert Smuggling
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Linda Akrasi Kotey And Stephen Odoi LarbiThe recent smuggling of cocoa beans to neighboring countries by Ghanaian farmers has attracted debate in Ghana's Parliament. Whilst the majority side in Par (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Swapo Moves Closer to Two-Thirds Win in Namibia Poll
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Windhoek - Namibia's ruling Swapo party was heading yesterday for another big election win, with a two-thirds majority that gives it the power to change the constitution looking likely as more votes c (By News Poster)...Zim: MDC's Gwezere still detained at Chikurubi prison
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: The High court granted Gwezere bail a fortnight ago By Tichaona SibandaPascal Gwezere, the MDC transport manager facing trumped-up charges of stealing ‘arms of war', is still in remand priso (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Shame On You, Morgan
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Harare - THERE is no justification at all to call for evil, ruinous and illegal sanctions against a people who have chosen to own what rightfully belongs to them, a people who have chosen to recover w (By News Poster)...South Africa: Do away with BEE - IOL readers
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Ainsley DanielsAccording to Moeletsi Mbeki, the deputy chairman of the South African Institute of International Affairs, Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is one of the most destructive policies ado (By News Poster)...South Africa: Animal group concerned by 2010 slaughter plan
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) has written to the world soccer body, Fifa, about plans to slaughter cattle at each of the World Cup stadiums."We've sent out a bl (By News Poster)...Zim: Talks to continue over the weekend
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: There is a media blackout and journalists are having to report on hearsay By Tichaona SibandaTalks to resolve outstanding issues in the Global Political Agreement will continue over the weeken (By News Poster)...Africa: New HIV Recommendations To Improve Health, Reduce Infections and Save Lives
Friday 04-Dec-2009: On the eve of World AIDS Day, WHO is releasing new recommendations on treatment, prevention and infant feeding in the context of HIV, based on the latest scientific evidence.WHO now recommends earlier (By News Poster)...ECN Under Fire, Otavi Police to the Rescue
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Nangula ShejavaliAS the ECN faces the heat with accusations of foul play in the electoral process going up a notch, the Namibian Police at Otavi have come out in defence of the security they provid (By News Poster)...Kenya: Security at Border Up as Somali Islamists Advance
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Nairobi - Kenya has deployed additional security officers on its border with Somalia to prevent the entry of rebels fleeing fighting in the war-torn country.Rebels of the Hizbul Islam group have been (By News Poster)...South Africa: Court told how the bull will be killed
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Sharika Regchand and Sipho KhumaloThe killing of a bull at the ukweshwama (first fruits) festival - which takes place at King Goodwill Zwelithini's palace in Nongoma on Saturday - must be performed (By News Poster)...Liberia: Truth Commission Releases Final Report
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION OF LIBERIA (TRC) have announced the release and publication of its final reports after several weeks of editing and technical work leading to its publication. (By News Poster)...Africa: Continent Has Central Role to Play Over Climate Change
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Tegegnework GettuOver the past year the countries of Africa have intensified their efforts to build a coalition on climate change. Across the continent, governments and communities have been workin (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: MDC's Gwezere Still Detained at Chikurubi Prison
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Tichaona SibandaPascal Gwezere, the MDC transport manager facing trumped-up charges of stealing 'arms of war', is still in remand prison, despite the elapse of the seven-day appeal period by the St (By News Poster)...South Africa: VIDEOS: Hopes and dreams of HIV+ people
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: MSF, an independent international humanitarian organisation, has launched a website - - that tells the stories of people in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, who are living with (By News Poster)...South Africa: Standard Gets Angola Licence
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Edward WestJohannesburg - STANDARD Bank has been granted a banking licence in Angola, opening the way for it to start operating as a full- service bank in Angola by the middle of next year .The ban (By News Poster)...Death Sentence Cheers Family of Mupane Mine Murder Victim
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Isaac PinieloThe family of a slain man who was murdered by his colleagues at Mupane Gold Mine in May 2006 says they are happy with the death penalty imposed on his killers by the High Court.They sa (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai in Sanctions U-Turn
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Tendai MugabeHarare - MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai - who has over the years denied the existence of economic sanctions on Zimbabwe - yesterday made a major climb-down and acknowledged the exis (By News Poster)...Ethiopia: AFSA Urges Leaders to Resist Massive Land Grabs, Raise Issue At Copenhagen
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Fikremariam TesfayeAddis Abeba - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) urged African leaders to resist the Corporate Industrialization of African agriculture which will result in massi (By News Poster)...Babynet Front Page: Your six-step pre-tox party plan
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Sophie MorrisLondon - Over dinner with a group of girlfriends last week, I realised it was nearly December and no one had mentioned the dreaded 'D' word: diet.Instead of the habitual panic to slim (By News Poster)...Science Shocker: The Scientists lied about Global Warming…
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: [I’ve been saying for years that Global Warming is a load of rubbish. Remember the holes in the Ozone hole? Science is used and abused also. This article mentions how science was rigged and the pee (By Gairk)...Africa: Fourth minister dies of blast wounds
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Nairobi - Somali Sports Minister Suleyman Olad Roble died Saturday in Nairobi of wounds sustained during a devastating suicide attack at a graduation in Mogadishu two days earlier, diplomatic sources (By News Poster)...World: Gunmen kill five people in attacks in Iraq
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Baghdad - Five people were killed in three separate attacks carried out by unknown assailants in Iraq's northern Mosul district on Saturday, police said.A police officer and two guards were killed wh (By News Poster)...Guinea: Free or Charge Rights Defender
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Guinea’s military government should immediately release or bring specific charges against the human rights defender Mouctar Diallo, Human Rights Watch said today. He has been held by the militar (By News Poster)...South Africa: Sassa backs ANCYL
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The Democratic Alliance has officially requested the Public Protector to probe ANC Youth League president Julius Malema's handing out of a grant of R100 000 and food parcels to the poor in Philippi on (By News Poster)...Gambia: Youths Are Vulnerable to New HIV Infection -Nas Director
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Aji Fatou FaalThe Director of the National Aids Secretariat (NAS), Alieu Jammeh has stated that despite the high level of awareness about HIV/Aids in The Gambia, new infections continue to rise amo (By News Poster)...Uganda: Land Bill Only Answers Half the Question
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Daniel KalinakiPicture this: You own 10 acres of land in Mukono, five of which are occupied by a tenant who settled there 40 years ago. The tenant grows vanilla and earns Shs2 million a year.In ret (By News Poster)...We want to transform Zim into functional nation
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Growth of 4.7 percent this year, quickening to 7 percent in 2010 By Charles TemboHarare - Zimbabwe's economy will grow by 4.7 percent this year with growth expected to quicken to 7 percent in (By News Poster)...Uganda: UN Envoy, Activists Criticise Aids Law
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Evelyn Lirri and Mercy NalugoThe United Nations Special Envoy on Aids in Africa, Ms Elizabeth Mataka, has urged Uganda to reconsider its proposed HIV law, saying it could fuel the spread of the vir (By News Poster)...South Africa: Makeba chosen for Order of Ikhamanga
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Slain anti-apartheid activist Dulcie September, late musician Miriam Makeba and disabled swimmer Natalie du Toit will be among those who receive National Orders from President Jacob Zuma next Friday.S (By News Poster)...South Africa: MPs Urged to Reject Labour Brokers' Ethnic Ban
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Linda EnsorCape Town - Parliament's labour portfolio committee should distance itself from a decision taken by labour brokers in De Doorns, which has been hit by xenophobic violence, not to employ (By News Poster)...South Africa: Bodyguards for ANC man get paid by the state
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Sibusiso MbotoAn African National Congress councillor from Greytown, who is also a prominent businessman and farmer, enjoys the protection of eight bodyguards who rack up a bill of R70 000 a month, (By News Poster)...South Africa: Bull-killing ritual compared to communion
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Sharika RegchandStopping Zulus from killing a bull at the First Fruits Festival would be akin to ordering Catholics to stop taking communion, a Pietermaritzburg High Court judge said yesterday.Judg (By News Poster)...Africa: Migrant killed for ignoring orders
