Saturday, 5 December 2009

You all have a choice. 

Obey your Common Law Constitution or obey EU Laws.

Lisbon-which was indeed a very constitutional Document makes very clear "IT" (Or The EU) has "Competence" over our own Constitution and laws-our involvement with the EU is also meant for all time.. 

This of course is completely contrary to our Constitution. According to R v Thistlewood 1820 to destroy the constitution 'is an act of treason'. 

Therefore all those that agreed to take part in the destruction of our Constitution, should be charged with TREASON. That is what the law is there for.

You have a great Constitution-use it. If the people accept what the Government has done in their name-without even asking YOU-they may be found 'wanting' the same as Government. 

Do you really want to witness the slow death and destruction of this Country? You are even paying for its funeral through your taxes.

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