Friday, 8 January 2010


Antisemitic incidents 2009, in pictures « Engage – the anti-racist ...
By Mira Vogel
Antisemitic incidents 2009, in pictures. January 6, 2010 — Mira Vogel. A long and depressing YouTube slideshow of graffiti and vandalism against Jews from the Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism. ...
Engage - the anti-racist campaign... -
John of AllFaith - From Canada: Immigration and Multiculturalism ...
By John of AllFaith
Even though Canada is celebrated around the world as being a successful model of mutual coexistence and tolerance, we too have seen a troubling increase in incidents of anti-Semitism. B'Nai Brith Canada publishes the authoritative ...
John of AllFaith -
Canadian Heebs pissed about Women's Ski Jump Event. Wag the Hitler.
By Jhoffa_X
Every year, B'nai Brith puts out an "audit" of anti-Semitic incidents in Canada. And every year, the document is reported on by the mass media, which uncritically parrots the group's absurd contention that anti-Semitism is a growing ...
Argue With Everyone Political Forums -
Our -
So how have we addressed these growing incidents of anti-Semitism? Well first of all, on the domestic level, our government has worked with the Jewish ...
Antisemitism and Racism - The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study ...
Responses to Antisemitism and Racism. Judicial Response. Many antisemitic incidents in the Netherlands are not reported at all. Some Jews feel there is no ...