Friday, 29 January 2010

At Last. America Grants Asylum to Germans

A quote from Deutsche Welle, 27 January 2010

An American judge on Tuesday granted asylum to a German couple who wanted to homeschool their children, bringing international attention to the debate in Germany over the rights of parents to freely educate their children.

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Will the Euro Survive the Greek Crisis?

A decade ago, the introduction of the euro, the common currency of 16 of the 27 EU member states, was a political decision – not a monetary one. When the euro was introduced in 1999, Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman wrote to his friend, the Italian economist Antonio Martino: “As you know, I am very negative about the euro and I am very doubtful about how it will work out. However, I am less pessimistic about it now than I was earlier simply because I never expected that the various countries would display the kind of discipline that was required in order to qualify for the euro.”

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