Monday, 21 December 2009

Worldview Weekend, One-Hour, National TV Special: Monday Night, December 21st, on Channel 378 on Direct TV at 11pm CT. If you do not have Direct TV then you can click on this link and look for the NRB TV Network and watch at 11pm CT on Monday night.  link:

This one hour special is titled "Grave Influence: 8 Radicals and Their Worldviews Ruling America from the Grave". Watch as Brannon Howse speaks before 2,000 people and explains how America got here and where we are going. Brannon explains how the worldview of Saul Alinsky, Alice Bailey, John Maynard Keynes, John Dewey, and Karl Marx are bringing about global-governance, socialism, the criminalization of Christianity and much more. Please send this to all your friends and ask them to watch this national television special.

Check out our Branson 2010 Worldview Weekend with Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Dr. David Reagan, Brannon Howse, David Arthur, Dr. David Noebel, David Limbaugh, Marquis Laughlin and Marty Goetz.
complete details available at this link:

Order your copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest by clicking here:

In this issue of the Worldview Weekend Digest the theme is: Understanding and Winning the Spiritual Battle. The articles in this issue include:

Two Kingdoms Waging War: What three institutions did God create that are to be used to help build His kingdom? What four institutions is Satan using today, to build His kingdom? How does this kingdom battle end?

The War on Christianity through Radical Environmentalism, Population Control, Global Governance, and Socialism: Americans are watching the destruction of free-market capitalism under our most socialistic, left-wing administration ever. Yet, in my second book, published in 1995, I warned of this and quoted Maurice Strong, who was head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. I’ll repeat his words to point out that what is happening in America is a long-planned transformation of America into a socialist nation: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”


He also extolled the need to destroy the concept of individual sovereign nations:


It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.


In a corollary to Strong’s position, Helen Caldicott of the Union of Concerned Scientists has declared the “horrors” of free-market capitalism:


Free enterprise really means rich people get richer. They have the freedom to exploit and psychologically rape their fellow human beings in the process…Capitalism is destroying the earth.

Understanding and Winning the Spiritual Battle: In the midst of a lost culture, we must stand up for righteousness and oppose abortion, active euthanasia, the attempt to eliminate our Biblical, parental authority. Your first step is to "see to it that no one enslaves you through philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to the Messiah" (Colossians 2:8, ISV). Then we must take action: fight the implementation of hate-crime laws and the efforts to shut down Christian radio, and oppose evil because it goes against God's character and nature. We must accept that we are past the point of restoring our culture and focus on how to preserve our families. We must evangelize, disciple, and raise up those who can lead the church through the increasing perilous times. So just how do we do that? Keep reading and I will explain.

The Emerging Third Way of Apostate Pastors and Globalist Leaders: The pastors and authors of one of America's fastest growing spiritual movements, the Emergent Church, sing the praises of socialism. As I'll explain in more detail later, the Emergent Church champions the neo-Marxist call for a utopian society through spiritual evolution where good and evil merge to form a "better" third option. This idea derives from the belief system of philosophers such as Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and finds its contemporary manifestation in the "Third Way" movement of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. In the Third Way, capitalism, socialism, and communism merge to form a misanthropic combination of the three. This blending is now represented in the terms "the New World Order" and "the new enlightenment."

Political and Spiritual: Two Tracks to Globalism Merge: There have been two tracks to globalism for many years-political and spiritual. Now the two tracks have become one as politicians use religion to promote globalism and religious leaders become partners with politicians and promote the United Nations.