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Cairo - Egyptian police shot dead a sub-Saharan migrant as he tried to slip into Israel illegally overnight, a security official said on Tuesday.Police shot him dead after he ignored orders to stop, t (By News Poster)...East Africa: Fast Internet Drives Boom in Illegal Private Forex Trading
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Mark KapchangaNairobi - Commercial banks in East Africa are losing billions of shillings annually through rogue dealers who are engaging in private foreign currency trading online, taking advantage (By News Poster)...South Africa: Daughter's terror as father, 67, shot dead
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Vuyo MabandlaGunmen conned their way into the home of a man and shot him in his bedroom.Nyanga police Captain Ntomboxolo Sitshitshi said two men had followed Zilindile Madolwana, 67, from an ATM to (By News Poster)...South Africa: Three farmworkers shot dead
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Two elderly people and another man were shot dead in an argument on the Nooitgedacht farm outside Beaufort West, Western Cape police said on Sunday.Captain Bernadine Steyn said three farm workers, age (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zuma points out 'sources of evil' in the ANC
Friday 04-Dec-2009: President Jacob Zuma said on Friday that love for money and top positions were two main sources of evil that had undermined the character of the ANC."Money and positions have undermined the ANC," said (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cops nab drug syndicate members
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Two police officers suspected of being part of a drug syndicate were arrested on Thursday, the Hawks said.The policeman and woman would join several others appearing in the Randburg Magistrate's Court (By News Poster)...Zim: Global surge in rhino poaching
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: 95% of rhino poaching in Africa since 2006 had occurred in Zimbabwe and South Africa Rhino poaching around the world is on the rise despite efforts to protect the animals, a report warns. The (By News Poster)...South Africa: Country Becomes Supplier of Illegal Rhino Horn
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Wyndham HartleyCape Town - SA, once famous for saving rhinos from potential extinction, is fast becoming a big supplier of illegal rhino horn, with more than 250 animals poached across the country (By News Poster)...Selebi-Phikwe Police Nab PI
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Calistus KolantshoSelebi-Phikwe - The police have arrested a Zimbabwean man who was declared a prohibited immigrant at the beginning of this year.Selebi-Phikwe Police Station commander, superintend (By News Poster)...World: Demjanjuk charged for Nazi camp deaths
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Madeline ChambersMunich, Germany - Prosecutors on Tuesday accused John Demjanjuk of knowingly herding thousands of Jews to their deaths in the Nazi-run Sobibor extermination camp and standing by as (By News Poster)...Africa: Tanker repels pirate attack
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Greek authorities say the crew of a Greek tanker carrying oil to China have successfully fought off a pirate attack in the Arabian Sea.A coast guard statement says the Greek-flagged Sikinos, with a cr (By News Poster)...Africa: Ruling party's two thirds majority at risk
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Namibia's ruling party is expected to secure another five-year term on Tuesday following presidential and parliamentary elections, but its two-thirds majority could be under threat.The electoral commi (By News Poster)...Ghana: Commodity Price Index - Sure Way to Check Inflation
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: The Chief Executive Officer of Blackwealth Consulting, Mr. Mawuko Williams has underscored the need for Ghana to have a commodity price index as a sure way of keeping inflation in check.In an intervie (By News Poster)...Uganda: Mengo Opts for Court in Battle of Land Bill
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Al-Mahdi Ssenkabirwa, Robert Mwanje and Isaac KhisaKampala - Buganda Kingdom has asked its attorney general to look at the possibility of seeking recourse in the Constitutional Court following last (By News Poster)...Africa: French aid workers in jeopardy
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Khartoum - A shadowy Darfur group which says it kidnapped three French aid workers in Chad and the Central African Republic threatened on Monday to kill them unless Paris agrees to direct negotiations (By News Poster)...Tanzania: Killers Target Wealthy Widows, Warns Judge
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Chairman of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance, retired principal judge Amiri Manento, has spoken of the changing face of the killing of elderly people, especially in the lake zone re (By News Poster)...Kenya: Thanksgiving for USA's Fight On Aids, TB & Malaria
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Nairobi - Kenyans have commended the US Government for its financial assistance towards combating the spread of HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the country.At a well attended Thanksgiving ce (By News Poster)...Somalia: Hizbul Islam Officials Secretly Enter Kenya
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Several Hizbul Islam officials led by Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Islam (Madobe) have reportedly crossed the border into neighbouring Kenya, escaping the wrath of Al-Shabaab who ousted them out of Somalia's (By News Poster)...South Africa: Woman 'strangled her dogs to death'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Bronwynne JoosteStaff ReporterA dog allegedly mutilated by a 69-year-old woman, who is also accused of strangling her two Jack Russels, has been put down. The Ottery woman is due to appear in the (By News Poster)...World: Morales talks tough on eve of election
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: La Paz - Bolivian President Evo Morales slammed CNN for spreading "lies" about him and said his fight against drugs was stronger now without US help, as he rallied followers on the eve of his expected (By News Poster)...East Africa: Law Practitioners to Play a Central Role in EAC Integration
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Sam RuburikaWith the East African common market protocol coming into play soon, the East African Law Society (EALS) is set to play an important role within the integration process of the member sta (By News Poster)...South Africa: Farmer Paid By State After Drastic Measures
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Stephan HofstatterJohannesburg - A NORTH West landowner who was granted a court order in September compelling the Land Claims Commission to pay him in 48 hours finally received his money yesterday (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Says 4,7 Percent Growth Rate Achievable
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Wyndham HartleyCape Town - Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai says the 4,7% growth rate anticipated in the country's budget this week is achievable precisely because the contraction in the (By News Poster)...South Africa: Man dies after heart attack on treadmill
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A middle-aged man died after having a heart attack while working out on a treadmill at the Southgate Virgin Active gym on Wednesday morning.The man's identity has not yet been revealed. Virgin Active (By News Poster)...South Africa: Human limbs 'scattered around dump site'
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The Green Scorpions on Wednesday found another two sites of buried medical waste in the Welkom area in the Free State.They were found buried on the Jonkerus Farm, 25km outside the town, and on the Wel (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: 40 Fired At Chiadzwa Mine Over Looting
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Harare - Canadile Miners, recently licensed by the Government to mine diamonds at Chiadzwa, has fired 40 workers for allegedly allowing panners to enter the fields and loot the precious stones.Sources (By News Poster)...Zambia: Growing Up With HIV
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Zarina GelooLusaka - Sixteen-year-old Andela Milambo* wants a husband. She is not looking for love, but for someone to share the burden of living with HIV. She wants to be able to take her medicine (By News Poster)...South Africa: The fraudsters are Christmas shopping, too
Monday 30-Nov-2009: This is an incredibly dangerous time to be a consumer, and not only because the banks' and retailers' adverts are urging us to ignore the sage advice of the likes of the Savings Institute, the Nationa (By News Poster)...South Africa: Horror stories in South African 'Hospitals'
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: What a horrible, horrible mistake,the one which cannot be reversed in anyway.There cannot be any condoning of such blunders. Thembisa Koimetsi a 2 year old perfectly normal toddler was admitted in (By JanOlifant)...Big Brother Africa 4 - the 'Caring Revolution'
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Natasha UysEISH my Big Brother peoples, the show is quickly drawing to a close, with the last nominations taking place this past Monday evening.By now we all know that Emma, Kevin and Itai are up f (By News Poster)...South Africa: Pair out on bail after blast in suburb
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By HANTI OTTO Court ReporterTWO men appeared in the Pretoria Regional Court yesterday in connection with the explosion in Pretoria Gardens that rocked the neighbourhood earlier this week.The blast dam (By News Poster)...South Africa: Massive blast causes panic
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Barry BatemanA massive blast ripped through Claremont in the west of Pretoria yesterday, shattering windows and causing widespread panic among the community. Two suspects, aged 21 and 36, have been (By News Poster)...Science: Should Africa expect a major earthquake?
