Sunday 13 September 2009

Hamas: Women aren't to be seen, or heard either

Hamas has issued orders for women not to be heard talking or laughing in public in its Muslim Caliphate of Hamastan.
According to a member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Kayed Al-Ghoul, Hamas wants to limit women's freedom, prevent contact between men and women, and impose morality restrictions on men. Hamas's Morality Units prohibit women from laughing and talking in public, and want women to go outdoors only when accompanied by a male relative.

The following is from the article in the Palestinian daily, Al-Ayyam:
Member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front, Kayed Al-Ghoul:

"Hamas in Gaza today maintains a type of tyranny... and seeks, through undemocratic means of coercion and despotism, to enact laws that enforce their ideology and their party's world-view on the entire Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip...

Hamas enforces [wearing of] the headscarf and long gown (hijab and jalabiya) on female lawyers and students; it acts to separate the sexes in government departments by imposing a separation between the sexes in offices and waiting rooms, and it has prohibited mixed folk dancing. Most dangerous, it has established Morality Units, run jointly by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which ask couples who walk on the beach to present a marriage contract, and ask any woman walking alone on the beach to have an escort [male relative], and prohibit laughing and talking for women [in public], and have issued a religious ruling (fatwa) prohibiting men from swimming in shorts, with the rest of their bodies naked."
[Al-Ayyam, Sept. 3, 2009]
And Fatah still dreams of regaining control of Gaza? Whom are they fooling?
  Hamas to women: Don't laugh and talk in public

Sept. 10, 2009
Palestinian Media Watch

Hamas to women:
Don't laugh and talk in public

Hamas seeks to establish Islamic laws in Gaza
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
With its establishment of Morality Units to supervise proper public behavior, Hamas appears to be going ahead with its goal of enacting Islamic law in Gaza.
According to a member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Kayed Al-Ghoul, Hamas wants to limit women's freedom, prevent contact between men and women, and impose morality restrictions on men. Hamas's Morality Units prohibit women from laughing and talking in public, and want women to go outdoors only when accompanied by a male relative.
The following is from the article in the Palestinian daily, Al-Ayyam:

Member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front, Kayed Al-Ghoul:
"Hamas in Gaza today maintains a type of tyranny... and seeks, through undemocratic means of coercion and despotism, to enact laws that enforce their ideology and their party's world-view on the entire Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip...
Hamas enforces [wearing of] the headscarf and long gown (hijab and jalabiya) on female lawyers and students; it acts to separate the sexes in government departments by imposing a separation between the sexes in offices and waiting rooms, and it has prohibited mixed folk dancing. Most dangerous, it has established Morality Units, run jointly by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which ask couples who walk on the beach to present a marriage contract, and ask any woman walking alone on the beach to have an escort [male relative], and prohibit laughing and talking for women [in public], and have issued a religious ruling (fatwa) prohibiting men from swimming in shorts, with the rest of their bodies naked."
[Al-Ayyam, Sept. 3, 2009]
To see PMW bulletins on Hamas's goal to establish Islamic laws, see:
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Second Temple Pilgrimage Route Uncovered
by Gil Ronen    Elul 25, 5769 / September 14, '09

( Archaeologists have uncovered a section of a stone-paved street with stairs which connected the Temple Mount with the Pool of Shiloach (Siloam). The section is about 550 meters south of the Temple Mount, and is believed to be the point at which pilgrims began to ascend by foot to the Temple during Second Temple times (516 BCE – 70 CE).

The archaeological dig at the location is being conducted by the Nature and Parks Authority, with the sponsorship of the Elad nonprofit organization. Prof. Roni Reich of Haifa University and Eli Shukrun of the Antiquities Authority are in charge of the excavation.

Uncovered street / Ir David

The existence of this section of the street has been known for over a hundred years, ever since it was first uncovered in the years 1894-97 by British archaeologists Frederick Bliss and Archibald Dickie, who were sponsored by the Palestine Exploration Fund. The two covered the street section with dirt when they completed the dig, for its protection. Additional sections of the street were uncovered and then covered again, in digs by Jones in 1937 and Kathleen Kenyon in 1961-67.

The street was Jerusalem's central street, ascending northward from the north-western corner of the Pool of Shiloach. Another part of the street is exposed and runs across the western side of the Temple Mount.