The Worldview of a Nation's Leaders Reflect the Worldview of Many of its Citizens: We typically lay the blame for German atrocities in World War II primarily at the feet of the country's leaders. But I contend that the worldview, values, and conduct of a vast number of Germany's populace are to blame, as much as Hitler's Nazi Party. And make no mistake, if our government begins to euthanize millions of senior citizens and the disabled through the rationing of healthcare, most of the American people will be as responsible as any doctors and politicians because we allowed the foundation to be laid with the desire for abortion on demand and the right to die. We allowed our children to be imbued with postmodernism, moral relativism, situational ethics, and the end-justifies-the-means rationalization.
Order your free copy or copies of Worldview Weekend Digest by clicking here:

'Tis the week before Christmas…
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By Henry lamb

‘Tis the week before Christmas and all through the land, not a freedom is safe from Obama’s hand.  Bankers, bewildered, before him now bow, while auto-makers, thankful, praise his cash cow.   With energy and health care nearing control, his grasp on the nation is as he foretold.  The people are stirred by his escapades, and are somewhat shocked by the history they made.   Obama is not what he promised to be; he brings, instead, tyranny.  

America’s great experiment in freedom was designed by our Founders to create a new kind of government consisting of the very people for whom the government was made.  The first purpose of this new government was to protect the freedom of the people against all enemies both foreign and domestic, and especially from governmental tyranny.  To keep the federal government under control, the designers limited the power of the new federal government to those very specific areas set forth in Article 1, Section 8. 

These limitations are now routinely ignored by both the House and the Senate. 

The one mechanism in our system of government designed to rid our government of those who abuse the Constitution is the biennial elections.

America stands at the brink of a Marxist abyss because Americans have elected a majority of officials who do not honor the Constitution, who do not respect the value of individual freedom, who crave personal power and perks more than the prosperity produced by free people operating a free market.

A majority of disappointed non-Democrats allowed this congressional majority to be elected by staying home on Election Day.

If the United States created by the Constitution is to survive, Americans must mobilize and remove the current majority in Washington.  Actions by the Washington majority have stirred deep-seated anger and patriotic enthusiasm across the countryside, but there is a very real danger that this anti-majority fervor will be splintered. 

Tea Party activists are battling for leadership while Glenn Beck’s 9-12 groups compete for attention.  Third Party promoters vie for support in the face of waning Republican influence.  This is a guaranteed formula for failure in 2010.

Victory in 2010 is not necessarily determined by party label.  There Are Democrats who believe in the Constitutional limitation of Congressional power, and Republicans who do not.  The challenge faced by voters is finding candidates – regardless of party affiliation – who are strong advocates of the U.S. Constitution, as demonstrated by deeds, not rhetoric.  Sadly, many of these candidates labor fruitlessly in third-party campaigns.

Rush Limbaugh’s advice to third parties is sound: take control of the Republican Party and make it the Party of the Constitution.

In the last hundred years, third parties have done nothing but help elect the candidate they most wanted to defeat.  Theodore Roosevelt was the most successful third-party candidate in the 20th century.  His 27% of the 1912 vote assured the election of Woodrow Wilson, who gave the world the League of Nations.  Robert LaFollett’s third party received 17% in 1924; George Wallace drew 14% in 1968, and John Anderson got 7% in 1980.  Multi-millionaire Ross Perot mustered 19% in 1992, and 8% in 1996, both times, just enough to insure the election of Bill Clinton.

This is not the year for another failed third-party effort; this is the year to save the nation.   The best way to do that is for conservatives to converge on the Republican Party and take control.   Democrats who are sick of seeing what their Marxist leadership is doing to the nation may want to consider siding with the conservatives in the 2010 election – to help keep Republicans honest.

The argument that insists that a vote for either a Democrat or Republican is casting a vote for the lesser of two evils is, at best, superficial.  A party label does not evil make.  Evil exists in every political party – granted, more in some than in others.  The challenge is to elect candidates who demonstrate their respect for the Constitution.  The tragedy will be conservatives getting caught up in a power struggle that paves the way for another Marxist majority to march into Washington.

Ten months is barely time to find and fund the candidates who will reverse the wreckage wrought by this Marxist majority in Washington.  This great American experiment in freedom is wholly dependent upon the desire of free people to stay free.  America’s freedom is at greater risk than at any time in history.  Just as our forefathers fought off those who would impose tyranny in the past, this generation is called upon now to cast off another threat to freedom.  This time, the enemy is already in Washington.

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