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Chris HartnadyThe 200th anniversary of the '9 Milnerton earthquake this week is a useful occasion to reflect on the need for a greater awareness of earthquakes, and desirability of teaching such aw (By News Poster)...Country Could Do Better - PAP Observers
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Nangula ShejavaliTHE Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Observer Mission has okayed the election process, but not without a good dose of criticism.In a statement that audience members praised as "much mo (By News Poster)...Guinea: Tycoon Pulls Out of Coalition
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Tamba Jean-MatthewGuinean tycoon and emblematic opposition figure, El Hadj Mamadou Sylla, has withdrawn from the country's majority political coalition, as the politico-military countdown gathers s (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Blitz Nets 114 More
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Harare - The Zimbabwe Republic Policewomen's Network has arrested five more people for committing sexual offences and 109 others for different offences as operation "Chawakadya Chamuka" continues.The (By News Poster)...Western Sahara: Activist Aminatou Haidar Badly Weakened by Hunger Strike
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Tito DragoMadrid - The firm stance taken by Western Sahara independence activist Aminatou Haidar, in her third week of a hunger strike in an airport in Spain's Canary Islands, contrasts with the we (By News Poster)...Political Parties React to Karas Results
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Catherine SasmanAlthough results are still trickling in at the Electoral Commission of Namibia's result centre in Windhoek, political parties on the ground have a fair idea of the post-election res (By News Poster)...South Africa: The Bottom Line - Will Anglo Be Odd Man Out in De Beers Issue?
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Johannesburg - THE agreement in principle by three De Beers shareholders to pursue their rights may simply be a negotiating tactic in order to get better terms from creditors, but it does create somet (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'We've Gone From Bad to Worse'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Natasha PrinceDisplaced Zimbabweans in De Doorns say they face an uncertain future and refuse to return to the areas from which they were ousted a week ago.Authorities are hoping to find a way to r (By News Poster)...South Africa: WW II bomb found at Harbour
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Caryn DolleyAn explosive device, police believe dates from World War 2, has been discovered lying beside a dumpster at Cape Town harbour.It was not planted there by criminals, but by fishermen who (By News Poster)...Akwa Welcomes Africa to Angola 2010
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Former Angola captain, Fabrice Alcebiades Maieco "Akwa" has expressed optimism in his country's ability to host a successful tournament next year. Akwa, undoubtedly the most famous Angolan footballer (By News Poster)...World: Seven women murdered in Mexico
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - Seven women were murdered in Mexico, including one who was beheaded in the southern beach resort of Cancun, authorities reported on Monday.Four of the women were killed in Ciud (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'We've gone from bad to worse'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Natasha PrinceDisplaced Zimbabweans in De Doorns say they face an uncertain future and refuse to return to the areas from which they were ousted a week ago.Authorities are hoping to find a way to r (By News Poster)...Leftists Harp How Swiss Vote Is Based On 'Racism'
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: [How is it so indeed typical that the Leftist Green Left Weekly, which is a fan of Hugo Chavez seems to enjoy promoting a typical lie here? And also, how is Islam a race? Lone Wolf.] Swiss refere (By Lone Wolf)...Rwanda: New Ministers Speak Out
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Edmund KagireKigali - Following the mini Cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday, newly appointed ministers have spoken about their ambitions and what will be top on their agenda in their new portfolios.Pre (By News Poster)...Police Officers Appear for 'Torture' Killing
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Isaiah MorewagaeFour police officers facing a murder charge will tomorrow know whether they will be committed to the High Court, without first appearing in a magistrate's court.Yesterday, Molepolol (By News Poster)...Botswana ignores Zim threats over VOA
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: "We are used to the threats" Bame Piet, Staff WriterBotswana has said it no longer listens to complaints from Zimbabwe over the Voice of America broadcasts relayed through its territory. Zimba (By News Poster)...Zim: Muchinguri to fight back
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Mnangagwa's camp is entangled in a bitter struggle for power with a faction led by Mujuru Constantine ChimakureZanu PF Women's League boss Oppah Muchinguri is reportedly planning to fight from (By News Poster)...Sudan: Darfur Radio Show Launched - Programme Will Overcome Sudanese Censorship to Deliver News On War Crimes Justice Developments
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Darfuris will this week tune into the first episode of an IWPR co-produced programme on local and international justice issues, aired by a diaspora radio station, which is estimated to regularly attra (By News Poster)...Africa: '144 women die daily'
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Lagos - The number of women dying from pregnancy-related complications in Nigeria is akin to a plane crashing every day, but the crisis gets less noticed amid pandemics such as Aids and malaria, activ (By News Poster)...South Africa: PI shot dead at office
Friday 04-Dec-2009: A 50-year-old private investigator was shot dead after an argument with an attorney at the Bedford Centre office towers in Bedfordview, east of Johannesburg, on Friday.The police said the as yet unnam (By News Poster)...Uganda: International Pressure Mounts Against 'Harmful' HIV Bill
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Kampala - The UN Special Envoy on AIDS in Africa, Elizabeth Mataka, has added her voice to growing criticism of a Ugandan bill that would criminalize the deliberate transmission of HIV.The draft HIV P (By News Poster)...Turning The Tide on HIV/Aids Prevention in Africa
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Johannesburg - An array of interventions aimed at slowing the rate of new HIV infections in Africa has been tried over the last two decades. Some were tested to see if they actually worked, but many w (By News Poster)...South Africa: Civil Society, Business, Opposition Welcome Policy Turnaround
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Luphert ChilwaneJohannesburg - PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma 's statement yesterday that the government would change its approach towards HIV/AIDS was described by civil society and political and business o (By News Poster)...South Africa: Politician wins claim against cops
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By LUVUYO MJEKULAA Democratic Alliance councillor arrested in a police raid at the popular hangout Mzoli's Place in Gugulethu three years ago has won a R100 000 lawsuit against the police. Wynberg Reg (By News Poster)...South Africa: Kebble's widow, Beck settle flat dispute?