Drainage canal / Ir David

The section uncovered in the present dig is a narrow strip, one to two meters wide, along the street's western shoulder. The street is paved in familiar Second Temple style, in alternating narrow and wide steps.

Another section of street and a large drainage canal were uncovered nearby about two years ago.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

china confidential


Israel Should Have No Illusions About Obama

Gold Meir was famous for saying she could not tolerate fooling herself--wishful, delusional thinking. The Israeli premier knew something about that: she and her aides and cabinet members had fooled themselves into thinking that Egypt and Syria would not attack Israel, only weeks before the nearly catastrophic Yom Kippur War of October 1973. The third Arab-Israeli conflict, which began with a coordinated, Egyptian-Syrian sneak attack on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, almost cost Israel its existence. 

Today's Israeli leaders should learn from this experience, for the situation is much worse in many respects than it was in 1973. Then, the United States, under President Richard Nixon, came to Israel's defense--with an 11th hour airlift of arms and a stern warning to the Soviet Union not to intervene on Egypt's side in the Sinai fighting. In contrast with the Nixon administration, however, the Obama administration is not likely to be of any use to Israel in the coming conflict with Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas (and Syria, too, possibly). On the contrary; the Obama administration has allowed Iran time to develop nuclear weapons and add to its offensive and defensive missile forces. The administration has also threatened to punish Israel if it preemptively strikes Iran's nuclear sites. 

President Obama is not Israel's friend. An appeaser of Islamism and anti-American, Third World dictatorships, he is bent on aligning with "the Muslim world" at Israel's expense. His administration is riddled with critics--and outright enemies--of Israel, people who regard its miraculous rebirth after World War II and the Holocaust as a mistake. Their goal is to demonize and isolate Israel ahead of its step-by-step (peace-by-piece-by-piece) dismantlement or physical destruction. 

Israel is on its own. It must do whatever it must do to protect its citizens and fulfill its promise to the Jewish people: Never again!


Father of Green Revolution Dies; US Nobel Prize Winner's Work Saved Hundreds of Millions of Lives

AFP reports: 

Norman Borlaug, a Nobel Prize winning scientist whose work on disease-resistant wheat is credited with saving hundreds of millions of lives, has died at the age of 95.

The acclaimed agriculturalist, often credited with sparking the Green Revolution, died late on Saturday in Dallas, Texas, due to complications from cancer, according to Texas A&M University, where Borlaug served since 1984.

Borlaug was best known for his work developing high-yield disease-resistant "dwarf" wheat, which dramatically increased food production in Asia and Latin America.

"Norman E. Borlaug saved more lives than any man in human history," Josette Sheeran -- the head of the World Food Programme -- said on Sunday.

"His total devotion to ending famine and hunger revolutionized food security for millions of people and for many nations."

Continue here.

Regarding criticism of his work--from Third World radicals and environmental extremists--Wikipedia observes:

As Borlaug's name is nearly synonymous with the Green Revolution, over the decades environmentalists, nutritionists, progressives, and economists have mounted many criticisms of the Green Revolution. Throughout his years of research, Borlaug's programs often faced opposition by people who consider genetic crossbreeding to be unnatural or to have negative effects. Borlaug's work has been criticized for bringing large-scale monoculture, input-intensive farming techniques to countries that had previously relied on subsistence farming. These farming techniques reap large profits for US agribusiness and agrichemical corporations such as Monsanto Company and have been criticized for widening social inequality in the countries owing to uneven food distribution while forcing a capitalist agenda of US corporations onto countries that had undergone land reform.There are also concerns about the long-term sustainability of farming practices encouraged by the Green Revolution in both the developed and developing world.

Other concerns of his critics and critics of biotechnology in general include: that the construction of roads in populated third-world areas could lead to the destruction of wilderness; the crossing of genetic barriers; the inability of crops to fulfill all nutritional requirements; the decreased biodiversity from planting a small number of varieties; the environmental and economic effects of inorganic fertilizer and pesticides; the amount of herbicide sprayed on fields of herbicide-resistant crops.

Borlaug had dismissed most claims of critics, but did take certain concerns seriously. He stated that his work has been "a change in the right direction, but it has not transformed the world into a Utopia". Of environmental lobbyists he stated, "some of the environmental lobbyists of the Western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They've never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they'd be crying out for tractors and fertilizer and irrigation canals and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things".


