American Corporatocracy My Country 'tis of thee--Corporatocracy! Of Thee I Sing Another Five Banks Fail; : Regulators seized five banks in Florida, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington, lifting the total number of failures this year to nine as financial institutions struggle with loan defaults and a weak economy. California Layoffs Database: See if your company is planning big layoffs in 2010: California's WARN law requires certain companies with more than 75 employees to provide 60 days advance notice of a plant closing or mass layoff involving 50 or more employees.
By Paul A. Moore
The US government has been hollowed out during the rise to absolute power of the corporations. Elections have become an elaborate "reality show" that plays out on corporate television for viewers entertainment. Continue
By Daniel Patrick Welch
I know, I know. I've seen the blogosphere screeching about the Death of Democracy now that the Supreme Court has rolled back restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns. Whiners. Haven't you all stopped for even a moment to think how this might benefit humanity? Sure, sure, we're all aware of the downside, but would it kill us to think positive for a change? Continue
Monday, 25 January 2010
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Britannia Radio