Oxfam and other NGOs are right to raise humanitarian concerns and point to poverty as a driver of civil unrest in Sudan. However, Global Witness believes that increased transparency in the oil sector is also imperative to avoid a return to violence (World briefing, 7 January). Oil wealth has been a crucial axis of instability. It was a key driver of the conflict, and the oil-revenue-sharing agreement formed the basis of the peace settlement. That agreement will end next year, coinciding with a referendum in which the south is likely to vote to secede – taking 80% of the oil wealth with it. The current agreement gives the south half of the revenues from southern wells, but leaves the north in control of generating information on how much is produced. Our investigations have revealed discrepancies in the figures reported by Khartoum and those from the main oil company operating in the area, CNPC. This lack of transparency is fuelling the mistrust between the two parties, and exacerbating the tensions around the referendum and borders. This week is critical: energy ministers are considering draft terms of reference for an oil revenue audit, which could build grounds for trust in the future. Global Witness welcomes this move and believes that the ministers should recommend that the audit be carried out by a credible, independent organisation. It should mandate the establishment of systems by which the oil volumes, oil prices and oil companies' costs can be verified. Rosie Sharpe Senior campaigner, Global WitnessThe axis of instability in Sudan: oil wealth
Monday, 11 January 2010
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Britannia Radio