North Korea Preparing Third Nuclear Test

Click here for the report, based on information provided by North Korean defectors living in the South. 

The Obama administration's appeasement of North Korea--a continuation of the Bush administration's failed policy--is providing the Stalinist/Kimist regime with time to further develop its nuclear arsenal. 

North Korea's partner in nuclear crime, Islamist Iran, is benefitting and learning from the failure of the United States and the so-called international community to force Pyongyang to abandon atomic arms.


Volkswagen Was Originally Designed by a Jew

Hitler ripped off his work, had him arrested and fired, and twice tried to assassinate him. The true story of the real father of the Volkswagen Beetle--Josef Ganz--click here.

Click here to visit the website pictured above, which provides more information about a forthcoming book and documentary, here for a fascinating Wikipedia article, and below for a video glimpse of a courageous and talented Dutch journalist's pursuit of the forgotten--and suppressed--story of the origins of an iconic car. 

Jim Corr - The Lisbon Treaty

Revealed: The Ghost Fleet of the Recession

'The biggest and most secretive gathering of ships in maritime history lies at anchor east of Singapore. Never before photographed, it is bigger than the U.S. and British navies combined but has no crew, no cargo and no destination  -  and is why your Christmas stocking may be on the light side this year.'


Somalia: The Next Afghanistan

'British intelligence chiefs have targeted war-torn Somalia as the next major challenge to their efforts to repel Islamic terrorism, after scores of youths left the UK for "jihad training" in the failed African state. MI5 bosses have warned ministers that the number of young Britons travelling to Somalia to fight in a "holy war", or train in terror training camps, has soared in recent years as the country has emerged as an alternative base for radical Islamic groups including al-Qa'ida.'


You see the dynamic all the time. One newspaper (or broadcaster) runs a story and, within hours, the rest of the media pick it up and repeat it, sometimes with their own spin, but with the basic facts unchecked. Thus, a core error gets repeated and repeated until it becomes part of the narrative, pulled out for ever more whenever the issue is raised, becoming part of the received wisdom, simply by dint of constant repetition.

Discussing with one senior official a particularly egregious example of an error-ridden story which had spread through the system, in frustration he described the process as akin to journalists eating each others' turds.

Graphic though that image might be, it is uncannily accurate. You see it in any newsroom, where the assembled hacks have televisions tuned to all the main news channels, they have their competitors' products on their desks, and their websites on screen, each imbibing and re-excreting the droppings of each other, in a constant, self-perpetuating cycle.

There is an added dimension in the Westminster bubble, where the politicians pick up the choicest turds and produce their own, which are seized upon by the ravening hoards of political hacks, to reinforce the cycle.

A classic example of the general dynamic comes with the Independent's story on the sailing the "Northeast passage". This has now been picked up by The Times and the Mail. Both repeat the elements of the story but the latter, in classic tabloid style, "adds a Union Jack" to it – on the assumption that the matter is of no interest to its readers unless there is a British dimension.

Thus we get: "Melting ice cap opens up Northeast Passage to British ships", the lead paragraph telling us that: "The price of British imports from Asia could fall after two merchant ships completed an historic shortcut over the once ice-bound top of the world."

Having planted the flag, the paper then goes on to re-excrete the Independent's droppings, asserting that, "They [the merchant ships] are the first commercial vessels to successfully travel between Asia and Europe using the Northeast Passage and the shipping lane could become a viable alternative to the established Suez Canal route during a six to eight-week window every summer."

Amusingly, not once in its piece does the Mail mention that the ships which completed the "historic shortcut" were German. Although the paper is happy to deliver its own variery of turds, its editors presumably judged that this particular bit of information was too strong for its readers' stomachs.

Nevertheless, the paper repeats without question the shipping company's claim – as retailed byThe Independent - that it had saved £180,000 per vessel by using the route to sail from South Korea to Rotterdam. We are faithfully told that: "It is 3,500 miles and ten days shorter than the established 12,500-mile merchant ship journey, which goes through the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean."

