Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Bat Yeor Speaks to Pamela, Atlas Shrugs Part I9:58

FULL 90 MINUTE INTERIEW HERE The brilliant, sagacious world's leading scholar on Islam - Bat Yeor
2 years ago 3,522 views atlasshrugs2000

Pamela, Atlas Shrugs Interviews Bat Yeor Part  39:57

Bat Yeor, David Littman, Dr. Andrew Bostom NYC on Wilders, Islam and the West10:00
Atlas join me in this impromtu interview with Bat Yeor discussing the state of the world
10 months ago 1,477 views atlasshrugs2000

Bat Yeor On Islamic Jihad8:23
Scholar on Islam Bat Yeor, and diplomat at the UN David Littman, explain Islamic conquest and the Dhimmi status placed upon peoples who have ...
1 year ago 3,172 views IsraelNationalTV
Eurabia The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'or10:00
A Colloqium marking the publication of the Hebrew edition of: "Eurabia The Euro-Arab Axis" by Bat Ye'or Chair:Prof. Eyal Zisser Head of the Moshe ...
1 year ago 2,034 views Anochi