The World Bank’s Carbon Trade Fiasco 'In the name of environmental protection, the World Bank is brokering carbon emission trading arrangements that destroy indigenous farmlands around the world. The effort to coordinate global action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions began with the Kyoto Protocol, which was adopted in 1997 and now has been ratified by 183 nations…' Healthcare: First They Came for the Banksters 'President Obama is playing the Bill Clinton game of throwing people a bone and telling them it’s steak. Perhaps he’s doing it because he thinks it’s his only choice; perhaps it’s because he’s surrounded himself with Bill Clinton advisors (and Hillary as Secretary of State); whatever the reason, while it worked for Clinton, it won’t work for Obama. It worked for Reagan, and for the first Bush, and even worked somewhat for George W. Bush. But it won’t work anymore. Here’s why.' Obama Ordered Deadly Blitz on Yemen: US Media 'US Nobel Peace Prize laureate President Barack Obama has signed the order for a recent military strike on Yemen in which scores of civilians, including children, have been killed, a report says. Upon the orders of Obama, the military warplanes on Thursday blanketed two camps in the North of the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, claiming there were "an imminent attack against a US asset was being planned," ABC News quoted anonymous administration officials as saying on Friday.' US Congress Approves $636 Billion Military Budget Bill 'The US Congress has sent President Barack Obama a massive annual military spending bill, part of which is to be used to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In a rare weekend vote on Saturday, the Senate approved the $636.3 billion package, which cleared the House of Representatives 395-34 on Wednesday, by an 88-10 margin. In addition, Obama is expected to send Congress an emergency spending measure of at least $30 billion early next year to pay for his recently announced decision to send 30,000 more US troops to Afghanistan. The bill includes $80 million to acquire more unmanned Predator drones for the US air war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.' Colombia to Build Military Base Near Venezuelan Border 'Colombia has announced that it plans to build a new military base near its border with Venezuela. Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva said on Friday that the base, which is to be located on the Guajira peninsula near the city of Nazaret, will have up to 1,000 troops. Two air battalions will also be activated in other border areas, he stated.' Eight-year-old Kicked out of School For Drawing Picture of Jesus 'This drawing, released by Chester Johnson, of Taunton, shows a sketch of Jesus on the cross created by his son as part of school work, in Taunton, Mass. on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009. The 8-year-old boy was sent home from school and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation after he was asked to make a Christmas drawing and came up with what appeared to be a stick figure of Jesus on a cross, the child's father said Tuesday.'
Sunday, 20 December 2009
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Britannia Radio