Bank loans and the M3 money supply contracted at an accelerating pace in November, raising risk that a lending squeeze will choke region's recovery. 30 Dec 2009 The cost of borrowing for the British Government has surged to within a whisker of Italian levels as global markets issue their punishing verdict. 23 Dec 2009 Fitch Ratings has given its bluntest warning to date that Britain and France risk losing their AAA status unless they map out a clear path to budget discipline over the next year. 22 Dec 2009 Top economist says the contraction of bank lending in the US and Europe risks a slide back into recession. 22 Dec 2009 S&P says the super-strong euro is causing the rift in the eurozone between north and south to widen. 21 Dec 2009 It is becoming dangerous to associate with economic and ideological power in Southern Europe, or what Europol calls the "Mediterranean triangle" of anarchist violence. 20 Dec 2009 Domino effect fears on downgrade to €112bn of Spanish mortgage bonds. 18 Dec 2009Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has covered world politics and economics for a quarter century, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels. He is now International Business Editor in London.
Eurozone credit contraction accelerates
Gilts sell-off as Britain joins Italy in debt house
Fitch cautions Britain and France on AAA rating
Fall in lending risks return to recession, says Goodhart
Strong euro widens European rift
Euro 'Diktats’ risk terrorist response across Southern Europe
Moody's 'axe blow' to rating on Spanish debts
Sunday, 3 January 2010
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Britannia Radio