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Karen BreytenbachJustice WriterThe legal dispute between slain mining magnate Brett Kebble's widow, an investment company and multimillionaire Graham Beck over a luxury Clifton apartment, has been (By News Poster)...World: Obamas party crashers - 'time for answers'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Eileen SullivanWashington - A week after they crashed the Obama administration's first state dinner, Michaele and Tareq Salahi are telling their side of the story on US television.The Salahis were (By News Poster)...South Africa: Citizens Commemorate World Aids Day
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Gabi KhumaloPretoria - For millions of South Africans infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, this year's World AIDS Day will signify a wave of change.President Jacob Zuma is expected to address South A (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police brutality claims dismissed
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Lesego MasemolaPolice have distanced themselves from allegations of "brutality" following claims that three people were injured during a crime prevention raid on William "King of Bling" Mbatha's At (By News Poster)...Somalia: Al-Shabaab Seize Control of Southern Border Town
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Somalia's militant group Al-Shabaab has seized control of Dobley, a southern border town located between Somalia and Kenya, witnesses said.Heavily armed Al-Shabaab militia entred the town without any (By News Poster)...World: Switzerland faces backlash for minaret ban
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Peter CapellaSwitzerland confronted an international backlash on Monday over a shock vote to ban new minarets, while the government struggled to reassure stunned Muslims that they were not regarded (By News Poster)...Zim: 'They failed to break my spirit' says freed rights campaigner
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: "There seems to be a constant moving backwards" Jestina Mukoko talks about her experience of abduction by secret police in Zimbabwe to Mary Fitzgerald, Foreign Affairs CorrespondentA year ago (By News Poster)...Kenya: Obama Kin's Misery Over Illegal US Stay
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Nairobi - BOSTON, WednesdayA Kenyan aunt of US President Barack Obama has told of her anguish at the possibility of some people using her immigration status to attack the American first family.Ms Zeit (By News Poster)...Sudan: Two UNAMID Peacekeepers Killed in Attack While Collecting Water
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Two Rwandan peacekeepers from the joint African Union-United Nations mission in Darfur (UNAMID) were killed and others wounded today in an attack by unidentified gunmen while collecting water at the n (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Dealer 'tortured' to implicate Roy Bennett
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: [Update on Roy Bennett's case. Slowly but surely the truth will out and the criminals will be made fools of] Zimbabwean state agents tortured a gun dealer until he passed out to make him confess to (By Gairk)...South Africa: ANC hurt by quest for money
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Love for money and top positions are two main sources of evil that have undermined the character of the ANC, party president Jacob Zuma said yesterday."Money and positions have undermined the ANC. The (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Stop being ridiculous please
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [This was written by Wilf Mbanga the editor of The Zimbabwean. Jan] More than a year after “agreeing” to share power, it would appear that the differences between the MDC and Zanu (PF) are still wi (By Gairk)...China Extends Another Grant to Country
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Wanetsha MosinyiThe Chinese government has given Botswana a grant amounting to 20 million yuan (P19.2 million) to help Botswana implement some of its priority projects in National Development Plan (By News Poster)...Africa: Gambari named new head of joint Darfur force
Friday 04-Dec-2009: United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon has named his special envoy to Myanmar, Ibrahim Gambari, as new head of the UN-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur, Ban's office said on Thursday on its websi (By News Poster)...IOL Sport: SA tightens security for World Cup draw
Friday 04-Dec-2009: South Africa has beefed up security around Cape Town for the World Cup draw Friday to prevent any incident and reassure fans about visiting one of the world's most crime-plagued nations.With an averag (By News Poster)...Uganda: District Police Boss Arrested Over Bribe
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Patrick Okino, Boney Odongo and Bill OketchKampala - A district Police commander in Northern Uganda has been detained over allegations of soliciting and receiving a sh1m bribe.The Oyam district act (By News Poster)...South Africa: Going nowhere... cops don't have fuel
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Gauteng Traffic Police officers are unable to patrol the highways or respond to robberies or hijackings because they have been grounded by fuel quotas.The traffic officers are only allowed to spend R1 (By News Poster)...Country's HIV On Decline But Battle Continues
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Nangula ShejavaliTHE HIV prevalence in Namibia is declining, with current statistics among pregnant women showing a 2,2 percentage point decrease, from 20 per cent in 2006 down to 17,8 per cent las (By News Poster)...South Africa: ATM bombers infuriate community
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A Pretoria community have demanded vengeance after a gang of ATM bombers destroyed a local businessman's shop and several homes when they blew up an Absa bank machine. The attack, which occurred in Ol (By News Poster)...South Africa: Doctor's DIY plastic surgery
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Botho MolosankweA general practitioner who performed a botched breast reduction that left a woman disfigured learnt how to do cosmetic surgery by reading text- books, attending meetings and assisti (By News Poster)...Africa: How Much Does Climate Change Cost?
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Dave OpiyoNairobi - Unavoidable climate change will in future cost Africa at least 26 billion US dollars a year leaving millions of people suffering from hunger, diseases, floods and water shortage (By News Poster)...Africa: Sudan parties mull alliance
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Andrew HeavensKhartoum - More than 20 Sudanese parties including the main force in the south may field joint candidates in next year's elections, officials said, in what would be a major challenge (By News Poster)...Science: Winning hearts and minds with medical care
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Herve BarMogadishu - Too weak to hide her mutilated face with her scarf, saliva dribbling from her atrophied mouth and blood seeping through her bandage, the woman lies in the peacekeepers' hospita (By News Poster)...South Africa: Business as usual for dealers ahead of draw
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Bronwynne Jooste Staff ReporterA ring of steel is being thrown up around central Cape Town ahead of the World Cup Final Draw.About 2 000 law enforcement officials are being deployed, and last night (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Zanu PF Wasting Time Talking About the 'Pirates'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Gerry JacksonA news report on Thursday quoted Welshman Ncube saying that the talks which began on Monday focused on "western sanctions against Zimbabwe, pirate radio stations and government appoint (By News Poster)...World: Police catch up with fugitive murderer
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Germany's most wanted fugitive was captured on Tuesday after a five-day manhunt, when the police knocked the escaped murderer off the woman's bicycle that he was riding along a rural road near the Dut (By News Poster)...Uganda: Nation Poised to Join 50 Top Global Oil Producers
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Uganda is likely to be a top - 50 oil producer by 2015 and on course for 100,000-150,000 bpd of oil in five years. However, waxy crude oil will require heated pipeline for transport, reports Reuters.A (By News Poster)...Africa: Progress On Paediatric HIV Not Enough
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Johannesburg - Some headway has been made in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and young people, but too many are still needlessly infected, and receive little or no treatment, care and su (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Anyiam-Osigwe - How to Fight Corruption - Ex-Malaysian PM
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Kalu OkwaraFormer Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad has identified sound education, intelligence, discipline, incorruptibility and empathy as qualities those aspiring for leaders (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'Robster' laid charges as a stunt - Els
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Zelda Venter High Court ReporterRobster the Monster probably fabricated the charges against Jurie Els as a publicity stunt for the World Cup in which he was due to appear as an artist, the Pretoria (By News Poster)...Africa: Dozens held as Kenya swoops on poachers
