Sunday, 10 January 2010

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European

Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Climate change: the true price of the warmists' folly is becoming clear

From the Met Office's mistakes to Gordon Brown's wind farms, the cost of 'green' policies is growing, warnsChristopher Booker

09 Jan 2010

Britain is ruled by 26 illegal Brussels sprouts

The EU's Commissioners are still occupying their posts illegally, says Christopher Booker

09 Jan 2010

How David Miliband betrayed Tibet

The Foreign Office's appeasement of Tehran has some strong precedents, says Christopher Booker

09 Jan 2010

Happy New Year to the inch and the ounce

2010 is the year that imperial measures would have ended, if they hadn't been vigorously defended, says Christopher Booker.

02 Jan 2010

The Met Office gives us the warmist weather

The UK's official weather forecasters are determined that winters should be mild, in the face of the frozen facts, says Christopher Booker.

02 Jan 2010

The questions Dr Pachauri still has to answer

Dr Rajendra Pachauri's position as the world's "top climate official" has been earning a substantial income for the institute he runs, says Christopher Booker.

26 Dec 2009

Copenhagen accord keeps Big Carbon in business

The Copenhagen summit achieved its main aim, to maintain the carbon-trading system established by the Kyoto Protocol, says Christopher Booker.

19 Dec 2009

John Simpson in Romania: 10 days that rooked the world

As the BBC's John Simpson ducked the bullets in Bucharest in 1989, he missed the real story of the revolution, says Christopher Booker.

19 Dec 2009

Jon Snow falls for Ed Miliband's figures

The climate change secretary was conservative, to say the least, in estimating the cost of his Climate Change Act on Channel 4 News, saysChristopher Booker.

12 Dec 2009

What links the Copenhagen conference with the steelworks closing in Redcar?

The carbon credits boom is already costing British jobs, saysChristopher Booker.

12 Dec 2009

Blindfolds hide the crucial issues at Copenhagen

It is now obvious that the science behind rising CO2 levels is far from settled, writes Christopher Booker.

08 Dec 2009

Climategate: 'the most influential tree in the world'

Leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit show how the world's weightiest climate data has been distorted, says Christopher Booker.

05 Dec 2009

Climategate is the worst scientific scandal of our times

Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash, saysChristopher Booker

28 Nov 2009