This is something I should have picked up in my critique of the Independent piece, as the claim is total garbage. The clue is actually in the piece, but I missed it on first reading. What we are told, in just one sentence, is: "The 12,000-tonne vessels' summer journey through the Northeast Passage was carried out with 3,500 tonnes of construction materials and parts for a Siberian power station on board."

You have to go to the shipping company's website to flesh out this detail, where one finds that thedestination of the ships was Siberia. It was delivering heavy components of a power plant to the Russian Novyy Port (see map) which serves the settlement of Yamburg in Obskaya Guba (Ob' Bay), where the shipment was to be delivered by barge to the mouth of the River Ob.

This begins to explain everything. The two ships involved, the Beluga Fraternity and Beluga Foresight, areheavy lift freighters, with special 250-ton cranes on board which enable them to deliver very heavy cargoes to sites which do not have developed dock facilities. Their task was to deliver a total of "44 cargo modules with single weights of 200 tons and above". (Sister ship, Beluga Family, illustrated - showing the unloading process.)

This does not stop turd-eater Tony Halpin, of The Times describing them as "two German container ships" and then referring to the "heavy merchant vessel Fraternity", unable - it seems - to understand the difference between "heavy" and "heavy lift". At 12,000 tons, heavy it ain't.

Nevertheless, since the whole purpose of the ships' journey was to deliver cargo to this Siberian town, it defies imagination as to how the owners were actually saving money, compared with taking a different route. They took that route because they were obliged to take it. There was no realistic alternative. And as the ships required not one, but two icebreaker escorts – as we now learn – it is extremely hard to see how the route could save any money at all for normal commercial traffic.

Turning to the Mail's assertion that, "The price of British imports from Asia could fall ... ", this is yet another fantasy. The massive container ships which ply the southern routes would not be suitable for the northern route, not least because the deep draughts would drastically limit their navigational flexibility in the shallows of the Kara and Laptev Seas, and the straits which shipping is forced to use.

More particularly though, there is the issue of punctuality. Dock facilities for container ships have to be booked well in advance. Loading and unloading is scheduled incredibly tightly, with massive financial penalties for delays. 

With transit through the northern route determined by ice conditions and weather, it would not be possible to estimate passage duration even to within a few days. Thus, the costs of being forced to use smaller, less economic ships, the uncertainties in passage time, the cost of icebreaker escorts and the slower speed of transit (compared with the 25 knots of ocean-going ships) would far outweigh the savings accrued from the shorter route length.

In short, the Mail story is garbage, a turd amongst turds, churned out by the never-ending legions of witless hacks whose sole purpose in life is to fill space, heedless of quality or accuracy of content.

The point, of course, is that in this particular story, the fact-checking is relatively easy and the errors very obvious. In other stories, the errors are equally grave but less obvious and much harder to check. But an industry which is capable of producing the low-grade material that we have just seen is capable of anything. Nothing, but nothing, should be trusted. Just because journalists produce turds does not mean we have to eat them.

Thousands rally for D.C. ‘taxpayers march’
Thousands of protesters from around the country gathered in Washington Saturday to demonstrate against expanding government intrusions, witnesses said.

 Protesters Say ‘Enough’ To Obama Health Plans 
 Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online

WeAreChangeOklahoma – Street Action September 11, 2009
On the Eleventh Day of Every Month, activists everywhere are called to take to the streets in the name of truth. In every town and every city – and by any nonviolent means necessary – we will reach out together to our fellow citizens and spread the word. 

 9/11 Victims Families’ Message to Obama, NYC, & the World

Day Before 911: Trillions Missing Still Unaccounted For
People are up in arms about the bailouts. Give-aways really. But they forget the biggest give-away of all time: $2.3 trillion missing, gone, no explanation.

Tea Partiers Tell CNN Reporter to Go Home and Tell the Truth
The brave reporter then attempts to ask the protesters a question: “What do you think of Congressman Joe Wilson?” The crowd reacts with applause, then starts chanting, “Way to go, Joe.”

Official responsible for light bulb ban is a former communist

The man responsible for the Europe-wide ban on traditional light bulbs can be revealed as a former Soviet Communist party member from Latvia.

Official responsible for light bulb ban is a former communist
Mr Piebalgs was a Communist party member in the 1980s, when he worked as a headteacher in what was then part of the USSR Photo: GETTY

Andris Piebalgs, 51, the European Commissioner for Energy, leads the team which drafted the controversial regulations that will see all incandescent bulbs phased out by 2012.