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Katie CollinsNairobi - Kenya has seized 1 100 kg of ivory and arrested 65 people in the past three months in a major international operation stretching across six African nations, its director of w (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police suspect crime syndicate
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Sharika RegchandA syndicate of robbers is thought to have been behind attacks on two farms in the Richmond area within 24 hours on Sunday and on Monday morning.It is believed that the men were resp (By News Poster)...Kenya: Govt Officials Plot Vote Against Odinga Over Mau Forest
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Nairobi - It's going to be a Christmas of political intrigue, as MPs on Sunday stepped up the war of words over the conservation of Mau forest and deal-making ahead of an election which is still three (By News Poster)...South Africa: Dorning killing: Three to appear in court
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Three people, including a policeman, arrested for the murder of a former KwaZulu-Natal government official will appear in the Howick Magistrate's Court on Monday, police said.Director Phindile Radebe (By News Poster)...South Africa: 'South Africans must return to their roots'
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: A concerted effort to lure South Africans living abroad back home will get into full swing this week.The Homecoming Revolution - an independent non-profit organisation that encourages and helps expats (By News Poster)...Liberia: Veep Boakai, Deputy UN Envoy Call for More Investments in Smallholder Farms
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Liberian Vice-President Joseph Boakai and UN Deputy Envoy Moustapha Soumaré have underscored the unique role smallholder farmers play in guaranteeing food security and alleviating poverty in wi (By News Poster)...Obama Helps Out The New Black Panthers Party
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [How stupid is this? Why is it okay for the New Black Panthers to have been involved in voter intimidation on election day? It seems Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder is happily promoting to prom (By Lone Wolf)...South Africa: Dead toddler's dad arrested
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The father of a three-year-old boy, who was accidentally shot dead by police last month, has been arrested, Johannesburg police said on Friday.Inspector Kym Cloete said police were following informati (By News Poster)...South Africa: Soweto girl, 7, violated in school toilets
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Angelique SerraoSeven-year-old Tumi (not her name) sits in her garden with her friends drawing on a small blackboard. She is an active child and her big smile reveals two missing teeth.But on Monda (By News Poster)...South Africa: Horror crash changes family's life
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Kanina FossThe night Julia never came home from work, her husband Petros went from hospital to morgue looking for her. On the notoriously dangerous Moloto Road, east of Pretoria, an overturned bus (By News Poster)...South Africa: Police bust R1bn drug lab
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Crime intelligence officials made the second largest drug bust in the country's history on Friday morning seizing drugs and equipment worth well over R1 billion, police said.Police raided a drug facto (By News Poster)...Somalia: Islamists Capture a Woman Who Murdered Her Husband in Southern Region
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: The forces of the Islamic administration of Wanlaweyn district in Lower Shabelle region have captured a woman who murdered her husband in there in southern Somalia, officials told Shabelle radio on Tu (By News Poster)...Africa: Swiss businessmen jailed in Libya
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Salah Sarrar and Stephanie NebehayTripolo/Geneva - A Libyan court handed 16-month jail terms to two Swiss businessmen for visa offences, a Libyan judicial source said on Tuesday, in a move likely t (By News Poster)...South Africa: Six refugees nabbed after robberies
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Staff WriterPolice have arrested six Nambian refugees after an "extensive investigation" into a series of farm robberies.They were arrested on Tuesday about 10am at a house in Bloekombos, Kraaifont (By News Poster)...Somalia: Pirates Seize Greek Supertanker Off Coast
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Somali pirates have reportedly seized a Greek-owned oil tanker and its 28 crewmembers more than 1000 kilometers off the coast of Somalia.The supertanker, Maran Centaurus, which can transport more than (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: First round venues for 2010 World Cup
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Five South African cities will host only first-round matches in next year's World Cup, so they will hope to get some of the biggest teams and best games when the draw is made on Friday. Pretoria, Bloe (By News Poster)...Africa: WHO Recommends ARVs During Breastfeeding
Monday 30-Nov-2009: The World Health Organization (WHO) has released new recommendations on HIV treatment and prevention and for the first time recommended that HIV-positive mothers or their infants take antiretrovirals (By News Poster)...Africa: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue On Africa's Reaction to the Financial Crisis
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Tunis, Tunisia - The CoDA Board meeting will be held on 29 November 2009 and will be preceded on 28 November by a multi-stakeholder forum on Africa's reaction to the financial crisis. The gathering br (By News Poster)...World: 'I will never tolerate warlordism'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Former Philippine leader Joseph Estrada vowed on Monday that there would be no repeat of last week's political massacre under his watch, as he registered to run in next year's presidential elections.E (By News Poster)...South Africa: Rowdy crowd disrupt Zille's meeting
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Police fired rubber bullets to disperse a rowdy crowd who tried to prevent DA leader Helen Zille from addressing residents at Winterveldt, north of Pretoria on Sunday.About 500 people had gathered at (By News Poster)...Uganda: Pressure Grows on Govt Over Anti-Gay Law
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Rodney MuhumuzaKampala - The government yesterday responded strongly to international criticism over the proposed anti-gay law, saying the process would continue uninterrupted.Speaker Edward Sekand (By News Poster)...World: German concern over left-wing violence
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Berlin - German politicians expressed growing concern on Saturday, amid a string of suspected left-wing violent crimes in the capital and the northern city of Hamburg in recent days.Overnight two ve (By News Poster)...Somalia: Country is a Danger to Us All
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Nairobi - The Thursday heartless bomb attack in Mogadishu that killed 22 people -- three among them Cabinet ministers -- and left more than 40 other people badly injured demonstrated that vicious and (By News Poster)...Five Escape From Top Security Prison in Beira
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Maputo - Five dangerous criminals managed to escape on Monday from the top security prison in the central Mozambican city of Beira, according to a report in the Beira daily paper "Diario de Mocambique (By News Poster)...South Africa: Robbers seen ... then three escaped
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Kowthar SolomonsStaff ReporterArmed robbers who stole jewellery, perfume and store credit cards from a Stellenbosch jewellery store, had to drop their loot and flee after they were spotted by alert (By News Poster)...Africa: Somali bombing: Islamists deny responsibility
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Somali Islamist Shebab rebels on Friday denied in a statement any involvement in a suicide bombing that left some 19 people, including three ministers, dead at a medical student graduation ceremony."W (By News Poster)...South Africa: Pet carcass scandal
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Alex Eliseev and Jennifer Bruce Dog and cat carcasses dumped in Randfontein [WARNING: GRAPHIC PICTURES]The white Nissan bakkie comes to a halt. A man climbs out, puts on an apron and a pair of glo (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cops lose man arrested for assault
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Thandanani Mhlanga Staff ReporterA Cape Town woman apprehended the man she claims assaulted her daughter, handed him over to police and says she watched him being locked in a holding cell.But now t (By News Poster)...World: Baby among the dead after plane crash
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Saturna, British Columbia - A float plane crashed off Canada's Pacific coast, killing six people, including a Vancouver doctor and her sixth-month-old baby, as well as two American residents. Two peop (By News Poster)...South Africa: KZN to reduce waiting time for ARVs
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: KwaZulu-Natal intends doing away with long waiting lists for life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs in the province's public hospitals, health MEC Dr Sbongiseni Dlomo said on Monday."The department is i (By News Poster)...Country's Democracy Alive and Well - Seretse