Far from being a faceless bureaucrat, Mr Piebalgs has waged a public war against opponents of the ban, mocking their stance and accusing them of being “resistant to change”.

Five UK MEPs – including representatives of Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru, Labour and the Liberal Democrats – endorsed the policy in a vote earlier this year, before the ban started to take effect at the beginning of this month.

Mr Piebalgs was a Communist party member in the 1980s, when he worked as a headteacher in what was then part of the USSR.

He went on to become a government minster in newly-independent Latvia, then a diplomat, before being appointed to the European Commission in 2004.

Writing on his blog, he likened the negative reaction to energy-saving light bulbs from many consumers to the response generated by past inventions such as the automobile and the telephone.

He recounted how the British Parliament had passed the Red Flag Act in 1865, which required early motor cars to have someone walking in front of them carrying a red flag.

He said: “Great ideas are sometimes slow to catch on ... These are understandable reactions as people are naturally resistant to change and more comfortable with what they (sic) already familiar with.

“Much like the car and the telephone caught on with everyone, I have no doubt that once Europeans start using the modern alternatives to the inefficient light bulbs, they will start to enjoy the advantages they have to offer.”

His comments in his blog, on the Commission’s website, brought angry responses from across Europe.

Martin Callanan, a Conservative MEP who opposes the bulb ban, said: “That is a stupid and ignorant assessment. Rather than forcing people to switch my removing their choice we should be using the right incentives to encourage change.”

One critic left a comment on the blog pointing out that when cars was invented, the authorities did not ban horses.

Ferran Tarradellas, spokesman for Mr Piebalgs, said the Commissioner had not intended to cause offence with his blog entry.

He said: "He was just putting forward explanations of why there is some resistance by people to new things. He was trying to say it was understandable some people react to some things with a certain amount of resistance."

The regulation to ban incandescent light bulbs falls under the so called Eco-design directive, which came into force in 2005, setting rules to make electronic products across the EU more energy-efficient.

The European Council, made up of the leaders of all EU member states, decided at 2007 at a summit chaired by Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, that the Commission should draw up proposals under the directive to phase out old-style bulbs.

Mr Piebalgs’ department was asked to draft the plans.

The regulations were drawn up in a two-year process in discussions with consumer groups and the light bulb industry before a draft was put before the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament.

When the issue came to a vote in the Environment Committee of the European Parliament in February of this year, a proposal to block the regulations were defeated by 44 votes to 14.

John Bowis, then a Conservative MEP, was the only UK member of the committee to vote against the ban.

He said last night: “It was clear to me, after having heard from a number of health groups, that there was a risk to health with low-energy bulbs.

"There is some evidence of these bulbs causing burns, migraines and affecting people with sight problems.

“I am not totally against low-energy light bulbs, but I do not think incandescent light bulbs should be phased out until there are enough adequate alternatives.”

The UK MEPs who voted in favour of the ban were Bairbre de Brun (Sinn Fein), Jill Evans (Plaid Cymru), Linda McAvan (Labour), Glenis Willmott (Labour) and Fiona Hall (Liberal Democrat).

Mrs Hall said: “I am a long-standing supporter of bringing in low-energy lighting.

"It is understandable that people are nostalgic and reacting negatively to change, but the fact is we do need to change as we can’t achieve the sort of cuts in greenhouse gases we need to achieve by carrying on as we have in the past.”

Two British MEPs on the committee, Chris Davies (Lib Dem), a supporter of the ban, and Martin Callanan (Conservative), an opponent, were unable to attend the vote due to other commitments.

Russians plan to break into British nuclear energy industry

Move by state-owned group revives fears over Kremlin's use of energy as a political weapon

The Russians have unveiled bold ambitions to break into the British nuclear market in a move which could revive nervousness about the Kremlin's use of energy as a political weapon.

State-owned Atomenergoprom has already signed a joint venture with Toshiba, whose Westinghouse subsidiary manages the UK's main nuclear fuel manufacturing plant at Springfields in Lancashire. It is in talks about a similar arrangement with Siemens, which wants to become a significant supplier to a new generation of reactors in this country.