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Lekopanye MooketsiSpecially elected Member of Parliament (MP), Vincent Seretse does not believe that the country's democracy is under threat.Responding to President Ian Khama's State of Nation addr (By News Poster)...South Africa: Two men stabbed to death
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Two men were stabbed to death in separate incidents in Meloding near Virginia on Sunday, Free State police said. "Both men were certified dead on the spot," said Constable Malebo Khosana.In the firs (By News Poster)...Stars Outmuscle Pirates
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Corry IhuhuaAFRICAN Stars dethroned rivals Orlando Pirates from the summit with a 2-0 win to go a point clear in the MTC Premiership on Friday night.Stars are now on top on 21 points after nine mat (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Robbers Kill Four-Year Old Boy in Edo
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Adibe EmenyonuBenin - A four-year-old baby boy has been shot dead by dare devil armed robbers in Benin, Edo State.Osahon Obayuwana Monday was shot at close range by the robbers when they raided the (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Parties Close to Deal on Media Reforms
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Kitsepile NyathiHarare - Zimbabwe's three governing parties are close to reaching an agreement on a range of thorny disputes threatening their power sharing agreement, insiders revealed at the week (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: England lucky in World Cup draw
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Brazil and Portugal were sent on a World Cup collision course when the final draw was made here Friday while Lady Luck smiled on England.The Brazilians and Portuguese will clash in Group G and will be (By News Poster)...Zim: Exports to SA hit US$200 million high
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Exports to Britain jumped from over US$2million in January to US$13,8 million Bernard Mpofu“New stamps, stamp-impressed paper, cheque forms and bank notes†have pushed Zimbabwe's all commo (By News Poster)...World: Leaders rally for Obama's Afghan campaign
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By David BrunnstromBrussels - More than 20 countries plan to send more troops to Afghanistan following President Barack Obama's increased commitment to the war, Nato said on Thursday, but the overall (By News Poster)...Uganda: Sh47 Billion for Farmers
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Sylvia JuukoKampala - THE recent launch of a $25m (sh47b) agri-business loan scheme provides new opportunities for Uganda's small farmers who in the past were considered too risky for lending.The s (By News Poster)...Africa: The Secretary General - Message on World Aids Day
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The world is seeing signs of progress in reversing the AIDS epidemic in somecountries. Investments in the AIDS response are producing results and saving lives.At the same time, in global terms new inf (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe FM Biti counting on 2010 revenues from controversial diamond field
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Sandra NyairaWashington - Zimbabwe's controversial Marange alluvial diamond field cropped up in Finance Minister Tendai Biti's budget presentation on Wednesday as he indicated that he hopes t (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cash found near bombed ATM
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: An ATM in Olivenhoutbosch was bombed in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Gauteng police said.Captain Agnes Huma said an ATM in an informal settlement was bombed just after 1am.Police found an und (By News Poster)...Ghana: Oil Palm Nursery Calls for Support
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Samuel AgbewodeFarmers working at an oil palm nursery farm at Ahamasu in the Kadjebi District have appealed to the government to support the nursery project, which seeks to encourage farmers in the (By News Poster)...Nigeria: The Country's Corruption Rating
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Abuja - The global anti-graft watchdog Transparency International (TI) recently released its Corruption Perception Index report for 2009 which gave a less than cheering news about Nigeria.It indicated (By News Poster)...World: Obama sends more troops to Afghanistan
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Caren BohanWest Point, New York - President Barack Obama said on Tuesday he is sending 30 000 more US troops to Afghanistan by next summer to speed the battle against the Taliban and plans to start (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Rebel Nkunda's Case to Be Opened in Country
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Josh KronNairobi - The ongoing case of Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda will come before Rwanda's Supreme Court, Mr Nkunda's lawyer said Tuesday.After a series of requests at civilian and mili (By News Poster)...Uganda: Country Sitting On Aids Time Bomb
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Evelyn LirriKampala - Complacency, ignorance and indifference are reversing Uganda's gains against the Aids epidemic, a senior government official warned yesterday. Dr Kihumuro Apuuli, who heads th (By News Poster)...South Africa: Journalist Chris Louw dies
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Former SABC radio executive producer and journalist Chris Louw has been found dead on his farm near Hartbeespoort Dam in the North West, the broadcaster reported on Tuesday.Louw, 57, had a gunshot wou (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Owes Nation Apology
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Harare - THE MDC-T leadership has been celebrating the 10th anniversary of the launch of their party over the past few months culminating in the finale held at Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield yesterday. (By News Poster)...South Africa: Oilgate businessman fails to quash his arrest
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Sandile Majali, the businessman at the centre of the Oilgate scandal, has failed to quash the arrest warrant against him for corruption and money-laundering.The Pretoria High Court this week rejected (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: SA must strive for excellence, says Mandela
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Nelson Mandela kicked off the 2010 World Cup draw Friday by saying that South Africa was "privileged and humbled" to be staging football's greatest event.The country's iconic first black president pla (By News Poster)...South Africa: Boy killed on eve of his birthday
Friday 04-Dec-2009: An eleven-year-old boy has been killed on the eve of his twelfth birthday when the car he was travelling in slammed into a track on South Coast Road, Mobeni, this afternoon. The driver of the car was (By News Poster)...Africa: Tsvangirai hails progress in unity talks
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Cape Town - Zimbabwe's two political parties made progress on implementing the conditions of a unity government, Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said on Thursday.A unity government formed (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Four Intercontinental Staff Arrested Over N12 Billion Transfer to Akingbola
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Mojeed Jamiu and Kenny OdunukanLagos - Men of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission have arrested four principal officers of Intercontinental Bank Plc over an alleged unauthorised transfer o (By News Poster)...South Africa: Woman saved from being raped again
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A young woman has been saved from being raped again, by a man who pretended to have intercourse with her and asking her two attackers to go away, "because we want to enjoy the sex", the appeal court h (By News Poster)...South Africa: Girl allegedly raped during school hours
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: A seven-year-old girl was raped during school hours at a Soweto primary school, Johannesburg police said on Wednesday.Inspector Kay Makhubele said the girl's mother noticed she was bruised and bleedin (By News Poster)...Rwanda: UN Renews Sanctions Against Hutu Rebels
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By James KaruhangaKigali - The United Nations Security Council early this week renewed sanctions against rebel groups operating in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).The council adopted resolu (By News Poster)...South Africa: HIV home test kit to be available in SA
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: South Africans may soon be able to get an HIV home test kit to enable them to find out their HIV status in private.The kit has the support of celebrity musicians including Bongani Fassie, Leslie and I (By News Poster)...Cholera Spreads to Another Cabo Delgado District
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Maputo - The cholera outbreak in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado has spread to a fourth district, Namuno.The spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Leonardo Chavane, told reporters (By News Poster)...Uganda: U.S Senator Sponsors LRA Legislation
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Kampala - US senator Russ Feingold's statementSenate committee passes Feingold Bill requiring new strategy to confront the Lord's Resistance Army rebellion in Northern Uganda.Tuesday, November 17, 200 (By News Poster)...Kenya: Fish Projects to Create 120,000 Jobs
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Nairobi - The government has launched fish farming projects in the country that will cost over one billion shillings and it is estimate that it will create 120,000 new jobs.The Ministry of Fisheries D (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Yar'Adua Reiterates Commitment to Land Reform
Monday 30-Nov-2009: President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua has reiterated his administration's commitment to land reform, even viewing it as key to poverty alleviation in the country, noting that it is part of the Seven-Point Age (By News Poster)...South Africa: Third of police numbers don't work - DA
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: More than a third of numbers for South African police stations do not work, the Democratic Alliance charged on Sunday after conducting a survey."South Africans need a police service that is reliable a (By News Poster)...South Africa: The ice queen melts
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: By Vivian AttwoodNicolette Lotter, 27, and her brother Hardus, 21, appeared in the Durban High Court again on Friday, seemingly more relaxed than they were a week ago when their legal representative, (By News Poster)...South Africa: Zille plans crackdown on education
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Political BureauDA LEADER Helen Zille says it's time for "militant intervention" in education - but not by unions.The Western Cape premier, who is heading for a showdown with the SA Democratic Teac (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Cop Rapes Woman At New Govt Complex, Court Told
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Harare - A POLICEMAN allegedly raped a woman at the new Government Complex along Fourth Street in Harare after he lured her to a secluded room for a "private" talk.He is now facing rape charges at the (By News Poster)...South Africa: Joke lands journalist in jail
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: By Leila SamodienA German journalist could be detained for the rest of the weekend after making a hoax bomb threat at the Cape Town International Convention Centre - the hub of yesterday's World Cup f (By News Poster)...USA: 'ClimateGate' The Global Warming Hoax
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Jan and Capt Joe Smith, the American journalist who fought in Rhodesia have been discussing 'ClimateGate'. Gairk] [Joe, yes, I wish I could run the sites full time and I am doing very serious thin (By Gairk)...Africa: Namibian opposition rejects election results
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Namibian opposition parties threw the country's presidential and parliamentary elections into doubt on Friday, saying they would not accept the outcome of the vote.Eight opposition parties said in a j (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: It's amazing to be part of this - Beckham
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Matshelane MamaboloKhayelitshaDavid Beckham will not contrive to help England avoid anyone when he assists in the final draw of the Fifa 2010 World Cup at the International Convention Centre in Cap (By News Poster)...Nigeria: The Yar'Adua We Saw in Saudi - Saraki, Yuguda
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Abuja - Governors Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State and Bukola Saraki of Kwara State who visited the President in Saudi Arabia, returned to the country, yesterday, and declared to their colleagues in the Gov (By News Poster)...South Africa: My little girl is no angel, says mom
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: The mom of a little girl who went missing for three days says her eight-year-old daughter is no angel.The distraught mother says her child is going off the rails and she fears she may kill the girl be (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe takes Botswana to task over foreign radio news transmissions
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Patience RusereWashington - The Zimbabwean government is reported to have said it will lodge a diplomatic protest with neighboring Botswana for allowing what Harare calls "pirate" radio stati (By News Poster)...South Africa: SA 'not immune to security threats'
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: South Africa is not immune to security threats, President Jacob Zuma said in Pretoria on Thursday."These lead us to undertake a comprehensive review of legislation governing intelligence structures, e (By News Poster)...South Africa: Cops found guilty of beating refugee
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Two Woodstock police constables have been found guilty of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm in the Cape Town magistrate's court yesterday.Constables Candice Hendricks and Lorentia Hamilto (By News Poster)...Somalia: Al-Shabaab Denies Attack Against Kenya
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: Somalia's Al-Shabab authority in southern Jubba regions denied on Tuesday that they will carry out aggressions on Kenya.Sheikh Abdifitah Ibrahim Ali, Al-Shabaab official told the local media that the (By News Poster)...World: Germany accused of double standards
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Berlin - In putting Ukrainian-born John Demjanjuk on trial, Germany has laid itself open to accusations of double standards over pursuing perpetrators of the Holocaust.Demjanjuk's lawyer Ulrich Busch (By News Poster)...Rwanda: Local Leaders Acquire Skills in Solving Land Disputes
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: According to Ann Kairaba from the Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) said that most of the conflicts in the region were based on inherited land of which fighting people don't have su (By News Poster)...Should 18-Year-Olds Be Allocated Land?
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Lekopanye MooketsiParliament has deferred a motion by Kweneng South East Member of Parliament (MP), Edward Raletobana, calling on the government to revise eligibility for land allocation from 21 to (By News Poster)...South Africa: Tension as residents threaten 'informants'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By LuvuyoThe crisis in De Doorns has taken a new twist with local residents threatening to evict other locals accused of giving police tip-offs that led to 23 people being arrested and charged with pu (By News Poster)...South Africa: US gives $120-million to fight Aids
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Pretoria - The United States says it's giving South Africa $120 million for Aids treatment in response to a plea from President Jacob Zuma that underlines his new approach to fighting the epidemic.Und (By News Poster)...Africa: Best and Worst HIV/Aids Performers
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Johannesburg - The theme for World AIDS Day 2009 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights', and the efforts of the continent's developing countries to reach some of the key indicators of universal access (By News Poster)...Rwanda: UK, Holland Move to Combat Trade in Conflict Minerals
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By James KaruhangaKigali - The United Kingdom's Department of International Development (DfID) and the Dutch Foreign Ministry have commissioned a research to explore mechanisms of increasing transpare (By News Poster)...Africa: Africa's Mega Telecoms Confab Ends in South Africa
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Kasie AboneInfrastructural sharing among telecom operators has been identified as a major way to grow African telecommunication market as all the stakeholders stand to benefit from such development (By News Poster)...South Africa: Man arrested for killing his brother
Monday 30-Nov-2009: A 42-year-old man was stabbed to death allegedly by his brother at Meloding in Virginia, Free State police said.Constable Malebo Khosana said the two brothers were drinking in one of the houses at Sti (By News Poster)...South Africa: "Possessed" girl barred from school
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Angelique SerraoA 12-year-old epileptic girl has been banished from her school after having a fit during a school camp - after which teachers and pupils believed she was "devil-possessed".At the th (By News Poster)...2010 World Cup: Mind games begin at World Cup
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: The scene is set for World Cup 2010 and already the mind games have begun.Group of Death or not Group of Death, no easy draws, one match at a time - the 32 national team coaches were the most sought-a (By News Poster)...Nigeria: Rogues and Rackets on Trial
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The conviction in a Swiss Court on 19 November of Abba Abacha, son of former military leader General Sani Abacha, for participating in a criminal organisation together with the confiscation of US$350 (By News Poster)...Uganda: The Unborn Child Has a Right to an HIV-Free Life
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Dr. Ronald KasyabaKampala - RECENT evidence suggests an increase in new HIV infections in the country, threatening to overturn the gains the country has achieved in the last 25 years. Mother-to-chi (By News Poster)...Burundi: UN Chief Urges Further Support for Peace Process
Friday 04-Dec-2009: The peace process in Burundi has witnessed significant progress in recent months but the country needs help to ensure successful elections next year and to tackle challenges such as human rights abuse (By News Poster)...Zimbabwe: Finance Minister Hands Out Christmas Bonus
Friday 04-Dec-2009: By Victoria Ruzvidzo and Martin KadzereHarare - Most workers will take home their full bonuses this month following Finance Minister Tendai Biti's announcement of a US$400 tax-free threshold in his 20 (By News Poster)...World: Knox fears 'mask of a murderer'
Friday 04-Dec-2009: Perugia - Amanda Knox, the American accused of murdering British student Meredith Kercher in Italy during a drunken sex game, thanked friends, family and even her accusers on Thursday in a last appeal (By News Poster)...Senegal: Farmers Anxious About Aid
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: By Koffigan E AdigbliSedhiou - As part of a project to support community initiatives and fight poverty in South Senegal, the Sédhiou Local Development Fund received a donation of agricultural e (By News Poster)...Africa: Rajoelina stalling talks - opposition
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Alain IloniainaAntananarivo - Madagascar's opposition has accused the country's leader Andry Rajoelina of stalling negotiations on forming a consensus government, threatening the latest power-shari (By News Poster)...South Africa: Traditional healer held for rape
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: A traditional healer was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly raping a 31-year-old woman in Alexandra, Johannesburg police said.Constable Neria Malefetse said the woman consulted the 50-year-old man fo (By News Poster)...Somalia: Darawish - 'Yesterday's Military Sentence of Killing May Decrease Aimless Murdering in Mogadishu'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: The officials of Darawish troops of the transitional government have Tuesday said that the killing sentence of the military court against one of Darawish soldiers may decrease the other killings in Mo (By News Poster)...Liberia: Invest in Smallholder Farms
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: Liberian Vice-President Joseph Boakai and UN Deputy Envoy Moustapha Soumaré have underscored the unique role smallholder farmers' play in guaranteeing food security and alleviating poverty in L (By News Poster)...Southern Africa: Elections Free and Fair - SADC Observers
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: By Brigitte WeidlichTHE observer mission of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has declared Namibia's national and presidential elections free and fair, its leader, Mozambican Diplomati (By News Poster)...South Africa: No public Aids test for Zuma
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Gaye Davis and Xolani MbanjwaPolitical BureauContrary to reports, President Jacob Zuma will not be taking a public HIV test today, the Presidency has confirmed.Zuma - along with Health Minister Aar (By News Poster)...Science: WHO issues new Aids guidelines
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Stephanie NebehayGeneva - Countries should phase out the use of stavudine, the most common Aids drug, because of "long-term, irreversible" side-effects in HIV patients including wasting and a nerve (By News Poster)...Africa: 'This woman was devoted to her child'
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: By Zakia AbdennebiCasablanca - A decade of social reforms has granted more freedoms to Moroccan women, yet most who give birth outside marriage are still treated like criminals, abandoned by family an (By News Poster)...South Africa: SA joins maritime body
Monday 30-Nov-2009: South Africa was elected onto the Council of the International Maritime Organisation [IMO] in London at the weekend."We now take our place proudly among the 40 leading maritime nations of the world," (By News Poster)...Uganda: Young People Fear Pregnancy More Than Aids
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By Gilbert KidimuKampala - A UNIVERSITY student broke up with his girlfriend after learning she was cheating on him. It is then that he realised he could have contracted HIV, seeing that she was neith (By News Poster)...Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Soldiers to Be Kicked Out of Mau
Monday 30-Nov-2009: By David OkwembahNairobi - Hundreds of soldiers who served in UNAMSIL, the UN peacekeeping mission to Sierra Leone, in 2001 are among those to be removed from the Mau Forest in the next phases of the (By News Poster)...The Economic Meltdown: SHOCKER: South African credit... for the first time...
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: Tonight on E Tv news, they had one news item which demonstrates once more, just how extremely bad the economic crisis is. They say that for the first time in 43 years - yes, 43 years - consumers us (By Jan)...[Pic] Shocker: Military Historians agree... The Greatest General of the 20th Century was....
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: [Yes folks, its in print, and I've been saying it for a long time - the greatest Generals were not all the ones whose names you are familiar with. I've been pointing out that the GREATEST GENERAL of W (By Jan)...S. Africa: Another ruined opportunity. Workers retrenched as prawn farm project goes under
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: [Here is another classic bungle of an enormous opportunity in the doomed Eastern Cape Coega saga. This brings dismay and shock as the Coega project is riddled with this type of thing and one has to on (By Gairk)...New Swiss Law to Prevent a Potential Future of Sharia Law, and Remain Swiss
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: This is some great news from Switzerland! Make your stand Europe, NOW! Janolifant --- Swiss vote to stay Swiss! Why can't America vote to stay American or Canada to stay Canadian? It’s great ne (By JanOlifant)...Job Advertisement: Data Energy Analyst
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Here at AfricanCrisis, we are trying to conduct some experiments and try some ideas. Now, one of these tests are advertising, and in this particular case, its advertising jobs. We ask that if you foun (By JanOlifant)...Global: Obama's 'Christian' Grandmother Has Arrived In Mecca For The 'Hajj'
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, there were rumors Barack Obama was a Muslim. Obama denied these rumors and claimed he is a Christian. He did attend a Chicago church led by the radical Rev. Wrig (By Gairk)..."Zimbabwe Today" by Robb WJ Ellis (30-11-2009)
Monday 30-Nov-2009: Howzit Foreign currency mid-rates updated. -o00o- Okay, from tomorrow through Friday, postings on this page will be irregular and could be rather sparse. This is because I am on a four day co (By The BeardedMan)...Zimbabwe: PACHEDU (Roy Bennett) – By Pastor Duane Udd
Saturday 05-Dec-2009: Racist taunts from Chinamasa Made Roy Bennett cross the line Minor scuffle led to trauma Jail was worse than any fine Justice more than once miscarried Babe knew naught of lost Estate Nor how (By Gairk)...Why The Clintons Supported A Palestinian State
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [Now here's something I came a cross on why the Clintons DID support a Palestinian state. It's because they KNEW a Palestinian state would not be good for Israel's security. Further evidence, it see (By Lone Wolf)...Communist Publication Details Support For Anti-Palin Protesters
Tuesday 01-Dec-2009: [How is it indeed that this woman Sarah Palin has been demonized so much by the far left here? Oddly enough, there are "feminists" among the crowd whom also despise her. But they didn't mind getting (By Lone Wolf)...S.Africa: Johannesburg: A Blast from the Past: [3 Pics] My Personal Experience with ANC Roadhog Pig Taxi!!!
Monday 30-Nov-2009: I thought it was worth reminding people about this. Also, see the latest comments I put on the bottom about catching people breaking the traffic laws. [3 Photos] My Personal Experience with ANC Ro (By Jan)...USA: [Humor][Joke]….Recent Poll Results
Thursday 03-Dec-2009: [I got this from a friend. I’m sure this is not real. But it makes for hilarious reading anyway. Jan] Two magazines, Country Living (95..99% white readership) and Ebony / Jet (99.99% black readersh (By Gairk)...YouTube Video: Irony: Iraqi 'Journalist' Who Threw Shoes At Bush Got Shoes Thrown At Him
Wednesday 02-Dec-2009: [Oh this is indeed karma, what comes around goes around for this Iraqi "journalist". Now why would a fellow Iraqi decide to throw shoes at him? Because perhaps it has to do with an old report that t (By Lone Wolf)...[Humour] George Bush's Call to Hell
Monday 30-Nov-2009: George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. (By JanOlifant)...Fired for being in the KKK 25 Years Ago
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Van Loman talks about how he was fired from his job for being in the Klu Klux Klan 25 years ago, how the FBI was running the Klan in Ohio, and his upcoming book alleging federal authorities were invol (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...Russia Allows Soviet Era Statue To Be Remodeled And Shown To The Public?
Friday 04-Dec-2009: [Isn't this oddly suspicious here? It seems an old school Soviet statue known as the Worker and the Collective Woman has once again been brought up out to the public. None dare suggest it's a return (By Lone Wolf)...Global: Reviews on a book entitled 'Capitalist Nigger'
Monday 30-Nov-2009: [From our friend who was a Rhodesian Special Branch Police Officer. Gairk] "Look at the reviews on a book titled "Capitalist Nigger" on My friend who has read the book tells me that t (By Gairk)...Staten Island Tea Party Interview
Sunday 06-Dec-2009: Frank Santarpia from the Staten Island Tea Party speaks about this Sunday's Tea Party protest in Foley Square, which will target Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid S (By Peter the News Guy (TRP))...
Monday, 7 December 2009
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Britannia Radio